Friday, October 5, 2012

Google, Molina & Telephonic Harassment (CA, OR, WA)
I am typing in a search for which museum currently holds 'the mystic hunt' and whoever is directing my Google search is sending me all over the place instead.
Repeatedly bringing up "delicious", and search results with "Delicious" and having nothing to do with which museum holds the mystic hunt.

I don't think anyone even knows how "important" some group must think I am, to constantly harass me even with my Google searches.   I seriously do not know anyone, and might like to meet someone, who has to put up with the same amount of unlimited harassment with all online activities.
If others have their pages redirected all over the place, and get bizarre results for Google searches, have their Blogger accounts hacked and ruined and then refused repair by Blogger, get ads about death all the time and what to do for the dying loved ones in your family, have MS Word programs not loading, and all kinds of problems, that would be very interesting.  I would like to know how many others put up with this because it seems to me that I get one-on-one attention 24-7.
Also, add to this, constant telecommunication harassment.
I called OSU the other day, during business hours and got their telephone recording that said they were closed.  I recorded it but I might have deleted it by mistake.
I called OSU's main number several times.  It was their 1-800 number and it was afternoon and they were open.  I guess I did record it and do have it because I downloaded everything.  I repeatedly got their business closed message.
This is the exact same thing that businesses in California were doing to me, and Wenatchee courthouses, in 2005.  It went from 2005 until 2006.  Before my calls were being redirected to totally different numbers (when I was in East Wenatchee), while I lived in Wenatchee, this was happening with my calls to Molina (insurance company in CA), and with all of the branches of Molina.  I called several different branches of Molina and they all did the same thing.  I called out of state then and the same thing.   It was very obvious that Molina knew about it too.  How would they know?  I mean, how would they know if only my phone was getting their "closed" message when they were open?  They couldn't know unless several people who worked at Molina had government connections.
The first time it ever happened, it happened in either Washington state or California, with Molina Insurance Company.  In Washington, it was the Chelan-Douglas courthouse.  I called the courthouse for important matters and they kept giving me the "closed" message, repeatedly, even though they were not closed.  I finally had to talk to their tech person there and told him what was happening.  I wasn't being put through to the correct VM boxes, and that was after a week or more of trying to get ahold of the courthouse and 100% of the time getting a "closed" message.  The Wenatchee courthouse tech said he wasn't aware of any problems and no one else had reported anything.  This happened long before I even had a CPS report against me, and before anyone tried saying I was mentally ill to cover for crime.  It was California (hi Katie dear), and Washington (courthouse only).  After this, it spread to my trying to call places besides the Wenatchee courthouse.  That was later, and when I tried calling any given number, I was getting re-routed all over the place.  I mean, everywhere but where I was calling.  Because most normal people never have this happen to them, it sounded crazy for me to talk about it, or like I was just entering in the numbers wrong but I wasn't.  I was having all of my calls re-routed to mental health agencies when I placed a call for Fred Meyer, or Safeway, or any normal store.
Then, in Oregon, the first time this same thing happened was a few days ago, through OSU. It never happened when I was living in Oregon before.  I had mail disruptions and other problems, like my printers frying and technology problems, but no one escalated it to what appears to be state-sponsored harassment, until I was living in Washington.
Then it was done to me by Molina in California.  I don't remember any other business doing this to me.  Molina was also the only business that had telephone operation centers for their customer service.
Hmm.  Let me guess.  Molina is connected to the Linda Carter Mexicans, and again, Katie Middleton is related to Carter?  Or what?  Molina people just had personal problems?  I just reviewed Molina now.  They were sued in April 2011. The litigation is pending.  I hope to God that the attorney taking on Molina WINS because that company gave me NO PEACE.  They were from HELL.
I ended up talking to their main administration in California, I mean, the offices of the owner, Molina.  Their harassment of me was so bad, and so bizarre, I would not ever doubt they later became a part of criminal activities against me and my son.  I was in tears over them.  And then the Wenatchee courthouse started doing the exact same thing.
Instead of being discredited as participating in federal crimes, around this time they called me "mentally ill" instead and tried to make me sound like I imagined my calls went to other places and that businesses were all open when I got closed messages.  I even taped some of the phone conversations with Molina and possibly some of those tapes ended up in Canada with my car, where the U.S. colluded with Canada, to have my vehicle left.
They forced me to go without a car.  The U.S. did it to me first and they didn't want me to have my car later either.  They stole my car twice.
