Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chief Jones Threatens Me To "Leave" Wenatchee and Torture with U.S. Military/"Becks" T.V. Show

I have written about a police officer from Wenatchee before, who threatened me to "leave" Wenatchee if I didn't "like" having my car repeatedly vandalised on Methow St.  I haven't talked about who it was though.

It was Chief Jones. 

He looked at me with hatred and told me to leave Wenatchee if I didn't like being targeted.  I said what do you mean? and then he told me, "If you don't LIKE it, then leave Washington."  He told me to not only leave Wenatchee, but get out of the State of Washington.

He didn't say it in a nice way, like, "Have you ever considered moving?" He threatened me and said it was going to continue until/unless I left.  I started crying at that point and said, "I've already left one state, and I'm supposed to leave another state?!"

So, I didn't realize he was related to Attorney General Mary Anne McIntosh at the time.  Mary Anne is and was Attorney General for Wenatchee and for the State of Washington.  Her boss, lived in Seattle.

At that point, I still lived with my son on Methow Street and we hadn't moved to East Wenatchee yet.  I had also not been approached by Judge John Bridges wife "Mary", who worked for CPS.  No one from CPS was contacting me then. 

No one contacted me until I told Officer Jones I wasn't going to leave Washington State.  I said, "I have a right to live here."  (and I was getting ready to file a lawsuit for medical malpractice and everyone knew it).

The next thing that happened was, after I said I wasn't going to leave, I had Judge Bridge's wife, Mary, at my house, who worked for Child Protective Services.  I told her she could call me on the phone but my son was taking a nap (and he was). 

Then the next time I was checking in with the Social Worker for TANF (single mother and child benefits, as I was still recovering from the childbirth), it was Tina Thornton, telling me she had an "offer" for me.

Well guess what.  Tina Thornton's husband is a cop.  And guess who else is a cop?  The husband of the woman I was going to sue, Stacey Stubblefield.  Tina told me, in that visit, that "CPS" had contacted her ("Mary") and they were offering me and my son a "One way bus ticket" out of the State of Washington.

(Oh!  Guys!  Has Stacey's cop husband licked his own boots yet and turned the deed of his house and business over to my son Oliver yet?)

When I refused to take the "deal" or "offer", rather, pressure and threat to leave the State of Washington, my son and I continued to be victimized, and then we were stalked by police everywhere, and we were both tortured. 

CPS used The Attorney General's offices against me when I then left the country with my son.  They used Tomas Caballero and then they used MaryAnne, mother-in-law to the cop who first threatened me and told me to leave Washington.

Chief Jones, I looked him up later, is intertwined with the FBI.  Captain Jones.  Captain, chief, whatever.  It was Jones.  Doug Jones.

But really, there were never any conflicts of interest or anything, and no police officer tortured my son Oliver ...and FBI agent...

I later found out, much later, only about a year ago  I think, that Captain Doug Jones was related to AG MaryAnn McIntosh by marriage.  His wife is MaryAnn's daughter.

After he threatened me to leave Washington (which was the same time that this Wenatchee post office worker was showing me his "coin collection" and telling me about his nudist housemate), I later, months later, went to the Wenatchee police station over police harassment.  I didn't recognize him because he'd cut his hair and it had been a few months.  But it was him.  He reviewed video footage and then something went out on it and he said it had never happened before.  He never contacted me.  At that time, wherever I drove, I was being harassed by police.

The nudist woman hadn't had her court hearing yet, with Julie Anderson, about her son and custody and that happened months later when I saw this, so Jones told me to leave well before this hearing.

They were all setting me up.

By the way, all of you assholes who keep trying to refer to mail I didn't open or things I could have done to help my son.  There is NOTHING I could have done when I was being TORTURED by the United States and when that many justice system employees are fully corrupt.  When I am being date-raped by federal employees, before and after my only son is taken from me, when I refused to leave Washington state but was then tortured so badly with him I tried to leave the country, there is nothing I could have done.  So Beck, Utah?  Is that where your "sham Mormon" friend Shannon Borg from Seattle thinks I should have gone?  to the same state that put microchips into my body, got millions for it, and ruined my life?  I guess I was supposed to go back to Utah so the doctors who did it and the hospital and state that was responsible, could torture me under observation there, or try to remove them before anyone "found out".

There was even something wrong with the nudist woman, and she was supposedly partially disabled.

