Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Stolen Diary (Steven Speilberg) & Photos of Oliver Tortured

I was reminded, by watching the movie "Lincoln", about another diary I had that was stolen.  It was maroon colored and had sort of a swirly paisley (almost) design on it.  It was an 8x10 diary and mainly had small poem ideas.  That was the one with the poem about my being raped.

I remembered when I saw the maroon book or booklet/notebook on the table at a part in the Steven Speilberg movie "Lincoln".

It is arranged with another book underneath it. 

It's at the part of the movie where he goes upstairs to a conference table.  The book is shown more than one time in the movie and the first time I saw it, I remembered my other diary that was stolen from me, which I have never mentioned on my blog before.

So someone might have thought I forgot about it.  It is the diary that had my poem about being raped by Josh Gatov, the Jew.  I wrote it discreetly, but it's still obvious. 

This was one of the first diaries stolen from me, and it was done after I was raped and around or after the time I was living in Lake Oswego, Oregon.  It was stolen from me. I did not lose it.  In it there were several original poems and the one that I wrote while living in Lake Oswego at that house, after Josh raped me.

I was raped.  The Jews and this country have tried to torture me beyond rape, and steal from me.  I am going to include a photo of my son's 1st grade photo in this post to show what I am talking about, with evidence of his being tortured.

I think it's odd that the Jewish Steven Spielberg would have a book that looks like that diary in his movie.  What's his point?  To show me the Jews have all of my evidence?

I told a counselor in counseling, doctors, pastors...and wrote a poem about it before I ever went to police later.  In all of my other diaries, that lead up to that year, they confirm I was a virgin because I talk about saving myself for marriage and write other things that indicate I was.  So these people all know, who have been stealing from me. 

This country encourages rape.

There is something wrong with Speilberg.

The book was on a table that also featured some kind of lantern with a round wire loop around it, that is featured prominently.  At different angles, it looks like a thin round black wire.  This is what I slipped on when I was in Knoxville, TN, which broke my knee and led me to the ER at Vanderbilt.  If I had not slipped on that, I wouldn't have gone to ER and then ended up being drugged at the psych ward.

Jewish people were involved in orchestrating that.  It was Jews in the ER at Vanderbilt that made the order.  So on the same table that features a book which looks like the diary that was stolen from me where I have evidence of rape, by a poem I wrote after it happened, is a ring symbol on a lantern that is identical to the one I slipped on which had me fall on my knee and fracture it.  This is what gave more Jews an opportunity to do something for their own people.  It's like the symbols are on the table to gloat over.  God let Kate Middleton die.

I was crossing over a bridge.

It was dark out and I was running and there was snow and ice.  This thin round circle was a black wire that was made a perfect circle. It was a perfect circle over the snow, so I'm sure the Middletons loved the circle design on William's coat for his wedding. It was in the middle of the sidewalk, on a bridge that went over a freeway.  There was construction being done at one end of the bridge.  I didn't see the metal wire and I slipped on it, and fell extremely hard and hit my right knee.  I fractured that knee that way. 

This is what I went to the ER at Vanderbilt for.  I went to the FBI offices in Nashville and told them about poisoning and bleeding (which was true).  I was told to go to the ER and then the FBI would take me seriously after I had "bloodwork" done.  I went there, and to not sound crazy, told them I was there about a knee I had injured and thought was possibly fractured, and internal bleeding.  I didn't say "poison" but the receptionist there, who was hispanic, wrote it down that way at the front desk.  I asked her to change it and said, "That's your word, not mine."  When I was there, I was tortured while having my blood pressure checked.  It was the vibrating kind of torture that affected my heart and had my heart sort of vibrate.  They had blue and orange stuff everywhere, for decorations, like they had in the DEA's window before I went there that night.  In the DEA's window they had set a blue and orange light in the window. One section blue, one orange.  I remembered because then it was the same colors at the Vanderbilt hospital--not part of their regular decor, but items placed on ledges with something blue and then something orange next to it.  I then saw a doctor, and it was a bunch of Jews around.  5 total.  They had 5 men in the room at one point, and some of them were Jews.  The doctor, several male nurses.  They didn't do any exam of my knee at all, and they didn't take any bloodwork for internal bleeding cause.  I never said anything about poisoning either.  There was nothing wrong with me mentally. 