The problems with Molina were really, really bad and totally unexpected.  I had no idea why they were treating me the way they were.  My idea was that it was more "Catholic punishment" for daring to sue the Catholic Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon.  The owners were hispanic Catholic and in addition to all the telephone harassment, all of these Molina employees were taking my calls as "Mary".  I thought, "How many Mary's can one business have?"  It was like they were mad at me for "insulting Mary" or so they thought, so I got connected to every single Maria and Mary they had.  It was so often I was sure it wasn't even the real name of most of them and just to try to get to me.  I had some serious questions about my healthcare bill and coverage and then this was happening.  Finally, I faxed something to Molina and I faxed something to one other party, Social Services in Wenatchee and it was the 1st time I was using my brand new fax machine.  It was brand new out of the box and I had not used it once (I was busy).   I would have to think for a moment because I knew I faxed only 2 people but need to make sure which ones...bc I am thinking one was maybe a law firm or maybe it was just that I thought afterwards they were connected to the law firm that did this to me all the time (Bullivant).  I got a call or something, and as soon as some group knew my fax was connected to my phone line, and therefore on, and plugged in, someone fried it.  It burned up right then and there through some kind of surge.  It was within 1 hour of using it.  It was the 3rd fax machine that was fried by technology means.  The first 2 times happened in Oregon when I had litigation ongoing.  The only group calling to see if I had the fax plugged in was the Bullivant firm.
This is the same firm that threatened my grandparents and tried to intimidate them like the mafia.  They did this on their company letterhead.  So they are very clearly connected to the Department of Justice and to people who have technology for destroying equipment.
The same firm that committed a federal felony by threatening my grandparents (over my lawsuit, which my grandparents had nothing to do with), also was using people to destroy my fax machines.  This is the same firm whose offices were right across from the open parking lot where my first jacket (a ski jacket) was stolen in 1994 on Cinco de Mayo.  I did not even have litigation involving that firm at that time.  I had just returned from New Jersey and my belongings were suddenly being stolen from me, right and left.
I just looked at Molina's history and they entered the market in Texas in 2006.  I remember that was when I had problems with them. 2005-2006.  It was mainly in 2006.  My son was already born and I was trying to wrap up some business and I had bought a new fax machine but didn't use it.  The way my fax machine was being fried, for whatever reason, involved making sure it was plugged in and connected to my phone line for some reason.  If it was off or not connected to the phone line, I don't know why, but they couldn't fry it.  So someone needed the phone line connection for some reason and then they were tapping into something and frying it.  Someone always called ahead of time, to make sure it was plugged in.
I had THREE fax machines fried, one right after the other, consecutively.
Someone really needs to take a major lawsuit against Bullivant, Houser, Bailey.  I don't believe anyone has ever challenged that law firm.  They're powerful and connected to other powerful firms and people.  You don't really have any idea.  They need to be hit hard.    Actually, this firm committed a federal crime.  They broke the law and committed a felony.
They should have been investigated but I don't believe they ever will be, because they have FBI working inside their firm that is part of the crimes.
Since Blogger/Google has refused to fix the problems with their Blogger format on my account, causing everything to run together, I put this link to evidence inbetween all of my paragraphs.
I had evidence for many crimes that occured against me.  I had tape-recorded things covertly, and I had records and documentation and emails printed out.  All of this evidence was stolen from me.  All of it.  Some of it was in Canada, against Farmers' (Donna Ciaramella) and against Molina Insurance Company (possibly), Chelan-Douglas county courthouse,  and others.  Then I had more documentation and everything--EVERYTHING--was destroyed.  Key witnesses to felonies have been murdered.   I am talking about key witnesses to crimes committed against me and my son, were murdered.  My Great-Uncle Jay, the one who intercepted and got the "threat" from John Kaempf of Bullivant, Houser, Bailey, was murdered.  Supposedly he had a stroke, and something occured to look "natural" and I know HE WAS MURDERED.  He died right at the time that I was going to contact him to be a witness for me and this U.S. government knew it.  He was the one who opened the mail that contained the felony threat to intimidate witnesses from Bullivant.  Bullivant has always known of their liability from that point-on.  And as long as I was forced to be homeless and penniless, they weren't worried about Jay.  They kept me drugged, out of money, and told everyone I was crazy.  Then they forced me to work at Logan's, around a bunch of Catholic psychics who could be counted on to pass along anything about me to Bullivant and other lawyers and firms that knew they had something to worry about with me.  The law firm that Logan's uses (international) knows Bullivant.  They knew then, later, that I was preparing and thinking about my Uncle Jay all the time, and calling him to be a witness against Bullivant.
Jay was murdered.
He was murdered at the exact same time I was thinking about him and calling him to testify for me.  There is no mistake.  The U.S. used their Catholic psychics to benefit those who already had personal problems with me.  They used the U.S. government and taxpayer monies to use me and torture me so their lawyers could try to stay ahead of me.