I sat with my parents tonight, watching this Mormon guy "Beck"s new show, as he sat down with a U.S. comedian I recognized.  I recognized him the minute I saw him and I didn't know he was a comedian.  Supposedly, he's a 'new christian' comedian and before that, he was supposedly "atheist" but all of his photos show him around Roman Catholics.  I didn't know they were watching it, and I randomly ended up going over there. 

So all of a sudden, as I was sitting in this chair realizing I recognized this man, who they said was named "Jeff Allen", I was then being tortured by U.S. military, to my teeth on the left side, and ear.  And then right at that moment, "Jeff" put his finger in his mouth or said something about "pushing back" or "pushing out" as I was doing this to my tooth because of U.S. military torture. 

That man was fucking trying out his psychic game on ME, while I sat there watching these guys on this "Beck" show.  So how would they know?  Beck is a Mormon, and Jeff is a "christian comedian".  Right.  Then after talking about pushing out, Jeff rolled his tongue onto the same side of his cheek where I was being tortured by U.S. military.

So then what?  Beck starts talking about how some people get a whole box of stuff, like him, and they never open it up.  Jeff Allen talked about it, saying he had all this information he never opened, and then Beck started talking about the same thing, and guess who had my box of "State" materials (and no, they never gave me 'everything' and guess what?  the AG was related by marriage to the COP who threatened me there.  I have been TORTURED by this God DAMNED country, so no, it doesn't matter WHAT they sent me, TOO LATE)?  Mormon Shannon Borg from Seattle had it.  How would Beck know about it? or Jeff Allen?

It doesn't matter what I got, they sent it after I could appeal.  And they never sent what they had.  I was forced to be Pro Se first, and who cares what CHRIS fucking DABNEY did, after he date-raped me and said, as he was doing it, "Here's another one in the HOLE."

You are all a bunch of fucks.  How about the Mormon cops that concealed torture of my son?  did Wes, the FBI man from Wenatchee, investigate kidnapping of my son?  No.  Sibel, the Mormon state worker for Wenatchee, attempted to steal my son from me while I was still pregnant.  And the Mormon lawyer attempted to extort me for $4,000 to get me to drop eggs for the Seattle FBI offices, just to get housing that I was already entitled to.

They stole everything from me.

So here I am, watching this comedian do a play-by-play on how I'm being tortured and I suddenly realized:  "I guess I am a threat."

I am a threat, when the U.S. is using this many God Damn government psychics to try to read me.  No one would do this unless they were thinking they had a reason to stay ahead of me.

So I'm sitting there wondering where I know this man from, and I was remembering he didn't act very nice when I saw him and I believe he said something to me...and I was thinking, was it Washington D.C. or Tennessee?

I remembered him more from Washington D.C. area.  He was saying he traveled, and I remembered him from D.C., is what was coming to my mind.  And then he said he lives in Tennessee.  I was in Tennessee for almost a year, but I don't remember him from there.  I remember him from D.C.

And then! there we go.  I found out his son is in the U.S. military.  They showed a photo of him in a huge helicopter.  He supposedly encouraged his son to join.  Why? because his Dad is already a government employee.  He sat on that show, talking about and motioning off about torture being done to ME.  Is this to make everything look like "national interest"? and not hate crime?  So what do they do, have a camera filming me from the outside to show him later if he was right? and why does he care?

Oh, let's see.  He and his son are U.S. Army, and guess what.  He's from Chicago, and is supposedly now a christian like Palin, but is probably a baptised Roman Catholic.  I would bet his mother and father are Catholic.

After this show, I went back to my house and I've been tortured to this tooth and ear on the left side, ever since.

It's U.S. hate crime.  I'm tired of "converted christians" who are not christians, lying, to conceal the motive for why they want to have part in ruining my life and passing on information about me to others.  Fuck you.

He is in the U.S. Army.  The 101st (or something) Airborne in Kentucky.  These are United States military and CIA crimes and the FBI is part of it.  Half of their people are U.S. military.  This country is committing hate crimes against me and my son, and kidnapped my son from me.

They kidnapped my son and allowed a bunch of corrupt Mafia and police ruin our lives.  I don't want a fucking "marriage". I don't want a marriage, I don't want a boyfriend, I don't want a fucking thing from the fucking "romance" department.  That is like looking at bull crap when the United States is torturing people in their own country.  Yeah, let's watch a "romance movie" while we sit here in an ice-cold freeze tub as the Nazi's electrocute us and laugh while they write how long it takes for our organs to give up.  I don't hate Kate Middleton because I want to be married or involved with someone.  I hate her and her family for being criminals, and part of a criminal group.  Period. I HATE people who are part of torture crimes, and esp. against my son.  HATE.

