Friday, October 5, 2012

Lisa Mast, Forced Eviction, Book Order Set-Up, & U.S. Govt. Hostage

I signed up to go to Oregon State.  I was thinking I could change my mind and even return OSU's money if I worked something out with Eastern Oregon University.  I was looking into this, and then in the meantime, I wanted my books ordered (which I could return) so I could at least have those ready if I didn't go to EOU and return OSU's money.

I got set up.

My mother told me since the 2nd that on the 2nd she was placing the book order.  I actually asked her to order books last Friday, which was September 28th.  She said she didn't want to do it or couldn't and I said I didn't want a whole weekend to go by.  She said she'd do it the next week.

So on Monday, I asked her to do it--it was the 1st.  She didn't do it.  I asked if it was done and she said she'd do it the next day.  So on the 2nd I asked and it wasn't done either.  Every day I kept asking and she would tell me at the end of the day it wasn't done.  The last 2 days it was stalling  by telling me at the last minute she needed more information about something when it was already something she could figure out.

If I went to OSU, they knew the entire point was to have a garden.  Part of the entire reason of even choosing OSU was to possibly double-major in English and online Horticulture.  The whole point of online Horticulture was that my garden was over here.

But then for the last month, I kept asking my Dad to help me put up a fence around the garden and he refused.  The deer ate everything I had, when everything I had was growing well and would have been good produce.  If he had helped me put up fencing, like he said he was going to, I would have all of my cauliflower, brocolli, cabbage, and other green plants that I planted, which all grew and were not covered in pests.  I put up a temporary fence until he could help me and he bought the roll of fencing, but it was too heavy for me to unroll myself and I asked him to help.  He never helped me.  So the deer ate everything.  Basically, they let me plant a garden and bought fencing and then never helped me to keep the deer out so I had to watch all of my work and effort go to nothing.

My garden was a test plot this year and next year I was going to try to sell organic goods. 

My parents knew the reason to go to OSU was for online Horticulture as a potential double major and the entire objective was as something for my garden. 

So they waited until after I signed up at OSU, took their check, and then didn't get books for me for a week and a half.  The first week, most of it, was my fault, because I waited on some OSU faculty to let me know if I could do a research project and I was going to cancel some classes and do that instead.  So I waited on getting the books, for the 1st week, because of faculty.  The OSU faculty kept saying maybe yes, maybe no, maybe.  Finally, I needed an answer and they said no, the ones I talked to. 

One full week had gone by and I couldn't order books because I didn't know which ones I would need if I was doing research instead.

Then I asked my mother to order my books and for another week, they didn't do it.

Then, on the day I asked for my money back to do it myself, they gave me an eviction notice.

So they evicted me without any prior warning, after I signed up with OSU and knowing the entire point of OSU was to add online Horticulture was to be able to work on my garden and use that.

Now 2 weeks have gone by and I don't have any books.  It means the A's I would have received in all classes are more likely to be "B"s.  I don't have a garden to use now and if they had told me that to start with, I probably wouldn't have signed up at OSU.

Basically, my garden is ruined, my college, is ruined, and out of the money I asked them to return to me, they kept $20 for themselves.

$20 is what Alvaro gave me to buy some food with the first week we were together (this was after I was forced to stay in his room because they locked me out of the room I was told I could sleep in that would be my own).   He went to work and gave me $20 because I had just been fired from my job at the Latin-American restaurant on 14th and said, "You could buy something to eat" since no one was going to be around to cook and I only had a few things with me.

I asked them where the $20 was this morning and they said they didn't know.  They said if it wasn't there, I shouldn't worry about $20 for over 1 1/2 years of staying with me.

Yesterday I went for a walk and noticed my mother smiling with all these people, who knew what she was doing with my book order, and then she saw me and quit smiling.  I thought, "Why would my Mom quit smiling when she sees me?"  I didn't have a bad look on my face.  And the day before I was questioning her, "If Patty Otterbach is your 'friend' then why does she harass me now whenever she's driving past me?"  Patty did this to me twice this week, coming from the direction of my parent's house.

This entire time I've lived here, I've been used for U.S. government research.  The ENTIRE time.  I have put up with this, just to be near my parents.  But some of the research done using me has even been from my Mom and Dad.  They work for the U.S.  I do not.  I am used by the U.S. and I have never been paid.

