Monday, November 26, 2012

Hacking and Vandalism of My Work on Computer

I just had someone hack into my computer and destroy work that I made by removing and deleting part of a recording.

It was a total of 15 minutes and 45 seconds and a second was removed from the word "apples" to sound like "apps" or "ass".

It is vandalism of my work for college and something I have to upload online as well, and I have no way of removing or changing this now, to fit in the "l" part of "apples" because some obnoxious colluder continues to destroy everything I have and everything I do. Really funny. Real funny that someone thought it would be great to change a sentence about "curves of carmelized apples" into "curves of carmelized apps" which sounds like "abs" (win win Katie dummy) or carmelized ass. I don't know why everything I do has to be converted into some kind of showdown and favor for Middleton, and this vandalism vulgarizes my work. It is from a line from an author, not my own line, but I was using it legally for this project and I didn't leave out part of the word. I said the entire thing and then listened to the recording and played it several times before the time and word was changed.

My mother told me earlier this evening to come over at 6 p.m. and then something wasn't done, so in another 45 minutes.

It was 15:45 minutes/seconds exactly and I didn't plan it that way--that's how it turned out. Then she looked at me and said, "K" twice tonight. I say "k" for okay all the time and so does she, but it was more like "k" for something else. I intuited Kate Middleton.

This was from a music recording I was working on for class. It was only done after I uploaded it to the Everio program and then that same second was deleted off of the camera too.

Then, right after this was done, someone began frying everything plugged into my wall. The same way my desktop computer was fried, with some kind of military/NASA surge to the outlet. It started smelling like burnt rubber and smoke and I looked up and there was smoke coming from my wall and the outlet is shot. It's not shot completely, but it burned out enough to leave a mark. Not only that, whoever decided to do this, did this while I had a 3-prong cord plugged in, which is what they did when they blew up my desktop at my house in East Wenatchee in 2007 while torturing me and my son.

So tonight, my recording and work for a class I am graded on and that I pay for, with money, was vandalized and then my electrical outlet was surged to smoke and almost start a fire and ruin things.

I unplugged it in time, but I'm tired of this.

There is no excuse for degrading my work, and constantly, never knowing when to quit degrading me, vandalizing my things, and my property.

I was editing my recording to be shorter and choosing a specific part and that's when I found someone had sliced a second off of the recording and took of part of a word so it sounds vulgar or "funny" to someone else. It's not funny to me. It's not even a whole second maybe but less, and it sounds like nothing was done, but something was done, because I listened to it several times before I uploaded it onto Everio program that was on my computer and then it was altered.

I just listened to what was done again, and they removed part of "apples" to make it sound like "azz" the way Margaret Cho says "azz" for "ass" and this was done right before I go to a line about Chinatown.

So it was done for someone else's personal inside joke over Cho the Chinese comedian. My work for college was vandalized, hacked into, and vulgarized so some people could laugh at it.

I know what kind of joke they made it out to be, because that is the section that was removed and it is right before a phrase about "are there flags in Chinatown" from one of the books I have for the class. So someone tried to turn this into their own rendition of "funny" by removing part of my recording so my clear articulation of "apples" sounds like "azz" the way Chinese comedian Cho says it, and then they did this right before the next line (from text) about "are there really flags in Chinatown?" so someone tried to make a pun off of "flags" and make it into a FAG song instead of a flag song. Maybe I should be asking if there are really fags that torture other people, even kids, and use their money to hack into computer and destroy personal work.

There are parts that I thought were funny sometimes, but if I want my work to be funny, I don't need anonymous "help" to vandalize what I do and try to create personal jokes after hacking into my computer.

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