Friday, November 2, 2012

Carol Middleton: Criminal

Here is what supposedly Carol, Kate's mother, gave her daughter to wear on her wedding day:  copies of earrings I had as a little girl, one which was stolen from me while I still lived in Moses Lake, WA.

I looked at these earrings closely for the first time today, after noticing some things about another criminal's jewelry and attire ("Jewel").

The earrings are designed like mine were.  They are a little different, and not perfect copies by any means, not in the way Jewel stole an entire song from me, note for note and line for line, but Carol Middleton has clearly seen my mustard seed earrings.

She designed a little inside joke for those who have tortured me and my son.  I made a small sketch of what my earrings were like (the link between the stud at top and the bottom part was either one link or two but I think one and then connected loosely between the top part and bottom part.

The other jewelry design her earrings resemble is the necklace stolen from me when I was in high school, in Sherwood, which was brass colored and had sections of beads and flowers in the center of oval shapes sort of wrought.  I've already drawn it before. 
The Middletons are criminals.

There isn't anything wrong with this photo file when I uploaded to my computer (of "Jewel") but the bottom part is blocked out.  The file where I got the photo (full view) is at:
And the rest of her outfit looks like she has on a server's apron like the kind I was made to wear at the Post Pub in D.C.  The buttons in the center of the black shirt, that look like brass with the holes in the center, are like the small discs on the top and bottom of the glass part of my mustard seed earrings. The Middletons and Jewel are connected and so is the FBI.  They are criminals.  They tortured my son and then went on to make jokes about things that were stolen from me.  Jewel is a thief of intellectual property, and knows people who have stolen actual property from me as well.
Is it my turn God?  to see Carol Middleton, Katie Middleton, Jewel, and the FBI that lied about me, injected with Haldol at extreme toxic levels for over a week?  Is it my turn to hear Kate Middleton lisping because her tongue is too thick and twisted from the drugs?  When does Carol get to be raped?  How about Brad Uhl?  When does he get his turn to be sodomized and shot up with drugs?  FUCK YOU. 
THIS is why "Pippa" isn't coming to America for her book "Celebrate".  They are going down. It is far more likely the FBI told her not to come afterall, than the Queen.  Her entire family is a piece of shit.
How about Laura Laughlin.  When do we get to see how she looks and acts after she's drugged with Haldol.  She is mentally ill.  She's mentally ill and she needs help, so lets help her.  Let's tell her to get "checked out" before we check out her latest idea on what to investigate.  Then let's make sure a man with a syringe is ready.  Let's drug her and point to a large Queen size mattress and tell her that's where she's headed and we'll force her down if she doesn't voluntarily let us assault her.  The mattress.  Doesn't everyone in Seattle and Portland already know Laura is mentally ill?  We all know it, by the crazy things she says about "terrorists" and "terrorism".  It sounds like a bunch of whacked out malarky.  Let's make sure she is so drugged up she can't think anymore, and then let's torture her with a zap to electrocute her now and then.  No one will believe Laura, because she is nuts.  Then lets parade Laura in front of a bunch of doctor's of her enemies.  For every single person she put in jail, let's get their family and friends together to sit in a room while Laura Laughlin tries to say something, with Haldol twisting her tongue.  We kidnapped her kids from her already, stole all of her clothing and jewelry, and kept her from doing anything except what we wanted.  We raped her repeatedly for good measure, to re-traumatize her and bring out what PTSD effects we hoped would be there from before she was 3 years old.  Come on Laura, talk to us now.  Do you need the "antidote"? 
Laura, you know you are not mentally ill don't you?  But we are going to take the stand and lie to everyone and say "She has distorted perceptions of reality".  Reality.  Laura, so now lets break your hand in a federal holding facility and then we'll threaten your family from Texas to do a "spinal tap" on you if they all don't do what we want.  How do you like your country now Laura?  Can we put you on your own terrorist list yet?  When does the FBI make the list of terrorist organizations?
You've been stealing homework from me, before I could even turn it in to school, and forcing me to say "It got lost" since elementary school.  Then claiming I am gifted but can't be part of the program because "you don't get your homework done" (after dangling all the creative idea projects in front of me that the other kids get to do).  Then assaulting me with military technology to keep me out of court, when I filed lawsuits.  Then defaming me with friends of the FBI to the newspapers.  In the meantime, my intellectual property is being stolen and you know about it.  Other people are getting rich off of my ideas but they don't want anyone to know about it.  But of course, this isn't "classified" for "anti-competition" reasons now, is it?  Torture, isn't a way to keep people from talking, is it?

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