Thursday, October 25, 2012

Photo Evidence of Torture of Oliver Garrett-Avila

I am uploading a view of my son's eyes as they appear in his "kindergarten" photo. One of his eyes is popped out larger than the other one and this was never how his eyes were when he was with me, for over 2 years and during visitations. The State tortured him, but they didn't do anything to his eyes until later when they were also doing the same thing to me.
After the United States has done all of these forms of torture against my son, as I took a photo of this today, to upload to the public to prove he is being assaulted by the United States, someone who was already monitoring this laptop deleted my email information that I had to enter to log onto this blog.  My email address for logging in is and after I typed this in and typed in my password, another United States ____ deleted all of what I entered except for "came". 
It is obvious from this photo that one of my son's eyes is bulging more than the other one and it is not because I'm angling the photo weird, it is how his eye is showing up in the photo.  The same United States Department of Defense that has done this to me, to cause one of my eyes to droop or the other to be bugged out, by torturing me with military and aerospace defense technology, did this to my son.  This is not all they have done to my son.  I also noticed his teeth that are coming in as adult teeth are damaged, just as the Wenatchee dentist said they might be, due to the trauma from childbirth.  He said my son's infant teeth enamel dysplasia was only caused by extreme trauma from childbirth.  He told me my son's adult teeth might even be affected from it.  The Wenatchee CPS and medical community concealed evidence of torture of me and my son to protect themselves and to protect cops whose wives were responsible for the damage done to my son.
I think I might blow up this photo and spend my money to campaign and let others know, on a personal level, what this country has done to Oliver.  The FBI is guilty of conspiring to conceal evidence of torture against children, including my son Oliver Garrett.  I continue to be tortured in this country, as my son also continues to be tortured in this country.  My parents have been tortured as well.  It is my son's left eye that was popped out like this, and the U.S. did this to my son, knowing it was picture day and they could get sick and disgusting documentation for themselves.  Then on the photo that was sent to us, they put a black mark on one corner on the front and another black mark on an opposite corner on the back.  This hate crime group, that is being paid by the U.S., has mocked my family and tried to match us up for torture.  When they torture one of us, they torture the other relative.  They have mocked my family over "symmetry" ever since I blogged about an inverted "v" one way and a "^" the other way.  Ever since, they then began torturing us and putting marks on our bodies to be "symmetrical" to make fun of what I wrote about.
Also, Alvaro Pardo had me in a house, in Maryland, 14 miles away from Kate Middleton's friends, the Carters (Lynda Carter).  I had not realized that I was living 14 miles away from enemies, and I am positive that Alvaro knew.  He was part of the Middleton team. I started to wonder about Baltimore when I accidentally landed on "Walter's Art Museum" and saw paintings that were featured to look like Kate Middleton.  I knew it wasn't a mistake and that someone selected them specifically because of her.  She is a U.S. bitch.  I know for a fact that my mother has been tortured over her and with Kate knowing, just as my son has.  So then I looked up where Lynda Carter was residing to see if it was close to, or anywhere near the Walter's Art Museum.  Sure enough, it was.  Lynda Carter lives in Potomac, Maryland, and I didn't know where that was.  So I made a map and looked at directions and mapped out, it takes 14 minutes from where I was living with Alvaro Pardo, to Lynda Carter's house.   All the way up Quince Road.  On the map, it makes a > < design.  Just like her little wedding dress neckline.  First it makes an extremely sharp > and then after that, the next sharp turn makes a <.  She is like an incarnation of the devil.  Her supporters have tortured my entire family, including my son and she has known about and been involved.  I then looked up Carol Alt, another 80s model, because Lynda's husbands' name "Robert Altman" brought it to mind and I remembered Evie Wiltbank, the mother of a girl I went to school with, also modeled with Carol Alt.  It was a name that was mentioned to me.  So I looked her up and noted she is from "Flushing, Queens, New York".  Guess what Carol has been up to?  Well, she is the daughter of an airline stewardess, oh, just like Carol Middleton, who was also an airline stewardess.  I wonder if they got to share a pad. Carol has been acting lately, as "Caterina" in an Italian movie called Caterina elesuefiglie 2, and for a t.v. movie called "Piper".  In fact, she is currently working on a running t.v. show called "Piper".   Both of these aired on the station "Canale5" in 2007.  (But the FBI really doesn't know about anything, really...they only give a criminal like Kate Middleton MY FBI file while refusing to give the FOIA to the U.S. citizen who is being tortured).  I guess the idea has been that it's U.S. spies first, ahead of U.S. citizens.  Right next to Potomac, the business names and street names that came were as follows (a sampling):  Robin's Nest Childcare, Fergussen Asset Management, Oak Market, Sleepy Hollow Lane, (oh hi Mike Tanzer, I never knew ye), and right next to Sleepy Hollow Lane is "Horsetrail" and "Willow Run" and then a bunch of horse street names.  Then you have a Tennis court and swimming club off of Quince and something about "Block" drive or something like that.  Basically, the first sharp turn from Germantown to Potomac, the > is next to a swimming club and tennis court and the next one is next to some "Blocking" something or other description.  