Saturday, November 3, 2012

Torture, More Theft, and Corrupt Extended Family

Someone stole fruit from out of the barn where I had stored things, and it was done last night, and I discovered it this morning.  They stole 80% of what was there, which was on a side next to things that reminded me of my son.

I think some of my Dad's relatives had a part in my son being taken from me and I think it was Char and her husband who she was involved with at the time, Mike Killian.  When these family relatives came over to visit, they chose to want to see me, after and only after they believed all appeals in court were over and that there was no possibility I'd get discovery on any of them.

It had been 7 years since I saw Char, and I believe she and Mike were part of trying to have my son taken from me.  She's lied and said she wrote a letter saying there was nothing wrong with me (which she did) but she would lie and do this to cover her tracks and then tell others this was why she was writing it.  Since she's been with Mike Killian, who works for the aerospace industry, and who was observing my entire family for signs of torture when he came to visit, there have been additional problems.

Char was then showing me and my parents photos she'd taken which clearly bothered my parents, judging by their reaction, and when she wanted to show me things, it wasn't of her kids--it was of a giant "LOVE" spelled out in the sand, which she photographed upside down.  Mike thought it was hilarious.

When Char was in the kitchen with my Mom, I came around when Char wasn't expecting it and my mother looked like a hostage and was acting afraid of Char.

When Mike Killian left the house to get something, when he was coming back inside, both my Mom and Dad looked petrified with fear, and anxiously watched the entry and when he showed up (maybe without a knife or gun?) they looked visibly relieved.

From the interactions I observed, my parents were assaulted in some way by one or more of the persons there, and they are working with some other group to get a pay-off and wield power over my parents. 

My Uncle Tom has a German wife, Jodi, and all of them do psychic work.  Char, Tom, and Jodi.  The only one who didn't, was Mike, who is the person that wanted to marry into it and uses his power with aerospace industry against me and my son.  When I mean psychic work, I don't mean they get out tarot cards and crystal balls...I mean they read other's minds and predict their actions ahead of time.

Mike creeped me out.  He said and did several things that set off alarms.  He deliberately sought to insult me by refering to me (indirectly) as "couch-hopping" all over the place.  He also did something in front of my parents that I believe, was to remind them of the perm solution that was forcibly put down my son's throat.  I think Mike knows all about it.

It was the first time I had seen Char since she got offended that I told my son Oliver, he did NOT have to "share" with her daughter, Calie.  Calie was getting onto his rideable toys when he wanted to and it bothered him, and he looked to me to see what I would do.  Sometimes I encouraged him to share, and other times, I respected his right to do as he wished with his own toys.  Sometimes, he allowed other kids to play with certain toys, but not all of them.

When I said to Oliver, "Oliver, it's okay, if you don't want to share, you don't have to" and I said to Calie, "Callie, why don't you play with another toy right now?" and she refused to move, I then brought another toy around for her to play with.  Her mother Char didn't correct her child when I asked her to do something nicely, so then I was the one to tell her (finally) to please get off of the toy and play with something else.

Char looked at me with daggers.  I'll never forget it.  She was so pissed that I told her daughter Callie to stop playing with one of my sons toys, I am sure she would be happy to do something to get back.

I had done the same thing with other parents who are like-minded, in play groups and I've also seen other parents teaching their kids the same thing...that it is good to share, but you are not required to give up all of your rights to your toys, and we respect your choices.  I've been in settings and playgroups where other mothers have said the same thing I have, and it impressed me as being a good thing, a wise form of parenting.  There was never a reaction of "insult" from other parents when this was done by me, and I never felt insulted when it was done with their kids either.  "It's his toy Oliver, and he's playing with it right now, so lets find something else okay?  He can choose what he wants to do with his toys.  Maybe you could ask him if you can play with a different one okay?"

I protected my son and I protected his property, his property rights, his independence, his spirit, and his development.

Char did not have a "progressive" reaction to what happened.  Her face darkened and she looked like she hated my guts. She didn't just look like she was pissed, she looked like she hated me.

When she came to visit me and my son when we lived on Methow St., and they stayed in a hotel, she acted a little differently.  More open and joking and normal.  When she visited us when we lived in East Wenatchee, she greeted me like she was a different person entirely.  I believe part of the change was because of Mike.  She had a baby with him after he moved in next-door to her.

He worked for BF Goodrich aerospace industry.

While he was at our house, recently to visit, I didn't have a good feeling about any of it.  I know he is connected to Middletons.  He is also either connected to Robin Bechtold, Christa Schneider (Department of Justice) or the Lewis family.  I sensed Schneider for a reason I won't get into now, but I think there are others.  He targeted his way into the "family".

They have something to do with what has been happening to my son Oliver.

My Uncle Tom was nice to me in general, but there was serious tension and some fear between him and my Dad.  I noticed my Dad looked like he was afraid, if Tom was ever behind him, on stairs or down a hall, like he was going to be punched or assaulted.  Or, like someone might even pull a gun.  It was that bad of tension and it was more of a concealed idea of my parents having to pretend nothing was wrong and try to "prove" to the others that I had no idea.

