Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Carol Middleton "Poem": "They See Carol"

An assignment given to us for a Poetry class was to parody a poet and imitate the form and style of the poem.  I chose Emily Dickinson, a poet I like, and I used her poem "We Outgrow Love" for my parody of Carol Middleton's relationship with the U.S. Govt.  I started working on it after I turned in another assignment, for translations, so this isn't great, but does it fit?  Does it fit or does it fit?  or does it fit.
We Outgrow Love (by Emily Dickinson)
We outgrow love like other things
       And put it in the drawer,
Till it in antique fashion shows
        Like costumes grandsires wore.
They See Carol (a quick parody by me, for an assignment)
They see Carol as treachery,
      And put it in a sack,
Wash in CIA offices,
      Like FBI wetbacks.

I would personally like to know if anyone has checked on flight records and who was traveling to Moses Lake, WA around the time I bought a teddy bear for my brother in the store.  It was around my brother's birthday, which is June 23.  One man there looked like Mike Huckabee.  Another woman looked like Carol Middleton or possibly close to her.  I mean, one could always check the flight records, because not everyone there spying on me, my brother, and my Mom, was from town, and I would bet, that since the UK ended up with their little "teletubby" program, one of them was from the UK.  One person was possibly Sharon McGuire, and she was so bizarre.  It was quite the event to have her in Moses Lake, and I was a kid and even then she never wanted me to see her face.  I wasn't allowed to see what "Sharon" looked like except for maybe one time.  She specifically didn't want me to see her.

Also, we never had a problem with police until after I had my arm surgery.  After that, it was like police thought they could pull my mother over for anything.  So why were they all over my parents all of a sudden, with me in the car?  Was it because that's when they started using me, and began tracking me like dogs?  I mean, did they just "add" to it in Utah later?  I never saw an officer in our face until after I had had the surgery and they put "metal pins" or something into my arm.  Afterwards, I was being invited to go over to another doctor's house all the time, Dr. Fallon.  His kids were Rob and Katie Fallon.  Katie ended up going to Cornell, which is where Mary Del Balzo went, who was the woman I was forced to work for after surgery in Utah almost a decade later, after they implanted me again.

I would have to think, was the police harassment before the implanting in Moses Lake (possible implanting) or was it after the surgery?

I said to my brother last night, something about anti-competition and being oppressed and held down.  Then I said, "I'm sure Mom has been dragged around by her hair with someone yelling at her, 'TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE IN MY FUTURE!' and forcing her to make predictions for them.  If they know she has a gift, even if it's prophetic and not about fortune-telling, they'd force her and try to control her to do what they want, so they can get ahead."

For all of the torture and work she's been forced to do for others, to put them ahead, and their families ahead, I've sure never had either of my parents give me any hints about what they see about my life.  So that's really normal.  They work for others who torture them to put their own kids and families ahead and then what?  force my parents to advise me and my brother into "going-nowhere" positions.

For them.

Dragging my mother around, by the hair, screaming at her to tell them what is in store for them.  Really nice people.

So all of these people I've had to work for?  It's looking like most of them were 100% Users.  Meanwhile, people like Carol are making a name for themselves in the U.S. by being traitors and taking blood money.  Which one cut my Mom?  Carol?  Katie?  or one of their friends.

When I bought this bear for my brother, it was around his birthday, or on the same day, He was between age 7-9.  I am pretty sure.  At the very broadest expanse, age 6-9.  It was in June.  So I wonder who was flying around at that time.  We got it at Berry's and I remember this because there were only a couple of stores in town to choose from back then.

I asked my parents a couple of nights ago, out of the blue, as I sat on the carpet, "Was I ever sick when I was little?"  They both froze and didn't say anything and then casually said, "No, you were always healthy."  I said, "I mean, before I was 3 years old".  Obviously the FBI is withholding information from me, and so are other agencies.  So they said no and my Mom said, "Just jaundice after you were born."  I said, "How long?" and she said "A couple of days" and I said, "I was in the hospital a couple of days and that was it?" and she said yes.  But I remember being told by everyone I wasn't responding like normal after I was out of the hospital, for over 3 months.  No response.  Out of it.  Supposedly, the doctor told them maybe I was mentally "delayed" or retarded.  And then all of a sudden, I was acting like a typical kid and was ahead of development.  However, someone did something to me.

These people have tried to use and control my parents and then they really didn't want to see the same gift in me or my brother.  So what did they do to me.  They did some horrible things to me before age 3, and then they used outright oppression.  Not just to me, but others in my family.  I remember the look on Granny's face when she saw what was happening.  I was about 11 years old when I got the first wild outfit that probably Sharon or Carol picked out especially for me and my brother.  My Dad was horrified.  Granny was horrified.  My Mom thought it was fun and I liked it, because I enjoyed different things, but what both me and my brother ended up wearing, were things that were not in keeping with what my mother would choose.

It was Carol Middleton.

I would check on Mike Huckabees flights around the time of June as well, in the area of Moses Lake, Washington.

I remember the feeling of being spied on and who was so curious.  I also remember it was around that time that Sharon McGuire never wanted me to see her face.  Ever.  "You're going to see Sharon?" or "Sharon again?"  and I would ask to go and it was always no.  It was the first time there was someone suddenly acting as a controlling presence in our lives and the puzzling thing to me was that she never wanted me to see her.  One of the women in the store that day was possibly her but I didn't remember.  It was people I'd never seen before.  One woman got right next to me and started looking at clothes on the rack a couple of feet away from me.  It was "Berry's Sporting Goods" or something like that.  I don't know if it always had "sporting goods" attached to the name because it was known as simply "Berry's".  But it was a clothing and sporting goods store and had a few toys.  That day, it was crawling with spies. 

They were making fun of the gift I bought for my brother when I bought it.  I remember my mother was even sort of disappointed or embarressed.  I don't know what she'd wanted me to choose instead, but all these people were there watching and spying on me, when I was a kid, just to see what I bought for my brother.

We were in a sporting goods/clothing store, with sporting items, and clothes and maybe a few other toys, and I bought him a bear that sucked its thumb.  It was everything Carol ever wanted.  I remember how those people were smirking triumphantly over at my mother when she was at the cash register, and when I was there buying it.  I knew, and shrugged off their adult CRAP because my brother loved it.  That's what mattered.  Then a decade later, we're being tortured and called teletubbies.

Carol and Sharon and the "crew" need to find a spot in jail.  The U.S. has done horrific things and they let her and her children and group get away with everything because she works for them.  They want her intel.  They don't care who they screw over to get it.  They torture my family over it, and force my parents, to the point of kidnapping and dragging people around by their hair and cutting and assaulting them.

Just to get ahead.  With Carol, they decided to give them perks and benefits.  It's like me in the federal detention place with a CRIMINAL CHARGE???? for a misdemeanor for speaking up about being tortured.  This country tortures us and then gives us the one who mentions it, criminal citations.  Then, I am in there as a hostage while they bring in another woman to USE me for research, becasue they wanted to give her "props" and access to me, so she could show off her skill.  They degraded me in order to boost another woman's ego.

This is what they've done to my family, my entire life. 

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