I want my son returned and I want justice.  Do you know what "justice" looks like?  It looks like full exposure without courts covering things up and asking people to turn over photos to just a few, while hiding crimes from the world.  This man, Jeff Allen, is part of the U.S. Army intel and so is his son.

So guess what.

Wasn't it an Army guy (U.S. Army) that was in Jordan the same time Middletons were?  Fuck You.  All of you. 

When I see someone talking about the criminals who are responsible for torture of my son, I'll have some hope for this country.

When I think to myself that I shouldn't be afraid to ask for what I want, I mean, if I want exposure of torture crimes, I get it.

God is going to expose some fucking torturers in this country and when that happens, its YOUR family that isn't safe anymore.  I cannot wait.  I am counting on it, and looking forward to it, and I expect it to happen.

Dempsey is one of them.  Martin Dempsey.  These are people who are vicious throat-cutting torturers who act like Jesuits or part of a middle-age Massacre squad.  They allowed people to steal songs from me (Palin is the Roman Catholic Gov. of Alaska who had proximity to "Jewel"), and torture me and my son.  Allowing people to rape me and then punishing me when I dared report Bujanda and Garza. 

What the FUCK is wrong with this country?

No one went after the FBI assholes but I got tortured instead? and kicked out of my 2 lawsuits I had filed? 

Bujanda is  a Department of Homeland Security gang-banger who got his Mexican Mafia against my family and my son.  He used his influence with the DHS when I was in Blaine, Washington, after my son and I were tortured over to Canada.
The FBI is a corrupt and criminal organization that is allowing corrupt criminals in the U.S. Army and Air Force/Navy to torture me and my son. 

Who was the doctor who stitched up my head in Utah? My guess is that I would be able to trace him to Janet Bechtold.  They refuse to give me my own medical records now, because they don't want me to know.  I sense and smell Bechtold.  Janet Bechtold.  And Robin knew about it, when he date-raped me, which is why he was using his "sex consent awareness" talk as he did what he did.  He knew others could overhear, because I was "wired" with the microchips.  He knew, that fuck.  He knew people could hear everything, but that they wouldn't know how drunk I was without seeing me. 

The doctors are connected to Janet Bechtold and the people she knows.

So let me guess.  Is Captain Jones, officer for Washington, also connected to Nathan Bechtold, cop in Oregon?  Is that why "you're known by law enforcement from Washington to Oregon"?  You fucks put me in jail for nothing, a dozen times.  You harassed me, raped me, allowed others to rape me while standing by, and set me up for it.  You tortured my son Oliver.

Janet Bechtold is one of the cruelest, most devious and self-centered women I've ever met.  She had a mind for money and politics and nothing else.  She's half Italian and half Irish and mobster on both sides.  She has hated my guts since I was in the 10th grade, and I had no idea why.  She's a vindictive bitch that snuck behind my back to videotape me and insult, and have bad things done to me.  She knew I was singing at Cafe Lena too, later, she knew.  She pretended to be nice, but I guess that was after I had microchip implants in my body in 1995. 

So what did she do?  coach her son on how to date-rape and make sure it sounded like it wasn't date-rape for the "mics"?

So Captain Jones, looking at him again...He was in charge of some investigations.  The same man who threatened me to leave the State and then used his mother in law to file for a Protective Order to get my son kidnapped from me.

He is U.S. Army.  I just found out about the Fucker Jones.

Here it is.  He returned "home" from Iraq in 2005, from the U.S. Army.  The following was posted by a man with the name "Cullen"  (wait.  I don't know for sure,because this says a LTC, not Captain Doug Jones from police department.  Also, this announcement was in 4/09.  That was when the torture against my son started up again.  If this is the same Doug Jones that runs Wenatchee Police Department, his mother in law felt brave enough to take over the case after her homeboy was back :

**Short Notice**Confirmed Welcome Home Mission** LTC. Douglas E. Jones, Wenatchee, WA‏
From: PGRofWA Notification (
Sent: Thu 4/16/09 2:54 PM
To: PGRofWA Volunteer's

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Patriot Guard,

We have been requested by the family to help welcome home one of our war
heroes returning from a year in Iraq. Army (O5) LTC. Douglas E. Jones.
Ride Captain: Dave"50wt"Kastel

Date: April 17, 2009 ***Tomorrow*** FRIDAY
Rally Location: Pangborn Airport East Wenatchee
Rally Time: 10:15AM
Briefing: 10:30AM Pangborn Airport

Bikes will stage on the driveway immediately in front of the main entrance
to the airport. There will be a short briefing. If limo is available bikes
will escort the limo down Grant Road to Olds Bridge and south Wenatchee
ave. All bikes will break off in the area of South Wenatchee Ave.
Final mission plans will be made as they become available.

