Wednesday, October 24, 2012

U.S. Documents Their Torture of Oliver Garrett

The United States is not only continuing in their torture of my son, they are documenting it publicly, knowing others will see.

I just got my son's kindergarten photo and one of his eyes is bulging and more open, and he never had this naturally.  All of my life, I never did either, until I was tortured by the U.S.

They tortured me while they knew I was taking video clips to post publicly and they tortured my son, on his picture day, knowing it would be documented and that anyone and everyone could see what they were doing to Oliver.

The U.S. tortured my son while he was with me and they are still torturing him.

They tortured him with use of severe technology when he was with me.  Then they tortured him by visibly cutting his neck and parts out of his cheek, putting acid on his finger, lasering him so his genitals turned blue and purple, punching him in the face, punching him in the tooth to break off his teeth, poisoning him, hypnotizing him...degrading him.  The U.S. did all these things in front of my face, with all of the CPS "monitors" knowing and protecting the crimes done against my son.

Then, they cut off all of my contact with my son but they made sure to let me know, and the whole world know, that they were still torturing my son, and have one of his eyes droopier than the other and the other one more open.  They tortured him to cause this effect on his picture day, so they could document this.

The United States is guilty of violating all laws regarding torture.  This country is damned.  I really mean it--this country does not have the blessing of God anymore.  It is damned.  I would not be at all surprised if this country is not invaded within the next 50 years with an on-land full-blown invasion.  Everything that this country does, claiming that's why they torture my son, and that it's for research, is a lie.  They are doing all of this out of hate crimes.

They have tortured me and my Dad, and my son, sometimes using the exact same thing they do to us, to my son, to mock all of us.  The mockery is over symbolism.

This country is literally damned.

They take people who have gifts from God, and who only would use these gifts for religious reasons, and in accordance to religion, and they chain these people like slaves to work for them and exploit them and put them under surveillance and observation.

They not only violate laws against torture, they violate religious freedom.  They have turned a "prophetic" gift and something that people have used, some people, in a religious context, into an excuse for torturing people and kidnapping their children, out of fear by hate crime groups that don't want them to succeed.

They are killing prophets and people who try to practice their religion privately.  This country puts out all these laws about "peyote" and eagle feathers, and respect for the right to practice religion, and at the same time they are torturing people that God blesses with certain gifts, and killing their children or kidnapping them to ruin their minds, or put them under observation.  They put them into danger deliberately, and allow others who have no regard for God at all, or who practice another religion and HATE us, against us.

This country has been murdering and exploiting my family on a multi-generational basis.

I know that the U.S. Army leaders are responsible for much of what has happened to us, along with the CIA.  The FBI has used people to act in violence against us, as bodyguards for criminals, and to block others from investigating crimes against children and citizens.

At the same time CPS was torturing my son, some of them started suggesting to me, at the beginning, that I work FOR THEM.  The same people who abused my son and concealed abuse, wanted me to work for them, and with them.  And then I got the same thing with Alvaro, where he was connected to FBI and I'm supposedly going to be helping the U.S.

The country that tortures me and tortures my family, plays a game of "BZZZT.  (electrical shock administered and then the same person who shocks you is acting like they are your best friend).  Remember your place.  And look at where you are now...if I didn't help you out now, no one would help you.  You have no one to turn to." 

This country plays a game of allowing others to get dividends and satisfaction from hate crime against us, and then after they torture us and/or threaten us or take away all housing or transportation (or freedom if they want to create a false impression of having freedom, they let you have nice cars and houses but control all of your liquid assets).  Then after tortuing us, they do one or two very small "nice things" and want us to think they are our Savior.

This is how people are controlled.

If they cannot count on religion being an "opiate of the masses" or as a tranquilizer against free speech and freedom of movement and action, they torture you and strip away all of your rights and then want you to think they're your friend.

Canada, the U.S., and the UK are all operating the same MKUltra mindgames.  The people in charge have been working together all along.

Don't think you can leave the U.S. for the U.K. and find refuge, anymore than you can expect Canada to protect you from these kinds of crimes.  They are all on the same team and run the same operations.  Then, if they want to throw in some mafia, they call on Mexico or Italy or Russia or some group that can be their bouncers so the government can weasle out of responsibility.  If Israel is such a powerful "alley" who are they supporting?  They are not speaking out against torture of U.S. citizens, are they?  and yet they want everyone to go visit the Holocaust Museum.

Let's commemorate dead people while the living suffer.  That makes a lot of sense.

The first thing I said to my parents, over this photo of my son, after noticing he looked cute, was "They are still torturing him."  The next thing I said, after I left the house, was I turned around and went back inside and said, "And they want us to know.  They tortured him knowing that day was his picture day--they wanted to document it."

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