Monday, November 26, 2012

DEMANDS to U.S. Hostage-Takers of Oliver Garrett

I demand the return of my son and I demand an investigation of crimes of anti-competition and illegal "classification" of criminal activity by U.S. Military and CIA, and FBI backing them all these years. Local police have gone along with FBI.

I demand my son.

I am in a position to make some demands.

I can prove U.S. sponsored theft and torture of me and my family for profit. My son was kidnapped from me when we were tortured. The U.S. did not take him to quit our torture--they continued, and hunted us down when I attempted to get political asylum in Canada.

My son is being tortured.

None of the family "friends" were friends. I find out, my parents have been hostage all along and forced to help others climb to the top.

It wasn't "psychic intuition" that helped anyone steal my music and lyrics. It wasn't done that way. It was 100% illegal activity.

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