Thursday, October 4, 2012

U.S. Department of State video clip about Alvaro's affairs

I think that instead of going in order and uploading everything, since the U.S. thinks it's funny to torture their citizens, and set them up, I'm going to upload the one about Alvaro next and then go back to September 27th.

This is the one about the U.S. Department of State.

Yeah. This is about retaliation over Alvaro and Department of State and Department of Justice/FBI/military issues.

My Mom had no problem mailing out my check until the 1st. On the 1st I began talking about Maryland, NY, D.C. FBI Headquarters and Virginia and Pentagon problems. So then when I was picking up food at the food bank run by the man who does counseling in Portland for the FBI and who moved over here, who also worked for the CIA and at a Military Veterans hospital, I was being asked to choose which bread I wanted and it was mainly baguettes. They already had ideas about forcing me out.


Because they don't like the fact that I am not on their side or team.

I think the U.S. was waiting to see if I was going to try to work things out with EOU, this other college, after they treated me badly and when I didn't, I think they realized they can't expect the same "forgiveness" from me for their criminal torture of me.

This country has raped me repeatedly, tortured me, used me for research, drugged me, kidnapped my son, colluded with Canada to repeatedly falsely arrest me...

No, I am not on their side. They know if I have my son, we will leave the country. This is why the U.S. has held me hostage in this country, and held my son hostage. The U.S. thought if I married someone who worked for them, that if they quit torturing me and he worked for the U.S. gov, that if I got my son back, I would live in the U.S. and oh! maybe my son would be raised by Alvaro, and maybe he'd get shown into the U.S. govt. too. So the only chance the U.S. gave me of having my son returned, or I should say, gave themselves for correcting their crimes and knowledge of crimes, was if I married Alvaro.

They thought I might be convinced to stay here and live in this country if I did.

The United States is obligated, by law, to return my son because they kidnapped him while they tortured me.

They know that anything I do here in this country will be to prove how criminal they are, get my son, and leave. So now they are again trying to force me out. My mother just said something to me about how maybe I would meet some people in a "homeless shelter".

I said I do not feel comfortable leaving the property when this country tortures me. I think it's that the blond-with-the-buckteeth doesn't want me around (the neighbor I mentioned recently who goes to the Methodist church and has the little lion statutes in front of her house, AKA Big Boobs). I said what is the point of having me move? I am not going to socialize with anyone in this country so if they think someone is going to be friends with me, forget it. I am not going to date, and I really don't care to meet the neighbors either. I am not a recluse--it's that I don't trust this country after they already moved me around and forced me to stay here or to move out there. This country is criminal. I have no interest in meeting more U.S. citizens that most likely work for the U.S. So if I'm staying here until I have enough money to leave safely or have my son returned, there is no place this country should be forcing me out to, when living next to my parents is going to be at least somewhat more social than living in an apartment where I will never talk to anyone.

I don't get "lonely" now and then anymore. I don't have moments of wanting to leave my place to "socialize" at the nearest restaurant or bar or whatever.

I have ZERO interest in making friends in the United States unless they are lawyers who are going to return my son and/or make a lot of money for themselves and me by suing the U.S. government.

I want one kind of friend: Law firm friends that sue on my behalf.

I don't want friends who want me to do THEM favors in order to sue for me. If they are genuine lawyers, they will see an opportunity for money, and will work on contingency and go for the gold.

There is no point to having any "friends" in this country when all that the U.S. has done is use me, torture me, and commit crimes against me. On top of this, they surrounded me with people from the Department of Justice who were fake friends, and with men who used me, and counselors who lied for them.

The only reason to have "friends" in this country at all, at this point, is only if the U.S. returns my son. They illegally set me up and colluded with Canada, to set me up for false arrest and torture. They tortured me and kidnapped my son from me while torturing both of us.

There is no way to rebuild a citizen's trust after doing something like this and then flagrantly disregarding all laws to continue to use someone and torture them. IF a country or its officials were trying to repair trust after criminal actions by MOST of their officials and employees, THEN, when my son is returned to me, I would think, "It appears that the U.S. has acknowledged their crimes and is has now returned my son to me in good faith."

It would establish good faith.

At that point, I might not have to worry as much about what kind of people are around me and if I am able to trust them as a "friend" or not. As long as this country tortures me and uses me, they make it IMPOSSIBLE to be friends with anyone. I never want to see another federal man around me again, who thinks he can date me, or get something from me. Ever. It is NEVER going to happen.

The United States MUST return my son.

If they return my son, then naturally it would be easier to feel this country might be "safe" enough for friendship.

As it is, there is no safety, no trust, and the entire burden is on the government. They are the ones that committed crimes against me and my son, and they are the ones who tried to conceal these crimes and tell everyone I was nuts when I wasn't. Anyone who sees me talking on my video clips can see for themselves that I am not nuts or "paranoid schitzophrenic". The U.S. committed crimes and then LIED and defamed me and drugged me.

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