Monday, October 15, 2012

Money to Virginia-Mason Hospital (after corruption)

I just looked up Virginia-Mason hospital and found out they got money and decided to build a new "addition" after I was tortured in Seattle and lost my singing voice.  This was when I showed up at their ER from profuse internal bleeding and they called up "Chris", from a psychiatric hospital. 

This occured when I was forced into the area by Michelle Erickson for CPS in Wenatchee.  The address of the hospital is 29th of , oops, I mean, April 29th.  Wait, here it is:  1100 9th.  It is located on the corner of "Spring" and 9th and is building number 1100. 

How cute Katie dearie!  You are so ready for jail I hope you and Daddy Mike & Mummy Carol have packed your bags.

Virginia-Mason got a truckload of money for what they did to me there, and for defaming me.  They put out an announcement of their new construction plans on my birthday, October 22, in 2009, which was a month after what they did to me.  The construction company they used had global contacts, and secured a contract at "Cambridge", completing a new building in England, in 2012.

What is Kate Middleton's "title"?  Duchess of Cambridge or something?  How about Slutness of Cambridge, or Torturer Of Oliver Garrett.  The name of the architecture company is NBBJ.  One of the main founders who runs it is from Canada:  Bain, who served in France during WWII.  The company has secured defense industry contracts since 1931.  This construction company also got a "royal award" from Southampton in 2011 and they had previously secured Cambridge contracts, in 2005 and 2007.

The building that Cambridge hired them for, after I was tortured and assaulted in Seattle, was for the "Material Sciences and Metallurgy Building".  Fascinating.  I was asked about metal in my neck and then tortured, with my voice ruined, while I was in town and had to go to Virginia-Mason. 

The Seattle FBI offices were 3 blocks away and the Canadian embassy was also right around the corner. 

The new addition was named after "Floyd and Dolores Jones" who gave money at various times (at least once for cancer treatments Dolores received for her breast cancer).  She is Swedish and he is described in one article as an "honorary Swede" (sort of the way Lorraine Rose, breast cancer survivor, called me "honorary Jew" before the scheduled rape by a Jew).  Linda Carter is Swedish too, as is Evie Wiltbank.  I can tie that back to something else I've already mentioned in my blog.

Floyd Jones worked for a company owned by David Lewis (any relation to Scott Lewis?  Lorraine's son-in-law?) and then he and his son Steven started First Seattle Asset Management.  The daughter of the Jones family is Ingrid Knudson, who works out of Washington D.C. supposedly.  Floyd is from Arkansas.

The late Dolores Jones was good friends with Senator Patty Murray, the same woman who sat on torture of my son Oliver in Washington state.  The obituary for Delores Jones says they were good friends.  Dolores worked for King County in the welfare department and had worked in the "cannery" business during WWII.

They lived near Camanos Island, which is where Michelle Erickson, the social worker who concealed torture of my son for Wenatchee, Washington CPS, I believe, first worked for a U.S. Navy hospital.  I was forced into that area with no transportation or accomodations, to deliberately put me in danger and at the mercy of these people.  I was assaulted, tortured, poisoned, and I lost my singing voice from it.  Some kind of metal solvent was added to something and I had a metal taste in my mouth after burning in my throat, and then Cambridge University in England hired NBBJ to build its "Metallurgy" building.

Laura Knudson worked in Washington D.C. and is featured on her own Twitter page wearng a black coat like the one Chris Dabney used to wear.  Ingrid Knutsen is the Canadian diplomat I met at the embassy in Washington D.C.  She is married to Bruce Levy, high commissioner for Canada and she looks like Mike Nichols, the man who hijacked my car and rolled it in 1995.  Mike told me he had biological parents in Toronto, Canada.  I just looked at Ingrid's photo again, and her face is similiar to Mike Nichols.  Bruce Levy and Ken Lewis got Canadian promotions on the same day, on October 7, 2009.  The money to Virginia-Mason in Seattle, WA, after I was tortured, was described in an October 22, 2009 newsletter as going to preparations for new NBBJ and Skanska USA construction.  I found something that says a Canadian Ingrid Knutsen worked for AusAID, and still works for them, as a "humanitarian monitor".  AusAID gave Bill Clinton $10-25 million dollars in campaign money.  So when the director of ausAID, Bob Carr, was standing with Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, at a podium in April of 2009, they should have invited Kate Middleton to attend.  Why not Hils?

The Bain for NBBJ is a William Bain and then there is a Boston, MA William Baine that went to Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, who is part of Bain Capital.