Within a few minutes, they were forcing me into the Vanderbilt psych ward and then they drove me to the "Middle TN" psych ward to be "evaluated".  I was told I wasn't committed, that this required a Judge's order, but I was being "held" for "evaluation."  Within 5 minutes of my being there, I was assaulted.  I had yelled at the officer who drove me there, but was calm in the hospital.  I said one swear word, and not at the man, but when he said I couldn't call a lawyer or my parents I said, "I need to make a fucking call."  He immediately called up a doctor and they assaulted me.  He was military and he flew into a rage and yelled at me and called up a doctor who was born in India, to assault me with Haldol.  It was a woman from India who took the admission papers when I got there.  The minute I was there, I knew it didn't matter what I said, she was going to have me assaulted.  I felt it, and picked up on it from her energy.  She was a very bad woman and she was the "female" Indian doctor I saw for about 5 minutes for intake papers.  Nothing else.  Then I was in the room and it was the military man who postured like Chris Rozollo and who told me he was in the U.S. Army.  I said one swear word, not at him, and he went off, telling me that now he was going to do something about me because I swore.  I said, "I didn't swear at you, I was talking about the phone call."  He left the room in a rage and brought back an Indian-born doctor who told me I was going to be injected with drugs.  All of the Eastern Indians, who knew Diane Harsha (who I had seen at FBI offices), said they were Muslim.  I don't exactly believe them.  It was Jews and sometimes they bribe and pay Muslims or people lie.

It was Jews contributing to this.  Jews are torturing my parents.  It isn't just Catholics or some military and FBI contacts.

My Dad saw the Spielberg movie and thought we might not all be together.  Maybe that's because where I saw the symbols of my diary that had the poem about my rape, and the round wire that I slipped on, on the table, my Dad was being cued in to other things that this man wanted my Dad to see.

There is something wrong with Steven Spielberg. Not only that, everything was fine with my family over Thanksgiving until I said something about Jews who were involved with something and then everything changed and my brother and Dad looked worried.  Why would they be worried unless Jews were beating them up and listening in to things I said?  My Dad said, "Okay, well go on out and steam in your own juice" (or something like that) and then I said, "What? am I Jewish? That would be just great to find out."

If Jews beating my family were not a threat, it wouldn't matter if I said anything.  They wouldn't have looked afraid or like something bad was going to happen.  If I said something about Jews, and Jews were not rabid assaulters and torturing us, they'd shrug it off.  What would they be worried about?  The only time they'd be worried, if I made a comment, is if they were afraid they or we were going to be punished because of remarks I made.  Who would punish and torture them?  Jews.  Right?  If I was supportive, they wouldn't be afraid because if some Jewish person heard me being supportive, they might think I had no idea about their torture and rape of my family.  So my Dad and Levi would not be afraid then, of being tortured by them.  If I said things and historically my family was punished for any comments I made, or because some Jews thought I knew too much or that someone in my family told me something, then my Dad and brother would have cause to worry.  They'd worry and be afraid because they might expect someone to be waiting to burn their hands again.  Laser up their backs.  Make orders to those in control of NASA and other military technology to torture all of us, including my son.

There are Catholics and others ("Protestants" for lack of a better word) involved too.  But if Jews were on our side, they'd be on our side regardless of what I said about them to my family.  What I was telling them, was that before Kate Middleton was engaged, a whole bunch of Jews came to Wenatchee.  I said, "Maybe they weren't Jewish but it looked like all of these strangers I didn't know, who looked Jewish, all showed up in Wenatchee around the same time."  I said, "I felt like I was being followed everywhere and harassed and then I tried to go to Walla Walla and no matter where I went I was being followed and my travel was obstructed." I said, "It was like all these Jews came into town right before the engagement of Kate and William was announced.  Tons of them".  It was before November but close to November.  IAnd then I said, "It was sort of the same thing when I was in Tennessee".  Basically, when I mentioned a bunch of what I thought were "Jews" coming into town right before Kate Middleton was engaged, my brother and Dad quit smiling.  It was around this time, too, that I believe I was served with termination of my parental rights papers.