What I really liked, recently, was Kate Middleton's little "robin's nest hat" that she wore in public after winning a "lawsuit" (through a lawyer) over restricting French magazines from publishing nude photos of her as she pranced around stark naked in public.  The little robin's nest was such a cute touch.   It's not like Robert Altman, Lynda Carter's husband, isn't a lawyer or anything.  Who is giving her advice about what not to wear in public?  Lynda?  or Carol Alt?  So guess what.  Carol Alt is connected to Brazil just like Mykal Holt!  According to information I found online, Carol had an affair with a Brazilian Formula 2 star named "Ayrton Senna".  (Danzy's Henna!)  Danit's Senna?  Dani Senna?  I really don't know but there's clever wordplay with all of it.  While Lynda is living next to Horsetrail, by the way, my son was tortured on a horse trail ride I paid for him to go on with my uncle.  He fell into a river.  Oh yeah, and there is a River Run right there in Potomac too.  Killers.  Killers.  Killers.  Ms. Alt has been with a Hockey player named Alexei Yashin since 2000.  Alexei is Russian.  So when I'm wondering why some Ukrainians and Russians have been part of torturing me and my son, this explains some of that.  The whole 'Quince' Road thing puts things in focus now when I think about my son wincing from repeatedly being pinched and tortured and when I think back on my Mom's reaction when I found an odd fruit on the property and asked her what it was.  She said "I don't know" and gave nothing away at all.  But I saw a look come over her face and I thought, "It has to do with Kate Middleton."  Of course, I opened it up and there were 3 round seeds in it, and I looked it up online since no one knew what it was.  It was a quince.  I thought, "So what's the big deal about a Quince?"  and wondered how Kate Middleton would be connected to any symbolism of this...Well, look no further than Quince Road on the way to Potomac, Maryland.  Oh Katie, can I wear your little Robin's Nest hat when you tire of it dear? 
So here is my son, with evidence of torture on his face, and this group in the U.S. WANTING us to notice and to have it documented and it's while he is wearing a "Lightening McQueen" t-shirt.  My son has been tortured, almost killed, and he was kidnapped from me.  He continues to be tortured.
After the teen girl who is an activist in Pakistan was shot by a man from Al Quaeda, they asked, "What is the big deal about this one Pakistani activist woman?  why don't you care about people the Army kills and tortures?"  The next thing I see, is a U.S. Army commander being interviewed and winking with Bill O'Reilly.  That girl (who I do sympathize with, naturally) was shot in the left eye.  Look at my son's left eye.  How many people in the U.S. are rallying around my son and against the U.S. for acts of terror and torture in this country?
This "eye" thing, is not a family trait and it is not an inherited "condition".  My son wasn't born this way, and he never had it happen in the first 3 years, though he was tortured severely in other ways.  I was tortured, along with my son, in other ways, and it was very extreme.  This "eye" thing, came up later, and then this country mocks my family by having him photographed this way.  To make what point?  My son also has damages with even his permanent teeth, because of traumatic childbirth, and he was taken away from me so I couldn't sue for his damages in a medical malpractice lawsuit.  Who was responsible?  The Central Washington Hospital, the same hospital that employs the doctor CPS assigned to provide "care" to my son.  It was a conflict of interest.  CWH, and Dr. Butler, and Stacey Stubblefield were spared lawsuit damages by torture of me and my son and his being kidnapped from me.  Now my son will never be compensated, while Stacey went on to get rich, open up her own practice, and get her horrific cop husband to torture my son.  Someone forced my son to repeat over and over, "I won't sue, I won't sue.  I promise, I won't sue" and he came to one of our visits saying this anxiously, over and over.  He kept repeating this like someone had drilled him to say this, or like he'd witnessed a traumatic event where someone was forcing my aunt or uncle to promise not to sue them if they were granted guardianship of my son.  My son wasn't talking about Sue, the visitation monitor, he was repeatedly trying to assure me that "I'm not going to sue you."  "I'm not going to sue you."  Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband need to be forced out of the country.  Do you want to know how it "feels" Stacey?  You OWE Oliver Garrett YOUR HOUSE.  Oliver OWNS your house.  I hope you are all tortured until you confess to the horrific things YOU have done.  My son OWNS that town.  He owns the CWH hospital, he owns the Butler houses, he owns the Stubblefield property, and he owns the property of the woman doctor who tried to defend Dr. Butler and refused to treat him for "tinea" after he was refused treatment for systemic thrush.  Oliver owns Jones' house, and AG McIntosh's house.  He owns the Seattle FBI.  Do you have any idea how many people are invested in torturing my son?  and all of them would go bankrupt if my son collected what is his.  He owns the Chelan-Douglas police department, and the Spokane AGs and Barbara with Spokane CPS.  He owns Michelle Erickson and Theo Keyes.  My son has been tortured and deprived of his mother, and all of these horrible criminals have gone free.  They made sure I was tortured every single day through all the appeals processes.  Why?  Because they already knew my son owned them.  They didn't want a Judge to sign off on the check for the money and compensation that is his right.
Until that town coughs up the money for torture and concealment of crimes, and until the U.S. returns my son to me, this country has no legitimacy and no point for existence. 

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