Yesterday I went to mail something and I picked up a sheet of stamps and asked her to put in the protective slip.  So it was this rectangular sheer white protective thing that went over the sheet of stamps and then my Mom was behind me picking something up and it was a rectangular green LLBean package she'd ordered.  I walked out and some woman was sitting in her car staring at me and scowled and her face dropped when she saw me with this and then my Mom was behind me.  We both walked out with rectangular packages, mine white, hers green and white and then I got into the car and it was "Reeses" pearl tapioca pudding package (green and white and rectangular) on the seat.

When I walked out of the post office and then my Mom, all these military men in trucks, drove by with shock and laughing like "Wow! amazing!"  Amazing that my mother predicted something.  Amazing that my Mom and Dad both can read minds. 

I have been used for U.S. government research the entire time I have lived here, with people looking in from the U.S. Army and other military, to see how their disgusting projects are moving along.  The only reason I've stayed is because even if my parents use me, they are my parents, and the U.S. uses me and tortures me with or without my being near my parents.  So for being in touch with my parents, and because of the torture this God-forsaken country has committed, I stayed next to them and want to continue to do so.  But I guess the whole 1977 and "I was sexually molested as a child" thing was too close for comfort.  About the time I brought up my being used for U.S. government research and the fact I was raped as a kid, and drugged as a kid, makes the U.S. uncomfortable. 

I was given the name and phone number of people "to call" a couple of weeks ago and the U.S. was already trying to set things up against me.  Trying to put in a replacement couple to transport me instead of my Mom or Dad.  The last time I got a ride from them, they asked me if I had any hobbies and then laughed.  They said this as I was then trying to prove that I was an Oregon resident to EOU, by the law that says if you are doing other things in Oregon but are not a FT student, you are a resident. 

I believe my parents have another kid over here too.  My Dad freaks out every time I bring it up.  I think it might be some kind of illegitimate kid my Dad had.  She was born around the time he was accused of having an affair by my mother and then he has spent almost all of his time with her.  He played with her and spent time with her while my son Oliver was suffering in Wenatchee, and no one was doing anything to help us then.

The only time I was allowed to move next to my parents, was after 7 years of being forced away from them while this other little girl was being pampered, the one Sheila McGhee hates me over.  Sheila never wanted me here and hated me on sight.  She was jealous of me and thought the attention was going to go to me instead of this girl of hers (grand-daughter supposedly) that my Dad visited all the time.  I was only allowed to move next to them and have any support of any kind, after my Uncle Howard said over the phone to me, "There is no reason why your parents shouldn't be helping you out."  He said, "Why are they not letting you live next to them?  They have plenty of money."  He brought this up to me and when I wrote to my parents or called and told them what my Uncle Howard said, then I was allowed to move here.

So I moved over here to find out it's all a horrific research program.  And my Dad had a kid, possibly, out of wedlock, that he now favors over me and my brother and his own grandson Oliver.  I guess since things didn't turn out for us, he thinks she is the Great White Hope.  She is being "programmed" for U.S. government reasons, just like the rest of us.  Lucky her.

Well, now Uncle Howard is dead.

No one to ask questions anymore. 

The ENTIRE time I have lived here, I've been used for U.S. government research.  I was tortured, and that was not even the half of what was being done to me over here.  Despite all of this, since the only people I really know at all are my parents, and since I was tortured and used for research regardless of where I go in the U.S., I wanted to live here next to my parents.

I'm being forced into isolation again, and forced out of my business idea for the garden, and all of this, after I already signed up for things.

Where is my son?

The entire purpose of forcing me out is to minimize me and my finances again.  My garden helped me with providing food so I could get by further with food, and was intended to be a raspberry garden for next year.  They gave me an eviction notice before I could even buy one raspberry plant and put it in the ground.

The U.S. has used me, raped me repeatedly, withheld and destroyed records, stolen all of my personal belongings through federal government employees, and ruined every single business idea or attempt I have ever had.

Not only that, after I finally get my books ordered, 2 weeks late and now when there is almost no point because they stole my garden from me, now they have created instability and upheaval by giving me this eviction notice, forcing me to look for housing when I need the time to catch up on college work.

This country has done nothing but keep me in a state of total poverty and instability.  If I have zero money, they allow me to stay in one place.  They figure I can't do anything with zero money anyway, so they leave me alone and carry out experiments on me while I am stuck in one place.  If I have any money of any kind, they throw out ideas for destabilizing me and taking up my time on other things so my energy is not directed at holding the U.S. criminals accountable, and to prevent me from having success at anything I do.