One of Mike's parents (his Dad) is Irish.  His mother is from England.  They had a daughter and named her Lily, when Callie was about 4 years old.  Callie's father is an Italian-American and she lives with him part-time.  I was shocked by some of the things that came out of her mouth.  I said, joking, "So how do I get dimples like that?"  and she said quickly, "I'll get a gun and blow a hole into your head."  She pointed to the middle of my cheek when she said this is where she'd blow a hole into my face with a gun.  She made a motion of holding a gun and doing it and everything.

If we're looking at this "girl" on a Rohrschach scale, for what kind of quick idea and response comes to her concerned.  She didn't even stop there.  She went on to talk about violence of how she could use a gun to blow out the side of my face.  My Mom was stunned and said nothing.  I just saw her eyes.

She told my Dad, in the car, "It's been 11 years and you have some catching up to do."  Or, "It's been 11 years and you need to catch up."  I think it was "you need to catch up".  I overheard my Dad (as I listened through the door one night while on the front porch looking for the cat and inadvertently hearing him talk) quote her as saying this.  He was telling a man who had called him from, I believe, California.  My impression was that my Dad didn't really want to talk to him and this other guy was trying to rub it in (whatever it is).

Mike Killian, at one point, told his daughters to brush their teeth and then held them down on their backs and forced a toothbrush into their mouth.  A pink and white one and then a blue and white one.  The way he did it, and the things he was saying, and how he was angling things, looked like the tube from a perm solution bottle, being shoved into their mouths.  The size and shape of the brushes and how he was doing things, reminded me of this.  Then when I said one of the girls didn't really look like Mike or Char and I said, "Her hair is curly like Jodi's", everyone (all of them) froze.  They looked like deer in headlights.

Tom didn't call my Dad on his birthday.  In the past, he's taken things that my Grandpa left for my Dad (in a written will) and not told my Dad about it.  My Dad came back from a trip several years ago, in 2003 or 2004 and I was visiting my parents and he said casually to my Mom that what had bothered him was to find out Tom didn't tell him about the will and Grandpa Garrett had left things specifically to my Dad that Tom took.

CPS came out to my house at East Wenatchee, after Char left when she visited.  It was "Pam" and another woman.  I was outside playing with my son in the snow, pulling him around on a sled, and had made a high hill to pull him up to and push from.  He was all bundled up and we were playing and laughing.

But I was the Mom who told Callie to get off of Oliver's toy train, the one that he could ride.  I asked her nicely and brought other suggestions to her, but Char was already acting weird and hated me for it.  When she left, she told Callie's Italian-American Dad and Mike Killian.

My son and I were already being tortured out there because of Mike Killian's work, in part, and she was out to see how it was going.

When the State took Oliver from me after kidnapping him out of Canada, when there was no "investigation" or Protective Order and only a visit contact (and I had sent Pam an email inviting her to come out and visit, so it wasn't an investigation at all.  I sent her the email, and copied Marie Scanlon on it, and I think, Donna Titleman maybe).  After they did all of this lying about me, knowing I had had my son's social security number revoked, they applied for a Social Security number for him, against my wishes and without my parental rights being terminated, in Spokane, WA.  This is where Mike Killian worked and he and Char, and Callie's Italian-American Dad live.  Char and Mike live in a suburb of Spokane (Medical Lake).  I don't know what part of Spokane Callie's Dad lives in.

The U.S. had no legal right to assign a SS# to my son when they knew I specifically had it revoked.  Not "rescinded", revoked.  There was no cause for it.  They did it out of malice, to get their way and as a deliberate sign of disrespect.

The Social workers and State were already pissed that I had won a lawsuit against them in Fair Hearings court, and won the right (against them) to have them not use my son's SS# and to not make it a condition of TANF.  I won.

People wanted revenge. 

They have been using contacts that have a joint incentive to make money, people who are greedy, jealous, and who wanted revenge.

Also, the "incident" with Char and Callie was not just her looking pissed.  I asked Callie several times, politely, to get off and play with something else and brought other toys around.  She refused and Char started laughing, because she thought her daughter was "cute".  Oliver got upset and was about to cry and I said, "I've asked her to play with another toy, will you please tell her to play with something else?" and she said, "She can play with it.  She was on it first." or something like that and then she continued to laugh, and cheer Callie on while my son was getting upset and Callie was trying to egg on my son.  She wasn't just playing with it, she was trying to make Oliver upset.  So then I went over and said, standing in front of her, after I brought the front of the train to a stop by putting my hand in the front of the train (because she was still racing back and forth across my kitchen floor with it, to antangonize Oliver),  I said, "Callie, get off of that train NOW. I've asked you nicely several times and you are not listening to me."  And then she got off, and of course I was Oliver's "hero" (as parents know how this is) and he was looking at me with the "thank you" eyes, and Char was pissed as bloody hell over it.

When my Dad something at the dinner table, about how it had been "7 years" Mike Killian and Char froze and looked worried like my Dad was going to keep talking with me there.  They brought it up, brought up the last time Char had seen me, and my Dad commented about how, "That was 7 years ago wasn't it?"  It had been 7 years since I got pregnant with Oliver and Mike was with Char.  And Callie was so many years old then.  7 bothered them, my Dad's mention of time.

They didn't like being reminded that others know.

This was a few months ago they visited, this summer of 2012.  I think it was also mentioned, at some point, maybe something about the Lewis family and a connection.

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