So the Lewis'.  Scott Lewis is related to the Harold & Arlene Schnitzer family from Oregon.  Apparently, they are into steel as much as Kate is described after weaseling her way into royalty, as "steely".  Scott works for a Schnitzer steel company.
And he works with a man who looks exactly like Jack Nicholson, which now explains why Chris Dabney thought the Katie Perry video ("Hot n Cold") featuring Jack was so hilarious (see photo of William Larsson).  And it now ties Chris Dabney, who dated Jews and entertained Australians at The Post Pub, to Ingrid Knutson (ausAID) and voila, Clintons (received huge donations from ausAID).  Clintons knew about my being implanted with microchips and the Jewish community center was right next door to the hospital that did this to me.  They all know.

And now it's getting clearer, isn't it?  I just read, for the first time, that Harold Schnitzer was Russian Jewish.  Just like Josh Gatov, which ties Scott Lewis to my rapist.  Scott Lewis is related to Schnitzers--she's his grandma or something.  The Schnitzer, Rose, and Lewis money has been pouring into the college that Scott and Laura went to:  University of Oregon.  Guess where my son Oliver's scholastic records have been going?  He is going to school in Dryden, Washington and his reports are being sent to University of Oregon, in Eugene, which has a Judaic Center and an Art Gallery founded by the Lewis and Schnitzer family. 

They torture my son, and then they find ways to keep tabs on him and insult and humiliate him.  So why, may I ask, when I had my mother's necklace stolen from me, with the large pearls that had a filigree gold design around them, was I given a little silver trinket necklace with a pearl inside of it?  Was that supposed to replace all the theft of my personal belongings?

I looked up the Medici family line after seeing the painting of the child with the necklace that looked like the one my mother had, that I then had and wore.  Supposedly the Medici's were extinguished and replaced by the "Lorraines".  How hilarious.  I guess none of the Roses wanted me to go to college and get an education because I might figure out what horrid people they are.

Harold went to MIT, just like several of the persons whose businesses were hired to construct "new additions" whenever I was tortured, defamed, sent to a psych, or implanted with another device for "teletorture".  Remember how I said Cambridge (in England) constructed a new building by NBBJ in 2012, for metallurgy?  Here's a snippet about Harold Schnitzer:

As a boy, Harold earned 25 cents a week for polishing metal at his father's scrapyards. He told teachers at Lincoln High School he saw his future: the steel business. By 16, he was studying metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He graduated in 1944.

So Kate Middleton really must not have anything to do with my being raped at all.  Or my being tortured, or my parents, or my son having hair perm solution poured down his throat.  She knew about it.

God has a lot to do with "destiny" doesn't He?  In fact, I'm just sure he ordered my rape, and defamation by the Jewish editor of The Willamette Week.  He needed the help I see.  God really needed the help of a bunch of Jewish criminal low-lifes.  The Middletons must really be great people--"can do" without any help from criminals, torturers, and murderers.

How about the "Carter" name at the top of the list for Schnizter Steel?  that's sort of hilarious too, isn't it Linda (oops.  Lynda).  And let's see, he is from San Fransisco, formely having worked for Bectel, which is connected to the Robin Bechtold family.  Just lovely.  Nice to know who ones friends are and where the money is coming from.  Carter also went to Stanford, like Amy Roe!  and Amy Roes *great* grampie who worked for the steel industry his entire life.  Roe is, of course, the reporter hired by the Jewish editor that knows the Lewis/Rose/Schnitzer family who defamed me.

Jordan Schnitzer sounds like a real winner too.  I read the article from just this May of 2012, where he goes off, taking an opportunity in an interview over his Art Gallery, to mention how it's not recommended people bring in "fabric swatches" but go ahead, your life will never be the same again, and how "we are not too precious to..." twice, he brings up "precious".  I had a fabric swatch from the Thebault family when they were decorating in 1993-1994 and it went with me to the Jewish family from Livingston, NJ, to Ken and Marylynn Kargman's house.  I never thought it was too precious, but it was stolen from me like everything else.  Why use the word precious?  This is the part of my password for my blog and it's not about me assholes.  It's about my son Jordan.  You are all criminals and you all deserve jail.

The Schnizter Steel company has certaintly been getting rich.  They dared show their alliance with Canada only after Middleton was engaged to be married and signed in.  Then they started expanding their business into Canada.  Of course.  God damn the Middletons and God damn those responsible for torture of my family and my son.  I was raped, and my mother was raped, for the Middletons.  My son has been tortured and not one of these greedy individuals has ever reported crimes--they've colluded together to get rich.

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