Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Torture to interfere with college continued

So far, every single time I have gone to the OSU site to work on college assignments, I have been tortured.  I was not tortured for most of the day today but the minute I went to the OSU site and began going through assignments and reading about them, I was immediately targeted to be tortured.

It has happened every single time I have started working on college assignments.  Earlier today I read from one of the books while waiting for something, and nothing was done (except for a couple of things to the left ear) and when I've been online reading news tonight, nothing was done to me.  It was only when I was online and reading about the work for the week.

So bascially, I have the U.S. interfering with college.

I suppose someone wants to discourage me from studying or doing assignments at all.  What other point is there?  I have already talked, on my video clips, about attempts by the U.S. to turn hate crime into "research" with the excuse that through MKUltra, they are simply trying out "behavior modification".

Bascially, the U.S. electrocuted people starting in the 70s and earlier, for such programs.  They zapped people, electrocuted them, and tried various things to "research" how to force someone to do or NOT do something. 

Why is it then, that all of this has been done to me since mainly I had successful lawsuits?  I was already tortured with migraines that were triggered by military, but I wasn't tortured full-time until later. 

Raul Bujanda, buying his "Michelobe Ultra", working for the U.S. FBI and already knowing my parents and I were forced into the MKUltra program.  The FBI knew about documents and files on me from 1977. 

I wasn't tortured while I went to college at PSU.  I wasn't tortured at first during my lawsuits either.  I was tortured after I reported FBI employees for misconduct.  That full-blown torture was after I filed a misconduct claim against FBI; after I filed a new (3rd) lawsuit against federal Judges for anti-competition and monopoly; after I reported 2 date-rapes.  I guess the only other thing was I met a John Kerry contact, the Heinz guy, through Mike Tanzer. 

I was tortured only after these things took place, after I was obstructed from justice.  I would have won the lawsuits I had filed had my travel not been illegally obstructed.  I would have remained in college as well.

Now, I cannot go to any of my college assignments without being tortured, and tortured upon my opening the college website and going to folders to find my assignments, read about them, and attempt to work on them.

This is anti-competition.  It has always been anti-competition, and that fact will not change.  It is also hate crime.  There is no point to torturing me when I try to do assignments than to attempt to discourage me from it completely.  The only individuals who would do this, are the same ones who never wanted me in college in the first place, and who are afraid of me and what I am able to do, which they have already had a foretaste of.  They are afraid of me since I filed my lawsuits.  They know what I am capable of and ever since then, they have kept me down.

It has nothing to do with a stress reaction. If I were stressed at the idea of studying, it would happen when I am reading course material books at other locations and would not be specifically occuring when I go to, and log onto, the Oregon State University website for my online courses.

It makes no difference where I go either, because it will be done to me regardless of where I go, as I have microchips in my body, and my family knows about it and now the hospital is refusing to even release my own physical medical records to me from the surgery.

People who have nothing to hide, obey the law and provide records upon request.

I'd also like to know why Fox News is using an article by "Todd Starnes" about "banning Hot Cheetos" when I just made a video clip about this topic, which I have not yet released to the public.  In it, I describe Michelle Erickson and her abnormal reaction which was improper for her position and none of her business.  So this journalist, "Todd Starnes", who is supposedly supported by Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity, writes about the topic and sends it to Fox?  What is the point?  to defend Michelle Erickson?  Should I be looking more closely at Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity for some reason? or just Sarah Palin.  I made almost a full video clip about this topic and how Erickson stepped outside of her boundaries (not to mention she endorsed full-blown torture to my son and witnessed evidence of torture and said nothing) and we get a little "defense" from Starnes about how she is not alone.  Basically, the point is to say other 'federal employees' have done the same.  All of them should be fired because it's none of their business, and it's up to a parent to decide what their child eats.  If 98% of a child's diet is healthful and then they get a small snack of something like "Hot Cheetos", that is none of the government's business.  For someone like Palin, who is supposedly about "less government" and parental rights, she endorses Todd Starnes?  Maybe it's just about military and how to exploit others for ones own personal gain is what it comes down to. 

I just looked her up. She's Catholic.  She claims to be a protestant but that was a political move, not an honest one.  She was born and raised Catholic though we never heard about it while she was running for various positions.  She also had someone in the U.S. Army, by the name of Parnell as her governor running-mate.  It was a Dr. Michael Parnell who first defamed me in Wenatchee, WA and the Parnell Palin had as her running-mate was a Parnell who was also from Washington state (went to college there).  He was in WA and then moved to Alaska with Palin.  She is trying to defend people like Erickson for torture and abuse of children.  She put over $500 million in "seed money" torwards Canada (hello Middleton again).  It was over the oil pipeline.  So she had Canadian back and they had hers.

Regardless of this tangent...I have been tortured the entire time I was doing homework tonight.  The entire time and it is now 1:18 a.m. and I am in pain.

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