Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Jewel": A Plaigerist;Middletons; Carters; Kahne; and Whittemore

I had to look "Jewel" up again tonight after bringing up how things of mine were stolen from various sources today.

I have already blogged about her.  She stole one of my songs, in its entirety, and lied and said she wrote it. 

If she stole one of my songs, word for word (except for maybe 4 words in the whole song, rearranged?) and even the melody I had, I am sure she (or someone for her) stole songs from others.

Or maybe I was the only one with microchips in my body, thanks to Utah.  Now that I know this, it's more fascinating when I discover she was born in Utah.  She moved to Alaska later.

The song "Standing Still" was stolen, almost verbatim, from me.  I mean, only a couple of words rearranged.  She ruined it though, because she turned it into pop-art crap.

She recorded this in 2001 and I sang it, and wrote it, and played it in my house to practice, in 2000.  I believe that's when I was trying out some of my original song ideas at Cafe Lena.  The only other time I sang some things for a stranger was at The Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon one night, with a guitar and the guy asked if I knew who Jewel was.  I said no, and I didn't.  He played her "woke up, coffee in bed/...dreams last for so long, even after they're were meant for me..and I was meant for you" (that one).  But I don't think I sang my original that she robbed from me, from start to finish.

I mean, seriously, I have heard about 3-4 other songs around this time (and right after I had cassette tapes taken from me that were in my car which I was forced to leave in Canada) where small parts of my melody and words combined were used.  But nothing like this.  She didn't even bother to change it. 

She is a liar, she is not authentic, and even if she had some decent poems or liked to write herself, she stole from others and lied and said it was all her idea.  And then she made money off of it. 

This was a song I sang at Cafe Lena, that I got "rushed" over by a bunch of teen girls who were there and who asked if I had a CD.   No, I did not.

I am seriously pissed about still, and even if she made money off it, I have a right to call her a liar, and to show one of many forms of damage the U.S. has perpetrated against me by violating my civil rights.  It was either from microchip surveillance or from someone she knew, recording my song at that cafe, playing it to her, and then stealing it, word for word and note for note.

What's even more hilarious is that her name is "Jewel" and she's conning a "Cameo".

Jewel sucks.  Seriously.  I mean, she even gave her kid a cheap-sounding name Kase Towne.  Someone who names their kid "Kase Towne" is likely to be someone who needs extra help with their "Poetre".

She's a fraude, a liare, and actually, even these words sound okay with an "e" added to the end.  But not names like "Lighteninge" and "Grasse"  and "Trucke" .  Can I have a burgere with my frenche friees? I'm busye writing a new song in my notebooke.  That's what I'll name my next kid!  Notebooke Castele (get it?  it's like "castle" but it has TWO "e"s in it)

Why not go for something classier, like "Towne Parke Sedane" or "Mercurye Cougare". 

This woman probably has something to do with my losing my voice in Seattle and being tortured.  Something like stealing an entire song, and possibly stealing works from others, is a good reason to not want others to hear me sing or write anything decent.

She's connected to Alaska politicse and Utahe.  I wonder if she has a friende at the Grande Ole Utahe Hospitale.

I just looked at her face and she has the same face as the woman who was stalking me on Bainbridge Island, same eyes, and mouth, except this other woman's face was longer and thinner and her hair bleached out lighter to a very light blond.

Oh help Marye Del Balzoe!  My Intellectuale Properte is being stolene frome mee righte ande lefte. 

Her "Dade" is supposedly Mormone.  Did they know the Carter's too?  Is adding an "e" to the end of names stylish like Linda changing her "i" to a "y"? 

Her husband, whom she supposedly met in 1999, is from Phoenix, Arizona.    Oh yeah, knock knock who's there?  Lynda Carter was born there, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Anyone for "goring" others?  Murray, "Jewel's" husband, is a professional bull rider.

This is so seriously sick.  I hope a lot of people go to jail. 

Jewel's husband's family is from Phoenix, Arizona, where Lynda Carter's family is from.  Lynda was born 1951 there, Ty Murray was born in 1969 there.  Lynda was 17 in 1968, and then she went to Arizona State University.  Ty Murray was 3 years old when Lynda became Miss World, in a beauty pageant, representing Arizona in 1972. 