Proof?  When I was trying to appeal for my son's case, I was tortured the entire time.  The entire time I was here, I was prevented access to printer or paper and from appealing and in addition, I was tortured at extreme levels.  When I got financial aid in April-June for 1 term of college, after the U.S. federal government made several delays, it was when most of my appeals were lost.  The U.S. deliberately stalled and held up my consolidation of my loans to keep me from having money to fight for my appeal.  They didn't want me to have financial aid monies for getting records and appealing.  It was early enough I had a chance.  But they kept me out of college and money and then they tortured me heavily.  This country made it 100% impossible to even appeal, and most of the reason was torture.  Do you see my video clips?  I had the same state of mind when I was tortured through all the appeals.  I wasn't mentally ill.  The U.S. just lied and tried to keep me from proving it was a lie.

The minute that I had finacial aid, then they used up all of my time and energy by disrupting my computer connections and making it impossible for me to take my classes.  They also harassed me.  I was tortured too, but not as much and during this time, they used all kinds of things to try to destabilize me. I was to go to college that Summer at community college and I was lied to.  They strung me along and lied to me until the deadline was up and I was tortured and left without money over summer, or furthering my education. 

They repeatedly knocked me down from whatever I was doing, no matter what it was. 

Now, I got a check and instead of leaving me alone, they used faculty to string me along and keep me waiting on ordering books and then my parents did this to me.  After 2 weeks of keeping me from getting my books, then I was served with an eviction notice which is another form of upheaval and creates instability at a time when I need my energy to prove U.S. crimes and to do well in college.

My goal was to have all As and this country constantly tries to ruin my life and dumb me down.

Not only that, they want to create additional expenses for me, so if I have anything from college, now they want me to have more bills to pay so I don't have money for anything else.

This country is criminal.  For 1 1/2 years I have been used for military research on this property and the FBI has always known about it.  They wouldn't be telling me to move now, either, unless they had some other disgusting and sick arrangment worked out for more research and hoping to give some other group better access to me.

They gave me the eviction notice at the same time they could no longer stall on my ordering books.  So first they occupied my time with trying to get classes I wanted and then with the book order.  Now they are trying to occupy all my time with looking for a place to live last minute, when they know I have to be catching up on classes instead.

God damn all of the people responsible. I truly pray and hope with all of my heart that God delivers justice against the people and groups who God knows deserve to be removed from positions, put in jail, and in some cases, who need to be killed and God knows which individuals are responsible for torture deserving of death.

I said this morning I didn't want to move and my Dad smirked and said, "It's too late."

Then I flipped out asking my mother why they decided to wait and give me an eviction notice now.  I said, "You could have told me you were going to this earlier, and you know I was using the garden for college.  The entire point of OSU was to have this garden and now I'm signed up with them and I have no garden."

If I do have a half-sister somewhere, I really don't care about her at all.  If, for example, it's this girl that all this time has been directed to, I think it's horrible that this is what this country did while my son Oliver suffered and wanted to be with me.  I don't think it's my Mom's kid, because my Mom doesn't act that interested.  Maybe that's because possibly it's not her kid and is the product of an affair.  It's more like my Dad's little pet.  Which is why Sheila was jealous because she worried at first that my Dad's attention would be divided because at first I went everywhere with my parents.

The time I said something, I had poop-feces, smeared all over the inside of my house.  I had that little brat, I think, even going into my house.  Then the other day, just recently, I was talking about her to my Mom at the front door and my Dad somehow overheard from the side door and wanted me to leave.  I thought, "Look at how his ears perk up over any mention of this girl."

I hate this country.  This country forced me and my son to live in East Wenatchee and be tortured rather than move next to my parents in Oregon.  I asked so many times and instead, I was being tortured and had an implant put into my teeth by a U.S. Army dentist. 

My parents are not just military-connected.  They have either been employed by the CIA or FBI.  Most likely, it's CIA and then the FBI was the group that harassed them and has tried roughing them up and using military to help.  My mother isn't military.  And MKUltra is a CIA program.  It would make sense that my Dad is military intelligence but it is also possible and likely they are CIA.  First of all, the CIA started MKUltra, with military.  It is a joint military-CIA program.  The FBI didn't start it, the FBI just uses people from the program sometimes.  Even, for example, this person they used, James Whitey,...His lawyers say he was an MKUltra kid.  If that's true, then Whitey was in a program managed by both the military and the CIA.  So then when he worked for the FBI as an informant, he was still connected in some ways to CIA and military.

