Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tortured Today (like my son)

I was tortured by the United States government today, again. It is every day, not just some days, that I and my parents and brother and son are tortured.

I was tortured to the top of my head to cause one of my eyes to pop out and bulge abnormally, which is what the evidence of my son's photo shows is being done to him while he is in school.

Not only that, someone forcibly coached him to imitate Edward Lee Howards smile. He doesn't smile only on one side of his face.

In his kindergarden photo he is smiling without being forced to smile on only one side. In his first grade photo he looks scared of the photographer, has no smile in his eyes at all, is doing a half smile on one side of his face, and he looks like he's been crying.

He also has his one eye bulging and popped out, which is not his natural state and is not how his eyes are.

You can see the tooth enamel dysplasia clearly. This is what hispanic female workers at the dentist deleted from his record. They are Mexican bitches. The Mexican bitch who worked there, smirked at me when I asked for my son's dental records because they already knew they were gone and that one of his records was deleted from their system. It was his first visit, at 2 months, where the dentist diagnosed him with enamel dysplasia due to severe childbirth trauma. It was in writing, because I had a copy and then it was stolen when I went to Canada with my son. After my copy of his records was stolen, that dental office removed it from their records.

It is really too bad that you can't remove the evidence from my son's teeth, because the enamel dysplasia is still there, and the fucking town of Wenatchee, and FBI conspired and colluded to conceal evidence to prevent him from having a medical malpractice suit and being compensated for his damages.

The U.S. government and CPS kidnapped my son from, not just to punish my family, but to take guardianship from me to keep me from suing on my son's behalf when they knew I was going to sue. Chief Jones, the son-in-law of AG Mary Anne McIntosh threatned me to move.

When I didn't move, they knew I could legally sue for my son while living in Washington, and that it would not be hard for me to find a law firm. So since I didn't move, the police, Dr. Butler, Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband, and a bunch of others, including FBI, colluded and tortured us, and removed evidence from records while keeping guardianship from me.

Alvaro Pardo knew about all of it. He knew University of Washington altered and edited their records, and he knew the dentist office with the corrupt spics had deleted my son's records.

We were being tortured and had our house vandalized after drug lords and Italian mafia wanted to protect Dr. Malcolm Butler and dirty cops. It was the Italian mafia that the local police stood by next to while I was raped in Wenatchee. It was doctors, Italian mafia, and Mexican mafia that is connected to the Middletons. These people, are connected to dirty AG attorneys and dirty cops and FBI.

So today, I was in the health food store, and I could feel the top of my head being jabbed through aerospace/military technology. Then, it continued while I walked home. One of my eyes was protruding by the time I got to my house and looked in the mirror.

The United States has been using this form of torture against my 6 year old son Oliver, for two years at least, based on his school photos. They have only used this form of torture against ME, for about 2 months, or even less than that. I've had a "droopy" eye before, because of torture, and that has been for a couple of years. But causing an eye to bulge and pop out this way is different and they deliberately target the head and brain to do it. It is different from an eye that is droopier but with both eyeballs basically normal and not protruding. The United States has been torturing my son since he was a baby and they have not quit. They are even documenting this with his school photos.

They did the same thing to my brother Levi when he was in school. My brother was tortured, and in one of his school photos, for 1st grade I think it was, they have him looking cross-eyed when he is not cross-eyed and no one in my family is. They still torture my brother to this day.

They tortured my mother when she was a little girl to where she had huge dark circles under her eyes at age 8 or so. She was already a victim of the U.S. government. Then, on top of what they did to my parents, after they confirmed both were geniuses, they have since attempted to control public perception and what we can do, to keep us down. They have tried to dumb all of us down. My Dad got tested as being a genius in grade-school and they've been trying to dumb him down ever since. Same with my mother. With me and my brother, they made sure we were to look dumber than we were, or tortured us, from the start. They then did this to my son Oliver.

The United States has committed gross crimes of anti-competition against my family since the 1950s.

The United States is guilty of the grossest crimes against humanity and has lost all morality.

I guess it's only been for about 1 month that they have been popping one of my eyes out in this way, through torture. Before this, I was being tortured on the head, to different parts of my brain and I could feel it, and they were causing enormous lumps to form on my skull, because instead of targeting the area that puts pressure against an eye, they were creating intracranial pressure at a different part of my head and brain, which caused huge bumps.

It is NASA and aerospace/military industry. The United States is controlled by thugs with friends in government. It's nothing more than an Authoritarian state run by thugs. THIS is the United States that continues to try to assume an air of moral superiority over human rights with other countries. The U.S. has no moral advantage--it's gone. They allow thugs and people from other countries to control the military and aerospace in exchange for money.

They go back and forth with what ways they can torture my family and cause suffering.

My mother still has a bruised black and blue thumb with a half-moon underneath the top part of the moon of her nail.

Some freaked out whack job, assaulted and tortured my mother to create a 1/2 moon that is white on the top and a 1/2 moon that is black, underneath it.

This was done to my mother after I purchased a Vegan cream cheese and didn't open it up. It was Tofutti brand, which has a 1/2 moon symbol on top and then on bottom. It is a circle and has a line through it on the top design. The top half is a semi-circle in yellow and the bottom half is a semi-circle in blue.

My mother was deliberately tortured over that.

My parents were tortured over this, and by whack-jobs in the military who thought it would be funny or cool to do this to my mother.

It wasn't from an "accident" that happened at the gym. She was cruelly tortured.

Like me, my son, my brother, and Dad. We are tortured by state-sponsored criminals.

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