Thursday, November 1, 2012

FBI Criminals (Rapists and Kidnappers)

The FBI allowed several of their agents to rape me, and they used me and tried to continue using me, and when I didn't go along with it, they made sure my son was tortured and adopted out from me.

Mark (the truckdriver from New Mexico, who was U.S. Army, was also FBI, and so was Chris Dabney)

I would like to know exactly how many of the men I've named as being "date-rapists" are actually FBI agents.

That would certaintly put everything into better context, with regard to how the FBI allowed military to torture me (for their own interests--to get rid of me and minimize my credibility) and then encouraged others to assault me and knock me out with heavy medications and drugs.

I am also really tired of the same thing, and references to old people, from the past, who raped me, being brought back to me again and again, through my parents, through the arrival of "Kevin Bolls", through Seattle FBI and military contacts.

I'm tired of it.

I was repeatedly raped by FBI agents and the FBI prevented me from having my son returned, when they KNEW it was unlawful and done for wrong reasons.  They allowed their agents to rape me and use me, and treated me "normally", until they worried I was going to rat on THEM, for the crimes they are responsible for committing and allowing against me and my son.

The FBI is responsible for allowing the torture of my son, and they were in on it.  They are also responsible for slandering me and having me tortured and drugged, to shut me up and make me sound crazy.  For THEM.  For THEIR AGENTS.  For Alvaro Pardo, Chris Dabney, Mark the truck driver from New Mexico, Bujanda, Garza, who else?  Who else is an agent?  Robin?  Dylan?  Yes, Dylan is.  How about Josh Gatov?  Tanzer?  they'd use Tanzer for CIA before FBI--my guess, with his Dad's Peace Corp experience.

Kevin Bolls shows up in Oregon, to be "pastor" of the church here, that my parents go to, as a 20 yr. military career-man from Seattle, WA with Chicago connections and the first CD I get from him is with a guy made to sound like Chris Dabney in the background.

The FBI is in serious shit, they know it, they've always known it, and they have ruined my life to cover for it.

I want my son returned.

And I don't want to hear more crap about Dabney or Pardo or any of the other FBI agents, again.  Chris Dabney was and is working for the FBI.  The FBI doesn't care if the military kills unborn babies.  They pay for it.

The FBI paid for Kate Middleton, and her parents, all the way from the time she was in pre-school.  They supported the people working in federal offices who kept me out of unemployment money from The Post Pub, and they supported throwing me off of housing I was entitled to.  They did this when I was researching being a surrogate and contacting fertility clinics.  They had my housing taken away so Seattle FBI (who monitored my online activities) could try to extort eggs from me.

They allow torture of my son Oliver,  and always have, even when he has evidence in his photos.  There are even magazine publishers mocking the fact that the FBI has screwed me over.  Someone brought in a magazine to be picked up and I looked through it and they have a photo montage of a woman who looks like Mykal Holt (almost exactly) rowing with a woman that looks like Anne Crane/Craine and another woman wearing what looks like an FBI insignia on a baseball hat beneath them.  One of the front page articles is about how to "have a brilliant swap" by trading in the "common B"and it's called the "Energy Miracle".  I went to the page and the woman featured is shown wearing a shirt I have in my wardrobe that I wore and which was given to me (by someone through my mother).

Kind of like, the FBI has been stealing my homework from me, as a kid, before I could even turn it in for credit.  The FBI is FUCKED UP.  No one else had my mother or father turning over my HOMEWORK to them, before it could be graded, to then have me going to school, as a KID, saying, "I don't know where it is...I guess it got lost."

The FBI has protected the military in jointly ruining my life, for decades.  Who were they stealing my homework for?  Katie?  The scrapper upstart who was...what?  in preschool when my homework began to disappear?  So what was the whole idea? make sure I look like an "average" B student so they could promote her to look 'smart'?  It's not like the UK wasn't involved, when they're all over the "Tubby" thing.

The FBI is a nightmare and a monster.  I don't even trust the Sandbergs.  The Sandbergs were supposedly family friends and then their daughter goes on to be Chief of Police for Washington State and started working with a bunch of FBI personnel in D.C.--the same time I and my son were being tortured.  There isn't any way she didn't know about it.  You don't go from being Chief of Police for the entire state of WA and then work side by side with FBI and "not know" what's going on in WA still or have contacts who tell you.