Whoever these people were, they were chasing me all over the place.  And in Wenatchee, I tried to get work several times.  My brother said to me, "At some point, you must have given up."  I said, "No, I never gave up.  I contacted every single business in the entire town of Wenatchee, on the East side and west side.  I went in person, to every single business, and then I followed up with calls too.  I even tried to do volunteer work and I was blocked from even volunteering anywhere."

It was in the summer they came to town.  And from late spring or summer of 2010, up until ...I guess it started in maybe late spring, until November or a little earlier, they were around, watching my every move and I was being blocked from everything.  They were even showing up at the Russian Baptist church when I went there.  It was super-high intensity harassment up to the engagement date or it sort of died down right before the public announcement.  It was less noticeable by October 2010.  Then there was a lull in harassment activity.  When I moved to Tennessee, that lull continued until I blogged about how great I was doing there, and getting in shape and not being tortured, and how this proved I was not mentally ill but being tortured.  After I made that post, the harassment started in Tennessee.  There was, again, a huge amount of activity against me until the wedding day and then people were gone.  It was a ghost town and no one harassed me.  They had already tried to enforce the idea I was mentally ill by illegally torturing me at a psych ward.  It was then that I realized, I guess I should look at the Middleton family now.  So far, consistently, their name is coming up connected with people who have tortured me, my son, and my parents.

I didn't start looking into the Middletons until after the wedding.  That was when I knew for sure they were somehow definitely involved in torture of me and my family.  The sudden cessation of harassment and this feeling of "relief" from some who harassed me was impossible to miss.  So I knew, and that was when I began looking them up.  I was then taken to a federal site where they handprinted me for England and broke my hand.  My parents were threatened in Texas, with giving me a "spinal tap".  Brad Uhl, from Florida, never would have wanted to speak to my "mother" from the DEA offices unless he already thought he could control her and force her to agree with him.

At any rate, after I said something about Jews, then all of a sudden, I was being told we were not shopping for my son Oliver anymore.  Basically, my Dad and brother said they had to leave for awhile and when they came back, I was told no one was going to shop for my son that day now, and everything changed.

It was done to upset me, during finals, when these people already knew how important my son is and that I had been counting on doing this for him.  So now all of a sudden, the blame and excuse was going to be that I said something about Jews.  Now, Oliver was not allowed to have me and his Uncle shop together for him.  They knew it would upset me and my Dad put on his Army camoflague shirt and my brother dressed and then all these people were driving by with the same identical truck-with-camper like Chris Rozollo (who was U.S. Army) drove.

My entire family is held hostage and tortured in this country.

The photo I am including is my son's 1st grade school photo.  His left eye is popped out and bulging, more than the right.  It is not how his eyes are normally.  The U.S. military has done this to me, and to my parents, by targeting the brain.  It causes enough pressure to build inside the brain that it pushes out the eye that is connected to the targeted area.  Because the U.S. has done this to me, only recently (in the last 2-3 months), I now know they have done this to my son since at least kindergarden.  Because I know there is extreme pain and headache associated with it, I know that my son is in pain and this is being done to him while he's in school.

I am including his signature on the back of his photo, because it was done to harass me, by U.S. military.