I just checked on Lynda's first husband, and he produced the Iron Eagle movies.  If I am correct, I remember the exact night we "had" to watch this movie with The Sandbergs in Moses Lake, WA.  I am pretty sure the movie that night was Iron Eagle II.  "The wild blue yonder is about to get wilder".  It was put out in 1986, and that was the year I was forced to be homeschooled.  I had one thing turned around...Mr. Martinez was my 4th grade teacher, and Mr. Anderson was the 5th grade teacher.  So I knew Katie Fallon in 4th grade.  I remember this movie, because of my Dad's reaction when Jim Sandberg said they got it to watch that night.  I wondered why my parents had reacted that way, so I picked it up and read the cover and didn't forget it.  It was also R-rated, I believe, and we never watched R-rated movies but we did that night.

Up until that point in my life, I had never heard so many swear words.  Ever.

You mutherfuckers are going to return my son.  How's that for some language?

We watched a lot of movies with them.  But I remember the exact night we watched that one.

Jewel, the criminal, and her husband (most likely as criminal as she is), both raced cars.  They were in a "reality show" racing cars in 2007, the same year my son and I were being tortured.  Then, I'm in New Mexico, with a guy approaching me who introduced me to a hispanic woman who was a professonal race car driver with her ex-husband (I saw the photo evidence--they raced cars).  She had an entire box of photos of herself and her husband at the racecar track, racing cars, professionally. 

So guess who Jewel "raced" alongside in 2007?  a man from Washington State, by the name of Kasey Kahne.  Which is very similiar to the name Ty Murray and Jewel gave their son:  Kase Towne. 

He had a show produced about himself in 2009 called "The Rise of Kahne".    Kasey Kahne's name is an alliteration of "K's":  Kasey Kenneth Kahne (KKK).  Jewel and Ty, who know the Carter's and Kasey Kahne, who is connected to Richard Whittemore (NASCAR and Farmers' Insurance enthusiast extraordinaire)...

They thought it was "so cute!" to give their son the initials K.T.M.  Kinda like Katie M.  Oh wait.  Exactly like Katie M.  Or just go by KT.  KT M. And with 2 'e's please.

All of these people, are criminals.  I can point out how all of them are interconnected to hate crimes and theft.  Not only that, I can point out how they are connected to people who work in the FBI.


So when I get a photo of my son Oliver, who was tortured because of criminals like I've mentioned above, with his eye popped out, wearing a "Lightening McQueen" t-shirt, it's really sad to realize how many "adults" are babies.  Little fucking babies who feel they must win at all costs, and even by torturing a child. 

It's the double "e" a hopeful wish for a "Katie Queen"?  Let's hope to God she dies first, and honestly, she needs a divorce.  We all love having Middletons as part of FBI crime and UK crime, where they use rodeo gangsters and "Jewel" cons, and NASCAR lawyers connected to Canada and New York, to help them win, by torturing little kids.

Real winners.

I still remember how my song went, Jewel, you motherfucker.  Even though my tapes were all stolen, I still remember how my song was written and sang by me, before you lied to the entire world and tried to pass off someone else's work as your own.  And then worked with others to torture me and my son because you didn't like the fact it was true and I might prove it.  You fucking bitch.  And I address this to "you" because you will read this, just as you read it the first time I wrote about it, in 2007.
I just looked at Jewel's photo again.  The blond woman from Bainbridge had narrower lips than that, but the eyes were the same.  The nose was long, and her face much thinner and not as angular as Jewel's (more of a long oval).

I am finding more things and this is seriously looking like the beginning of the end for our little "Katie".  She and her family are 100% criminal.

Last night, after writing I hope she dies first, I even thought, why in the world do I sense a sudden affirmation to that? like someone I really love somewhere or a lot of people, agree with me.  At least, agree with the fact she is a criminal and has tortured my son.  My parents weren't awake and I don't know anyone who has expressed serious distaste for her family, but I guess I am not alone.   I even wondered, to God, why such a horrible thing to say felt so RIGHT in every way.  I thought, how can I say such a terrible thing and feel it's okay or right or feel peace and good over it?  how can I be a good christian and think you are okay with this God?  and honestly, I did not feel, even when contemplating this, that God was ever against me for saying it.  I think there must be even more going on than I know then.  If it's not just my son being tortured, I am sure there have been murders.  As they say, didn't one of the English papers say, "They 'shoot' to the top of the social ladder?" I didn't know if maybe my son wasn't being tortured anymore, or my brother, or what happened, but after I wrote that section about Kate Middleton, I sensed a great relief and peace.  Why that is, I don't know and I can't explain.  I think (fuck you Kate) that maybe God must love me afterall.  At least I know God knows it is time for justice for me and my son.  I've gone my entire life, being stolen from and lied about, and then literally tortured on a daily basis watching the U.S. allow torture of my son.  It is time for justice.

