Monday, October 1, 2012

Who Knows Who: FBI, DOD, and CIA: James Whitey and Laura Laughlin

I had police officers in Wenatchee refusing to rent to me (when I found out they were the landlord), telling me, "Not unless you have your fiance with you" after I split up with Alvaro Pardo.

Alvaro Pardo was a U.S. government employee.

I have been punished by the U.S. ever since I broke up with him, for not giving him a fast way into the U.S. to keep working for the U.S. I've had FBI who work at colleges or know those who do, try to punish me by telling me one thing and then taking the rug out from under me, as if to punish me for "changing my mind" about Alvaro.

The main retaliation, since I broke up with him, has been to tell me something and then "change their mind" and leave me out in the cold, with nothing, in a bad position.

Why? I guess it's because they THINK I did this to Alvaro. I did not. HE broke his commitment and promises and brought it upon himself. He also tried to set me up.

He is connected to a huge long line of U.S. cops and government intelligence that all knew eachother.

Alvaro knew Chris Dabney, and Mike from Birch Bay (who was connected to U.S. cops and Border Patrol). Dabney knew Mark, the Army truck driver who showed up in New Mexico, after I called the New Mexico FBI and let them know where I was. He was connected to FBI. New Mexico FBI contacted Seattle FBI after they looked me up when I called them and Laura Laughlin then knew I was in New Mexico.

This is why Seattle FBI and Department of State were willing to "work with me" when Alvaro showed up on the scene, because he was a cop and connected to cops in New York FBI, Washington D.C. FBI Headquarters, Maryland cops, and then the Pacific NW.

The locations Alvaro proposed to me to live in, were CIA or FBI headquarter towns in a couple of different states. He was able to move and relocate because he was already affiliated with FBI and CIA. His idea was to live in Phoenix, Arizona, where one CIA headquarters branch is, that is heavily connected to U.S. DOD operations, and where also an FBI office is.

He told me himself that he worked FOR and with the FBI.

He was always working for the U.S. while he was in the country.

Basically, everything is always my fault. I get accused of "It's never your fault" and "take responsibility for yourself..." If that were the case, all of these rapes would have ALL been my fault. NO ONE else would ever be guilty of ANYTHING or have any responsibility for anything.

I said to my mother, "I want my son returned" and she said, "That's not going to happen."

If the FBI and CIA do not fix their internal gang-bang problem, and if someone does not investigate the crime of taking my son from me, these people are going to jail.

I left this country with my son. We LEFT. I left this country and left ASKING FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM.

I RENOUNCED this country for torturing me and my son.

The U.S. illegally harassed me and my son when we left the country illegally and had established residency in another country. By purposes of international law, our domicile, and the domicile of my son, at his very young age, was in Canada. The domicile of the child under age 2 goes with wherever the parent is, and where they have stated they are going to live.

The U.S. never had any legal right to harass me and my son, force us back here, and then TORTURE us BOTH again.

Then, the U.S. set me up with MORE of their U.S. federal employees, who again date-raped after they made sure I was first drunk.

This is what they were doing to me before I left the country, and they started all of that up again, after they forced me into a position of having no house, no car (it was in Canada), no job, no money, and telling me no one was going to help me. They bring around their FBI and military, right at that time, positioned to be the only person offering me assistance, and raped me.

and again,
and again.

And then Laura Laughlin wants to hide her James Whitey contacts and how they were involved with the Colombians.

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