Friday, November 2, 2012

"Jewel" and FBI Anti-Competition/Theft of Intellectual Property

In my last post I wrote again about the outright criminal "Jewel".

The woman the FBI and military protected, because they know she's a thief, and they also know she's not the only woman who has stolen intellectual property from me since they put microchips into my body at Utah Hospital in 1995, and had me under constant surveillance.

I can make a list of about 3-4 and possibly more than that, singers/songwriters, who had hit songs on the radio with song material I had created and sang publicly, or tape-recorded, first.  Most of it is in parts, sometimes exact parts, but only parts.

With "Standing Still", Jewel stole my entire song, and the entire melody, and not just the lyrics and melody, but the rhythm and way it gets switched up.  I had it starting out one way, with a question, and then it goes into a chorus almost immediately. 

She COPIED and STOLE the entire thing.  The only thing she changed were a couple of words.

I used the word "want".  "Do you want me? like I want you? do you feel the same?" at the start.  She changed "want" to "love". 

Love, with a capital "L" Katie? 

She kept all the other words the same, and kept my melody, and kept the rhythm and meter.  She didn't even "copy" me.  She STOLE the entire song and put her name on it.

I also used the word "time" at one point, instead of "I" ..."Or is time standing still?"  She changed the word "time" to I and sang "Or am I standing still?"

The rest of the song, the words, and the exact scenario of where she is supposedly (location) in the song, EVERYTHING, is identical.

Jewel and everyone around her, are criminals.  The FBI protected HER and people she knew, and tortured me and my son and allowed others to torture us.

After my car was stolen from me and I was forced to leave it in Canada, I heard some UK-connected singers come out with new songs that made it to the radio, and had parts of my song ideas in their songs.  Exact parts again.  Nothing like what Jewel did, but parts, and about 6 months-1 yr. after I was forced to leave my car there.  I remember I was in D.C. and heard one of the songs and knew it was part of one of my songs.

"Or is time standing still, with the scenery passing by?" I sometimes sang "Or am I standing still?" and then other times used "Is time standing still?" with the same melody (the same one the Faux Jewel used.)

I had the lyrics about the car in the fog, and the "on my left" and "to my right" and everything else, even in the order it's sung.  She completely lifted my entire song from me.  She ruined it too, because she put her trashy "ee" voice to it. 

Her career was floundering, and she hadn't had a "hit" in years.  Then all of a sudden, the next time she pops into view, she's singing a song that was stolen from me, which made it to the radio.  If it hadn't made it to the radio, I'd have never known.

"Jewel" needs to get a new name.  She's not a "Jewel".  She is a fraud.  She's like the "Faux Jewel" or the "Fools Gold" you find as a kid and think is real gold.  She is not real gold.  She's a trashy fucked up bitch who can't write or think for herself, stole my music and lyrics and used it to make millions of dollars.

I should be getting every single penny of the royalties from that one song alone.

She is FUCKED and so is the FBI.

They obstructed me from justice when I had lawsuits, allowed torture of me and knew my original songs were being stolen.. and then they DRUGGED me?

Which songwriter does Diane Harsha and Brad Uhl know?  Which songwriter or producer.  You people are FUCKED UP.

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