Bullivant is a criminal organization.  They are fucking MAFIA.  FUCK YOU.  You are responsible for the MURDER of Jay.  You fucking criminals.
I was forced to work for the Catholic man who owns Logan's Roadhouse, so he and his pals with Bullivant could keep ahead and try to anticipate what my next moves would be.  They are NOT entitled to a $40,000 lien against me for their attorney's fees because they are going to lose their FUCKING SHIRTS.  You can take your fucking fraudulent claim of $40,000 and start thinking about whether or not it was worth it to torture me and my son and threaten family members you fucking Mafia Fucks.

I have to do a little more research, but I have an idea about Bailey.  I found out the Thebault family that I was a nanny for, has Bailey relatives through Lisa Thebault's family.  I do not know if the Bailey that started Bullivant Bailey Houser is related but if so, it would then make sense as to why this firm was involved in crimes against me in 1994, before I had ever even met their lawyers through litigation against the Abbey in 2001.


First of all, even if Bailey is not connected to Lisa's relatives who are living in Texas, even if that is the, I believe they are related.  I have to confirm it, but nothing else explains the crimes against me.  You fucks fucked up. 

Then Lisa put her kids into Benedictine schools.  She started paying the Benedictines.  The Benedictines were the ones who lied about me to everyone and got Bullivant Houser Bailey involved in 2001.  Their lawyers were observing me at the Christmas concert I went to with Nora Krevans in 1999 or so, before I even had litigation with them, and they were the firm stealing my jacket out of my car in 1994 on Cinco de Mayo.  Not only that, they knew the cop that went out to take my call that day and watched the entire thing.  Lisa's relatives did her a favor through a law firm and then she began paying the Benedictines for defaming me through a convenient form of money-laundering.  She enrolled her kids into a Benedictine-run school. 

"Should I give donations to the Benedictines that are slandering Cameo for me? Hmm, no, too conspicuous. I know! I can make the money look clean by enrolling Chrissy and Philly and Lauren and Ditto into a Benedictine school! I hope the Benedictines do a reeaaaally good job at ruining her life because I am so mad that Cameo called the IRS about us."
This is how criminals launder money discreetly.  They give "charitable donations" so it doesn't look like a payment for hiring a hit man.  OH GOOD GOD YOU ARE FUCKED.

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