I am not afraid to ask for what I want anymore either.  I used to be afraid but I am not afraid. I used to think, maybe I shouldn't ask for this or that, or anything at all, because maybe I'll ask for the wrong thing.  So I'll let God decide.  Then having people warn me, "be careful what you wish for or you might get it."  Then I realized, it is one thing to be modest before God.  It is another thing to be a coward or have fear or not believe in yourself and what God believes in you for.  It's like Moses, doubting himself.  No, maybe I'll mess up.  Let Aaron speak for me.  Choose someone else.  Go take that, I want Deborah to go in front of me, only if you go Deborah. 

I realized last night, I deserve to have what I ask for and God knows.  It is wrong for me to think that anyone could do some things better than I could, when I know I am good enough for the job.  By this, I mean, there wasn't anything particular I wanted or asked for, except to know that when I ask God for something, or pray, I will not doubt God wants to do it.

I just looked at Jewel's photo again, with her little necklace from 2009, from the wiki page.  From Yodel 2009.  I looked up other photos and got a close-up. 

This bitch has not only stolen my songs, she knows who has been stealing my clothing, including the slip I used to have that I tied up on one side because the strap broke.  In that photo, she has this side of her strap tied up (on her left shoulder).  She is wearing (will have to check other photos to make sure it isn't a glare) a black and white pearl necklace with a pendant at the bottom. 

Kate Middleton's mother gave Kate earrings to wear, on her wedding day, that matched the shape of this necklace that Jewel is wearing. 

Also, this fucking bitch Carol had my "mustard seed earrings" copied.  I had already written about it, but not everyone knew what my mustard seed earrings looked like--the ones I had as a girl and in jr. high and high school.  I even had one of them for years after high school, but I couldn't wear them because the other one had disappeared.  For about 10 years, I had only one of the mustard seed earrings, because the other one went missing.  So I had it in a box with my other earrings and jewelry.

(I seriously HATE the criminal Middleton family.)

They were exactly like these "wedding day" earrings Kate wore, which I didn't look at closely until today, after looking at Jewel's photo.

My earrings were gold with sort of a bronze-gold finish, not bright maybe because of wear.  It was one perfectly round "dot" or stud, that attached to the lobe and had the earring stick to put through the ear, and then from this stud (which was rounded like a pearl), there was a small connector and then a slightly larger glass oval or round part, a little larger than the gold stud above.  Inside, one unopened mustard seed was suspended in the glass and you could see through the glass to it. 

Carole copied this.  Instead of putting a mustard seed to be suspended, she used "acorns".  And I am not sure, but one of the photos I looked at, showed a pearl at the top of one of these earrings (on the left ear) but not on the right ear.  An asymmetrical thing.  I will have to check it out.  If so, it's really fascinating when the Middletons have been stealing from me for so many years.

I even wore the mustard seed earring a couple of times, on its own, with a different earring in the other ear but only a few times because I didn't like the asymmetry.

You fucking bitches.  So, you know who the acorn means a lot to?  Vanderbilt University Hospital.  Thanks to Vanderbilt, I was assaulted with toxic doses of Haldol.  Vanderbilt's symbol is the acorn.

The people who put me there, were people connected to the Middletons and to Jewel.  Diane Harsha and FBI offices there, and Brad Uhl and his wife, from Florida.  His wife is connected to Russians that Kate is connected to and Jewel is connected to. 

I'll post the photo of Jewel's necklace, with Carol Middleton's "gift" to her daughter of the "acorn" earrings (if you have faith like an 'acorn' you can move mountains).  It's one thing to give your kid acorn earrings.  It's another thing to design them after Cameo Garrett's mustard seed earrings from jr. high.


It looks like, on a cursory note I'll have to investigate later (bc I have some other work to do) that Jewel had a Russian agent at one point who may have a connection to Brad Uhls little wife that was zapping me in the sauna in Nashville, TN.  He worked for the DEA.  So how deeply into the drug cartels IS the Middleton family?  Because Uhl was covering for them.

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