The signature of my son, is scrawled, and has a downward slant, not because that's how he writes, but because those who are controlling him and torturing him, have forced him to do this, to get to me.  Why? and what is their point?  It's because I wrote, on my blog, and told Christa Schneider, that according to "handwriting analysis", a downward slant indicates poor self-esteem or pessimism and an upward tilt indicates optimism.  After I was given this photo of my son, which was sent by U.S. Post, to arrive at my parent's P.O. Box, I received an email from a professor at Oregon State University, whose name is Liddy Detar.  She is U.S. military--connected.  I looked her up and found this out a week or two ago, that she's connected to the United States military.  She waited to respond to an email from me about my class until I had this photo of my son with his signature on the back and then replied and said she wanted me to "redo" my second paper because my "analysis" needed work.  It was an odd thing to say, given my analysis, is better than that of any other student in her class and I said, "It is too bad our papers are not on the discussion board".  She gave me horribly low grades for work that is better than any student in her class, and not only that, she decided to base her grading only after she told me I had to reveal how I was "thinking" to her.  Instead of taking a paper like a normal teacher, and grading it, she told me I had to write to her and explain my entire thought process while writing the entire paper.  She said she wanted me to explain how I came up with my ideas, what I was thinking about when I wrote it, how I gathered my citations and how much of the other books I had read that I used for citations.  She said only after I described my entire thought process to her in writing my paper would she give me a grade.  I thought she wanted this to ensure I hadn't plaigerized another writer, but no, she was just being nosy for the Military.  And then, after an exceptional analysis in my work, she gave me a "C".  And then told me to "work on" my analysis for my other paper and she might give me a better grade.  She gave me a "C" for "A+" analysis and she is...of course.  United States military and in charge of the American Minority Literature class.  Also, she wanted me to explain my "process" and sent this email to me, after my family got back from watching the Lincoln movie and talked in the car about "the process".  So she waited, and then sent this email to me, telling me to re-analyse my second paper so I can acheive a "C" for "A" work again.  Unless it's to check to see if someone is cheating or plaigerizing, no professor grades a university literature paper, based on "what were you thinking at the time?" and "how does your mind work?" and "how did you come up with such a brilliant analysis that I want to dumb down to a C over?"  Does she want to know how I am "feeling"?  Is this how she's also grading papers?  So she refused to grade my paper until I told her all about (or some of) my thinking process for how I get my research done.  I guess someone isn't jealous of course.  I know for a fact the rest of the class is beneath me.

God damn the United States of America and God damn those who are torturing my son. This country needs to be bombed and their satellites need to be taken out for good.

All it would take is for Iran, China, and Russia to decide to attack. Some of the other countries would go in for it too. I would rather have these countries attack this country then let this country disgrace itself and attempt to incite retaliation, violence, and revenge over what they are doing to my son. The U.S. would not document this torture, knowing I'd put it online, unless they were trying to provoke someone they want to get rid of? Why get rid of ME, for example, when I have all this dirt on the FBI, and traitors and people who have made money off of torture, sold out to Middletons in the UK, and made money off of my music and songwriting?

They would prefer to torture me and my family and my son, and incite me to hate this country, only to give themselves elaborate excuses and defenses for their crimes against humanity.

I hope they get what they ask for, but I hope no one makes impulsive decisions. When the U.S. is attacked, it's not going to be when the U.S. is expecting it to happen anyway.

If the U.S.citizens are powerless to fight corruption, of course this disgusting country wants to have me sound like a "terrorist" when they are the ones torturing children. Their own children. THIS God damned country is torturing their own kids. Kate Middleton is a disgusting excuse for a woman. She has known about all of this, and works it to her own advantage. As long as I am distressed over torture, that she instigates half of the time, she tries to play against that with a semblance of "reasonable calm". It's the perfect foil for idiots who have half a brain and climb the social ladder by torturing others and living off of U.S. welfare until they start milking UK welfare as a "royal"-connected person. She's a beggar. Her entire family lived off of the U.S. system.

This is all I have to say for now. I won't be writing for awhile unless necessary.