She was part of it.  It's like Annette Sandberg was also protecting Kate Middleton...I mean, when did the Middletons get their people in?  Was it through Sharon McGuire?  All bets say so.  So later, after I am raped by more FBI agents connected to military, I have Annette ignoring me.

When I was sexually involved with FBI in D.C. she had no problem inviting me to see her, by email.  No problem at all.  The minute I broke up with Alvaro, to the FBI, I was going to be 'nuts' because now they didn't have a "handler" to control me for them anymore and their little protection from lawsuits "buffer" was gone.

My mother got an email from Shirley Sandberg then, saying Annette emailed her and said she was "worried" and that I sounded mentally ill.  Really.

You know what's mentally ill?  The FBI and the dirty cops who protect UK citizens and torture their own.

Then I find out Alvaro had me living 14 miles away from Kate Middleton's "pal", Lynda Carter.

I found out what the occupation was, of the neighbor who lived behind our house when I was a little girl.  He's a psychologist.  So when I was growing up, in Moses Lake, we had one U.S. military family to our left, another U.S. military family to our right, and an (FBI?) psychologist behind us.  He supposedly worked in the public schools.  He was a psychologist and went to the Mormon church.

Meanwhile, I'm in the middle, having my homework stolen from me, and being set up by my own country.  The Sandbergs were police and FBI connected.  Everyone I was around, was FBI, police, military, or psychologist. 

Oh yeah, and we're supposedly not MKUltra victims.  We're "mentally ill".  "Mentally ill" is what the U.S. calls an MKUltra victim that figured things out before they could be blackmailed into working for the U.S.  The FBI finally gave me something that even acknowledges I was on government radar as a 3 year old, and the record was "destroyed" supposedly, within the same month of the first MKUltra hearings in 1977.

They never stopped the program.

The FBI has perpetuated crimes against me and my son.  As long as they refuse to investigate themselves, or have someone hold them accountable for what was done while my son and I were together and apart (torture), they are a criminal organization.  So far, they have proven to be protectors of criminals, and of torture. 

The FBI has a legal duty and obligation to return my son to me.  It is not a court matter or an "appeals" matter--it is a criminal matter.

I want my son returned.

And several of these agents need to be investigated for date rape, and Niki (from the Post Pub) is part of it.  She aided and abetted, and facilitated a date-rape by "James" from Texas and she knew it.  After she did this, she even acted like a guilty person and began accusing ME of having a problem when she was the one who was a criminal that set me up for assault.  Does Niki work for the FBI too?  She was having sex with Chris Dabney and pretending to be his psychologist too, while she set me up for assault and then began denigrating me.

The FBI is in deep shit.  They have always known they are, and this is why they had me assaulted multiple times, and lied about me.

RETURN OLIVER.  Investigate the "crimes" your agency receives money to investigate, and return my son, or be a criminal organization that people begin to figure out is as corrupt as the MKUltra program.

So why would Seattle-resident U.S. Air Force man Kevin Bolls know who Chris Dabney is?  Well, Chris Dabney, the one who said, "Here's another one in the 'Hole'" when he date-raped me, knew I was from Moses Lake (Moses Hole, is another term for it).  It was a huge center for U.S. Army and Air Force and they and the FBI already knew who I was.  Kevin Bolls was next to the Seattle FBI (which knew all about Mark and New Mexico FBI and Carol Middleton's team) and military.  He knew exactly who Chris was because he is also not "protestant" as he claims. 

Chris Dabney knew exactly who he was raping when he raped me, and he knew he wasn't the first of his kind, and made that announcement as he proceeded.  It was part of U.S. federal gang rape.

The ONLY reason I didn't immediately report him or suspect him as part of this, was because of my initial confusion as to whether it was Will Wagler under-cover because I hadn't seen Will in such a long time, and they had things in common.  I thought, in that case, maybe there was an explanation for things.  But no, there is no explanation.  It wasn't Will.  It was Chris Dabney, and he is part of a U.S. federal gang bang against me.

Return my son FBI.

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