These groups do NOT work alone.  They all work together.  So when someone like "Magistrate Clark" is deliberately getting rid of a habeas corpus petition, he's claiming it sounds "improbable" that the Pentagon, CIA and FBI...etc, are involved.  He knows they're involved.  Clark already knows or he wouldn't have been the one someone directed to have receive my habeas corpus petition.  To say it is only ONE group is what is most improbable.  My case with my son involves The Department of State, the military, CIA and the FBI.

I am pretty sure this forced relocation, of being served a 30 day notice, and the entire treatment of having my parents not get books on time, is part of an attempt to force me out.  From what I've gathered, the U.S. was going to let me live where I am and stay near my parents and have my garden, only if I went to Eastern Oregon University and became a teacher or, they hoped, got an ENNL licensure so they could let me do what I want here and then try to use me overseas.  If I went to OSU, if I had to go onto OSU campus for 1 term or commute, as I said I wanted to commute, the U.S. was going to find ways to interfere and block me.  They don't want me to drive and it is the U.S. that had my car stolen from me TWICE:  once in Oregon, by illegal "suspension" of license that wasn't even true, and towed my car away to obstruct my freedom of movement.  The second time was when they negotiated with Canada to have them leave my car in Canada so I didn't have a car.  So 2 different times, U.S. officials interfered with my ability to travel by basically stealing my vehicle from me.  Now, they think if I have to go to OSU campus at some point, this is an excuse to say I can't live near my parents anymore and that if I  have to do that, then they are going to force me out now.

Basically, the U.S. continues to find new ways to ruin my life and traumatize me.  Where's my counseling by the way? that I asked for, for 6 years while trying to prove I obeyed court orders and that I was not mentally ill?  The federal government obstructed me from counseling that would have been to my benefit and could have helped me get my son returned, for 6 years, from all kinds of federally funded places.  The only time they tried to bring up counseling, or made an offer of it, was AFTER they adopted my son away from me illegally.  For years, the federal government wanted everyone to believe that I was 'paranoid schizophrenic' when I am not, and they used this for a cover for their own crimes of torture against me and against children.

Now they want to move me out in a forced relocation, to be isolated away from even my parents again. 

This is not a case of independence problems. I have lived on my own from age 18-36.  I paid for my own rent from age 18-32 (until the time the U.S. kidnapped my son from me and defamed me as mentally ill to prevent me from getting a place to live...oh, unless I married their FBI man).  This is a case of torture.  I do not feel comfortable living away from my family since the U.S. has done these things to me.  The last time the U.S. tried to force me out, I was being told there was a trailer in the park for me and then I found out there was a young single U.S. military man living next door.  They wanted to try to hook me up with their U.S. federal man again, hoping maybe he'd get favors from me.  Before this, it was working at this place where a different U.S. military man was trying to take me out and I said no, I wasn't going out with anyone.  So now they want to isolate me again, with no car, to be trapped in an apartment by myself.

If I had gone to Eastern, they were going to leave me alone.  But since I'm going to OSU, they have harassed me again and are forcing me into isolation and relocation, with the excuse I guess, that if I signed up with a college where I have to commute one term, they are not going to allow me to commute and this is an excuse of 'if she is going to leave for some extended time, to leave her parents behind or because she is comfortable, then she doesn't need to stay near her family now and we are going to force her out."

The U.S. federal government makes all decisions about my life.  It doesn't matter what I try to do, they try to ruin it.

They had ideas about forcing me out and to forced relocation and isolation, weeks ago. I went to the healthfood store and ordered Teff flour, actually by phone first, and had just filled out an application to OSU.   I was given a quote for it, of $105 for 25 lbs.  Then when I had the money I prepaid and put in my order and they said sorry, it's no longer available and now we have a 10 lb bag for $107.  So I asked what company and then she said, "It says 'transition'". It was the owner of the store who told me this.   I said, "What does that mean?" and she said, "It's when a farm is in the process of becoming organic but is not fully organic yet but in transition."  I had this feeling right then and there that the U.S. was going to attempt to put me into "transition" and isolation.  And I knew it was housing, that they were going to attempt to force me out of my house and garden and into "transitional housing".  This is exactly what happened.  I am basically being forced to call Coos County "transition" housing program because I have no other options and that woman at the healthfood store knew what was planned weeks ago.  It wasn't my misinterpretation.  Sure, the organic company is in transition, fine.  But I still had a feeling there was an inside joke to it for some.  And I was right.  Even if it sounds weird, which is why I said nothing before, I was right.  And even a few days ago my Dad looked depressed and said to "investigate housing" for a different place to stay when I was told by Elizabeth Etherington (OSU) to "investigate grants" and she gave me 2 to look at.  Right after she told me to do this my Dad was saying to find housing. He said this a few days ago bc there was a plumbing problem.  But then it was fixed and no word about it, until I took my money to buy books for OSU.  Then, at the same time I was getting books from OSU, I was being given an eviction notice.