Dave "50wt" Kastel
Eastern Washington Regional Captain
Board of Directors Member
Patriot Guard Riders Id. #67211
P.O. Box 642
Wenatchee, WA. 98807
Home 509-884-3756 Cell 509-670-4203

They stood for us........We ride to honor them...........

Respectfully Serving You and the PGR,


Washington State Captain
PO Box 8177, Lacey, WA 98509-8177
Oh MY GOSH.  It IS him.

Here is another article.

Jones — 25th

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Doug and Jennifer Jones of Wenatchee are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this month.
Doug and Jennifer Jones, 25 years ago and today
Jennifer McIntosh and Doug Jones were married Sept. 6, 1986, in Tacoma.
The couple have lived in Ellensburg and Wenatchee during their marriage.
They are the parents of two daughters, Christina Jones of Tokyo, and Lisa Jones of Tacoma; and a son, Michael Jones of Wenatchee.
He is a captain with the Wenatchee Police Department. He is also a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army reserves.
She is a homemaker and volunteers with Volunteer Life Choices in Wenatchee.
He is the Ltc. written about above.   "Jennifer" is MaryAnn McIntosh's daughter.  AND, they had a daughter in Tokyo.  I guess they felt friendly with Japanese-American Judge Alicia Nakata, who also threatened me and told me not to talk about what was done to me or my son, or to write about it.

Let's see.  I think Doug, if I remember correctly, is Italian.

I wonder how much Jennifer would like to get shot up with Haldol?  How about it bitch?  What did her mother say about me to the court?  That my "perceptions" were not reality-based?

Really?  You fucking BITCH.  Her SON-IN-LAW was the one threatening me to leave Washington before CPS was ever showing their face.

She knew about the conflict of interest.  I had thought the conflict was just that I'd talked to her before on the phone.  I thought it was because she represented the State of Washington.  But she told me, when I called, it was a conflict, because her daughter's husband had been to my house and threatened me to move away.

I would make any bet that he is connected to Bechtolds too. 

He is a killer. 

Nice that his wife is a "homemaker" who fucks a knife at night.  He threatened me, then went after me with his buddies, and when he was done killing people in Iraq, he came back to Wenatchee to protect people cutting up and torturing my son.  And he hired his own "back-up".

Everything that MaryAnn McIntosh said and did was a conflict of interest.  She wanted me to sound crazy because her daughter's husband was a fucking NUTJOB. 

And yes, I'm still being tortured while I write this, because it's been NASA/aerospace and military, and CIA all along.  Jones isn't even originally from Wenatchee I don't think.  I am not sure, but I think I read somewhere that aside from going to Federal Bureau of Investigation for "coaching" (boy they really know how to pick them) in 2000-something, there was an article about his being from New York.  It was New York or Chicago but I think it was New York.

What horrible and discusting people.  I knew MaryAnne McIntosh had something to do with Middletons too.  I wonder how much Jones got paid.  That fucker.  I hope he loses everything.  The photos of him and his wife are hideous.  She's wearing some 80's wedding dress with a high lace collar like Kate Middleton's, and then for her anniversary in 2011, she's wearing a plunging V-neckline ghetto dress with rhinestones all the way down the border (like Kate's earrings) and teardrop shaped earrings with 2 of them.  She borrowed Kate's lipstick for fun too (same color).  She must realllly admire the Middleton family. 

Let's get those photos in for all to see:
(don't you love the blinders in the background?  I don't know they thought it was the perfect foil to their bright white "innocence")

Doug and Jennifer Jones, 25 years ago and today
Here's the man who threatened me and my son to leave Washington State before we were both tortured, but while we were repeatedly having our car broken into with tires slashed and windows broken in.  He snarled at me with hate and said "If you DON'T LIKE IT, LEAVE."   Leave where?  Leave Washington he said. 

He is a criminal and his mother-in-law is a criminal.  I don't see anything good about "Jennifer" from this photo either.  She looks like the kind of woman who would pick apart a single mother.  A real wench.

He is from New York.  What a fuck. He is from New York, if I remember what I read a long time about him, and I do remember for sure he has been out to see the Virginia FBI.  And he's a military killer.  Don't you love how his wife's dress is so "Katie".

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