Friday, October 26, 2012

U.S. Criminals Continue Using Me and My Son for Torture & Experiments

The U.S. is still using both me and my son in gross experiments against human rights and dignity.  After not having anything weird with my eyes for a few days, not one droopier or one bulging more than the other, and a lessening of being tortured, this morning one of my eyes is bulging like my son's.

Like I said, it's not hereditary.  It's torture and U.S. violations of laws against torture, research, and experimentation againgst humans.  It is also hate crime.

I felt both of my eyes, by tracing my finger across both eyeballs, across the surface in the center, and the one that is not bulging, and does not look bulged, is flat.  The one that looks bulged, is actually and literally, really bulged out more, and it is arched more and I can feel it.  One feels almost flat, only a slight curve, and the other one is totally rounded, twice or three times more than the other one.  So it not only "appears" to be bulging, it is bulging.

This is what the U.S. has done to my son, who is 6 years old.  Then they photographed him this way, knowing it was his picture day.

My son never had this happen to him, the full first many years he was with me, and then even at visits, even though he was subjected to other forms of torture.  I never had this happen to me, ever, prior to 2010.  It happened later in 2010 and then 2011, and has continued until 2012.

I would guess this is the same time the U.S. began torturing my son with the same methods, because I never witnessed this effect to his eye before then.

I have lived my entire 34-35 first years, never having this happen to my eye. It is only in the last 2-3 years that the U.S. has been employing use of technology against me that causes this to occur, and they've done it to a 6 year old. My son.

The only thing that would cause something like this is intraoccular pressure from something that is being done to the brain to create this pressure.  We have been tortured and ARE being tortured.

This town I'm living in, thinks it's really funny.  After the bus driver left 3 minutes early, meaning I missed the bus when I had plans out of town today, some woman came walking out in front of me with a bright orange jacket and a dog on a leash like she was blind or like seeing eye dog people have.

This is the kind of joke some people make out of torture.  It also shows that they know there is resultant head and eye injury.

Medications do not cause eye bulging on only one side.  If it was a medication problem, it would affect both sides.

My son and I are being tortured and experimented on like lab rats by the United States and those who are getting kicks from it, have hate as their motive.  They love it.  This has's been GREAT.

The only thing that causes intraoccular pressure to only one eyeball, which is one side of the head, is swelling of the brain on one side of the head, which means brain trauma from injury caused by U.S. technology.  This swelling of the brain pushes the eye out farther.

This morning I woke up and I had been tortured awake with technology affecting my left ear and left tooth on the left side.  Then later, an hour later, I noticed my right eye was bulging and distended.  It is not just by appearance--it is actually swollen because you can feel the curve across the eyeball is double or triple the amount of curvature on the other side.

This COUNTRY does this to my SON, who is SIX.  And if it's not hate crime, then how come people full of hate mock us over it, and think it's funny, and already know more about it than I do?

It is hate crime.

The United States pays government employees to torture us for hate crime interests.

It's not enough that the U.S. is torturing us to cause severe and extreme pain and suffering, or that they are doing things to us knowing it will ruin some of our talents or ability to think.  Everything they have done to us has been destructive, and to ruin our minds, our bodies, and our emotional well-being.  This country has done nothing good for us, not even by allowing us the "rights" we're supposed to have.

But torturing us isn't enough.

What the hate crime groups like best is knowing about it, and it feeds them.  We are mocked sometimes, not even knowing ourselves, why we are being mocked, and yet others are getting the information.  If it's "classified", it wouldn't be broadcast to parties in the UK, Canada, and hate crime interests in the U.S.  If it was "classifed", the UK wouldn't have had a group decide to mock what happened to me in 1995, and put on a show called "teletubbies".  All of these various groups have known what horrible things are done to us, and they use this to ridicule us, humiliate us, and pass along to others.

The U.S. has encouraged degrading treatment and they have fed hate crime appetites.  If it's "classified", why did everyone in the FBI know about my file and a 1977 report and say nothing to me?  If it's "classified", why is Kate Middleton getting my records before a U.S. citizen that has a legal right to their own records, and who made dozens of legal requests?  If it's "classified", why do all of the hate crime groups get the info and know about it, even before we do, and mock us and humilitate us with it?  If it's classified, why were lawyers and insurance firms and Judges scheduling my court appearances to coincide with days and times they knew I would be tortured and affected physically?

It is not "classified". 
It is not "national interest".

It is hate crime.
It is torture.
It is cruel and degrading treatment.
It is anti-competitive.
It is obstruction of justice on a federal felony level.
I have taken some photos today with my son's photo and I wonder if I should make a button to send to all of the President's Cabinet, of just my son's eyes.  I could make another of the gouging of his face.  You could alternate the buttons for the form of torture you want to laugh about that day.  Some of the people responsible are not there, but the ones who are, can make copies for the hate crime groups that nominated them and pay them to continue torture against us.  There are people wanting to get into the same positions that have been involved too.  It's a major criminal case involving a lot of people.

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