One more thing. I just looked up Steven Spielberg on wiki. That's not saying much, but he grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona. That's where Katie "pal" Lynda Carter is from. He was bullied as a kid for being Jewish which might turn someone into the kind of person who wants to help get revenge for the Jews. He met Kate Capshaw in 1984 which explains "The Color Purple" in 1985. (Oh believe me, Steven will find out about this post that I am making because it seems there are symbols for my family in almost every film). Kate Middleton was 3 years old. Katie was 3 years old when Spielberg put "The Color Purple" out. I went to this movie with my parents and sat next to my Dad. We walked out on it during the rape scene. It is the only time in history that my family stood up and walked out on something. Spielberg's friends or fans include Katie Middleton and Stanley Kubrick, who produced Clockwork Orange which is what Josh Gatov the rapist Jew took me to see. Kate Capshaw, whom he met in '84, when Katie was 2 years old, was Episcopalian which is basically Church of England, and the Capshaw parents were..oh of course! airline people. Just like the Middletons were. Um...that car accident (you know, with Diana) is looking like a Mossad idea if you ask me. Capshaws mother was a travel agent and her father was an airline employee. Middleton's parents were both airline employees. Steven Spielberg and Lynda Carter went to the same high school. She is 61 and he is 65 years old and they went to the exact same high school in Arizona (Arcadia high school), when they are close to the same age. I remember Robin Bechtold going to an Arcade video game place with Erica Wiltbank (who is connected to Lynda Carter) all the time, and he went there with Amy Nelson. I wonder if it was symbolic for them--I think it was even called "Arcadia".


We have a winner!

Yes, our torture has involved people with a lot of money and yes, Katie Middleton was always part of a U.S.-UK-Mossad plot. And lets not forget the Chiuchuachuas.

In 1999, one year after I was raped by a Russian Jew, the Russian Jew William Cohen, who was Secretary of Defense, gave Spielberg a special medal. I seriously think the Middleton cookie is about to crumble. There is way too much crime and U.S.-Mossad involvement for some of the UK to not notice. How in the world do you trust a family like that? It's impossible.

My parents have been controlled by people like Spielberg. I am not kidding. And it is looking like he's the kind of kid that got bullied and then made it his life-goal to rape and beat up anyone who said one word against Jews. Hence, the fear from my brother and Dad.

We have violent people doing favors for violent people.

Spielberg's Rabbi was a Lewis. A Lewis! of course. Like Scott Lewis and Laura Rose-Lewis. So this explains the celebrity mess in L.A.

Here's the other thing...the "Lincoln" movie was filmed in Richmond, VA (CIA) in 2011, after Katie-the-Torturer was married. The preview for "Cougar Town" with the song ripped off from me, from a tape I made in Virginia at the Fitzgerald's house, was, I have said in the past, made in Richmond, VA. It wasn't Richmond though. It was Fairfax. So when Ellen brought up her Fairfax connection to Kate Middleton, in 2011, I thought that was really interesting.

Has anyone seriously alerted English citizens yet? what are they? sleeping tadpoles?

THIS kind of money is why I and my son have been tortured and slandered. This is absolutely crazy.

So here's the other thing...That movie, "The Color Purple". Well, my Dad signed his passport with a purple pen. He and my mother went to Europe in 1972 with a passport that my Dad had signed with a purple marker or pen. I don't think Speilberg liked that. I don't think the Middletons did either. It was Russian Jews in control of U.S. CIA and intelligence right after 1972 Olympics. They are probably the reason I was tortured as a baby. My parent's first baby was assassinated. I was defamed by a Jewish newspaper editor for The Willamette Week and raped by a Russian Jew. He was connected to the Lewises. Speilberg was an Orthodox Jew who married a woman whose parents were airline employees like the Middletons, and he went to the same high school as Lynda Carter. Look at Katie now. Look at how she "shines". I want to gag. It's like my parents have been hostages for decades and were forced to hold their own kids hostage for these people and for the military. Look at what this country, and Mossad, have done to my son. Look at him. It is the US, UK, and Mossad. Oh yeah, and I was looking up the Olympics after seeing my times, and wondering how I was as a kid. I found out from my Dad that yes, as a kid I was thought to be a good enough runner for the Olympics. Here's the hilarious thing. Kate-the-Criminal was made an "ambassador" for the Olympics.

She is a criminal. My son is a victim of Middleton crimes.

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