It was set up.

My Grandpa Garrett always sent me birthday cards of a Native American woman.  I think it was his way of telling me ahead of time, that I was not considered to be worthy of equal treatment by the U.S.  He never came out directly and said anything but he knew one day I'd figure something out.  The Native Americans were tortured, massacred, their babies stolen and kidnapped and murdered, and they were treated like half-breeds and only half-citizens with maybe half of the rights of normal citizens.  He also knew I would have my freedom of travel blocked by the U.S.  He knew I'd be forced around into forced relocation, exactly like the Native Americans.  He knew I'd be raped and already knew I had been raped.  Most likely, he tried to do something about it and then when he died, that was when I noticed all the other rapists coming out of the woodwork to get their federal government thrill.  I was raped by federal employees to get revenge against my Grandpa's name, and against my family. I was raped repeatedly to punish good people and to ruin my life. 

I know my parents knew Christa Schneider was not a good person.  My parents were already being tortured by the U.S. and FBI and Department of Justice by that time.  I know for a fact they knew something was wrong with Christa, because it was the only time I said they should meet her, and they didn't want to.  Any of my other friends, my entire life, my parents have wanted to meet.  But they never wanted to meet Christa and then I found out they already knew who she was and that she and her family were criminals and had power with the U.S. government.  I kept saying, "How come you don't want to meet her?" and used to wonder all the time why they acted so strange at the mention of her name.  Then I found out my mother had sold her horse for almost a give-away price to the Schneider's good friends, a woman that "mentored" Christa, whom Christa was extremely close to.  There isn't any possible way my parents didn't know her already.  So if they didn't want to meet her and yet they never said they knew her, it was out of fear.  Fear is the only reason they wouldn't talk about it. 

She is the only person, in my entire life, that my parents didn't want to meet and I found out, much later, why.  Her family is criminal and they work for the U.S. government.  And Christa was the one who wanted to set me up to be raped again.   She knew about my being raped already but she was one who did NOT want me to report it.  In addition to not wanting me to report it, she worked at setting up conditions to have me repeatedly raped after my Grandpa Garrett died.  It was never dared before he died and then when he was, I believe, murdered in 2002, which is the same time Katie started sucking Royal dicks, Christa was making sure I was set up to be raped further.

Christa Schneider is pure evil.  Her entire family is.  I think her sister Dani is possibly even worse than Christa and she's the one who lives in Texas.  Even while acting as my "friend", Christa was coming up with the most hideous ideas of "getting revenge" against her boyfriends or anyone she thought had betrayed her.  I had never had a friend before that would say, outright, "I am going to get revenge" and then she would tell me how she was methodically plotting revenge against her exes.  Whenever she talked about these things (she plotted "revenge" against more than one boyfriend), I always got quiet and just listened because I couldn't believe the things coming out of her mouth to me.  She always talked about getting revenge and "making them suffer".  Then, of all things, I find out she knows the NY FBI's Karin who is Canadian and lived next to Stephanie Maiers and became her best friend.  It's like Nightmare on FBI Street.

It wasn't like she just "vented", the way I now do sometimes (for me, after years of literal torture and knowing people I vent against are outright criminals).  She would talk about what she was going to do to them, or have done to them, step by step.

There were times she talked about "making them suffer" by saying she was going to stand naked in their house and not let touch her, I mean, like "psychological suffer" as in temptation or something but she also plotted serious revenge ideas.  If she talked like this to me, when she was only pretending to be my friend all along, I have no idea what horrific things she'd have done to others, aside from the torture she's known has been committed against me and my son.  This woman in town, "Lisa Mast", by the way, is from California, and that's where Christa Schneider's family moved from.  They originally were California residents.  Lisa Mast is the "protestant" woman who knew about my tooth being drilled into by remote technology and who was watching for signs of pain (I wrote about her already).  She's a legal secretary.  I would place a good bet that she is connected to the Schneiders.

She is from California, like Rob Schneider is from California.  She is working as a legal secretary for a Prosecuting Attorney's offices (criminal), and Rob Schneider worked as a Prostecuting Attorney for the U.S. feds in Portland.  I am sure they know eachother and maybe that is one link I am looking for when wondering how she would know what was done to me. 

I can guess Clinton, because of her attendance at the Methodist Church, and I can make a very bet on Schneider.  I say they know eachother.

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