Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Song Theft by "Fiona Apple"

Correction:  I sang this in Summer 2011, not Fall, but so far, all I can see is the CD was recorded in 2012 but I can't find anything about when she copyrighted the song "Periphery".  I know for a fact, it had to have been after Summer 2011, or during, after I sang it first.  I didn't sing the verses at all the way she did, or with that subject matter.  My verses were about the FBI primarily, and the chorus was the same, and same kind of repetition and I sang it like that, for over 1 full hour, sort of in an inspired chant mode.  Fiona Apple stole it from me, and she somehow has friends helping her out.

More original song ideas possibly stolen from me...

I saw this clip recently, for a class, I had to search and find something to write about and I chose a singer I never listen to.

I also chose a "live" performance that was held in FBI Head Laura Laughlin's hometown.  I noticed immediately from the song performance that she was copying me, but not just copying me--making fun of me by her imitation of me.

And then this morning I realized, I think she even stole a song idea from me, that I was singing repeatedly in my house over here in Oregon, about a year ago, in 2011.  She put out her CD in 2012.  So she had about a year to crank something out and change it up a little.

I wouldn't say this about her song immediately, because it wasn't like Jewel's song, where note for note and word for word, it was my song.

This was realized when my own song and the word I'd been repeating, and the rhythm and tune came back to me.  I remembered this morning, because I sang it in my own house until I was hoarse. 

If I had only heard her CD version, I wouldn't have thought about it.  But I happened to randomly end up on a live performance she did, the night before my birthday.  My birthday was October 22.  She sang this song on the night of October 21st, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.  This is where Seattle's FBI person, Laura Laughlin, is from.

In this video, I first noticed she was wearing a tank-top and jeans that looked like the ones I used to wear all the time, for years, through 2000-2007.  I had tight very dark tapered jeans, and a spagetti strap black tanktop that I wore with everything, solid black and plain.  But so what, lots of people wear this kind of thing.  It said she usually (Fiona) wears skirts, and that it was different for her to wear jeans, but so what.  Then the next thing I noticed, was her body movements and how she was moving her legs.  I do this in my house.  I don't do it in public.  I do it in my house.  I left blinds open for awhile while I was here, but I remember when I was singing this song, I was doing the exact same thing with my legs.  And bringing them together at the knees and back and forth...exactly what she is imitating in the clip.  She even sort of marches, which is what I did to keep time to my song here and there.  Then, at the end of the song, she went off into "trying to sing high notes" and imitating someone who was trying to hit high notes and couldn't hit them anymore,...

I have this very thing, in testing my voice to see what I can do with it, since I was tortured in Seattle, WA.

When I saw her performance, I knew she was mocking me.  But I thought her song was pointless and didn't think about it, even wrote about it for a class without further thought, until this morning, I guess God (or someone) brought it back to my memory.  I remember the entire day I sang this, how I sang it, and the word repeated.

This woman, Fiona Apple, had not produced a record or new CD for 7 years.  Then  1 1/2 years after I'm back from the East Coast and singing things in my house again, in Oregon, she puts out a new CD, and isn't shy about mocking me in Pittsburg, PA.  Oregon State is the same place that Jewel was reviving her career from.  I don't think it's necessarily someone in Oregon state, but that this is the place where I've been settled enough to work on song ideas in my own house.

I have artists stealing intellectual property from me, reviving their own failing careers, and getting rich off of it. 

If it is true that I have microchip implants in my body, from surgery in Utah, it is then true some groups have access to what I do.  There are other ways to overhear or copy ideas.  No one would know how I was moving to my songs unless they were in my house though, or somehow surveilling from a distance, into my window.

When I saw the live performance, I then switched to the recording from her CD for purposes of the class and seeing if it sounded different there.  This is when I noticed the squeaking of sneakers at the end matches the sound of the clock ticking in my kitchen, (which has the same kind of squeak that's made with the shoes on her CD, following this song) which is where I made up my song that she copied.

She didn't copy my idea for the verse lyrics.  She copied the chorus, and the way I repeated the phrase, melody,(which was almost the entire point of the song as I sang it in my house) and then felt bold enough to copy how I move and then mocked my attempts at "testing out" my singing voice to see how high I am able to go post-torture to ruin my singing voice. I sang this song in Fall (I believe) of last year.   I'd have to think back and check.  I just checked the release date of this and it was June? of this year, 2012.  That gave her about a year to crank it out.   And she did this, the night before my birthday, just a few months ago.

What I've read about her, is that she's from New York, and then she went to L.A. or California for refuge for some time.  I haven't looked into her that much.

I haven't listened to any of her older songs so I would have no idea (yet) if she was copying anything I was doing then.

I noticed 3 different times I had my songs and song ideas being directly stolen or lifted.
 1.  with Jewel, because it was right there on the radio and the entire song was the one I'd sang publicly at Cafe Lena before she even signed her next record deal, after a failing career.  I also noticed, around this time, that the Eagles put out a new interpretation of one of their own songs, which I recorded on a tape and gave to Beau Blixseth.  After this, the Eagles were singing their own song, the way I sang it...which is fine, because it is THEIR song, but the interpretation that was unique was first done by me. 

2.  after I left tapes with song ideas in my car in Canada in 2007 (I noticed with 2 UK singers but smaller parts, and then later, 1 American singer, maybe 1 small parts...more direct sections were copied, but not my entire song, line for line and melody.

 3.  2012.  After being settled enough for a 1 1/2 years to have privacy where I can sing in my own house, I find my ideas being stolen again and recorded to benefit someone else.

I wasn't singing ideas in Washington D.C., or Blaine, WA, or in TN because I had no privacy.  In Washington, for the most part, even with my son, I wasn't creating or generating new song ideas aside from a lullaby I made up for him...because I was busy with him and had people vandalizing my cars and property and trying to force me out of the State, or trying to take my son.

All of my song ideas have been generated while living in Oregon, at times I had my own house and privacy, and was able to work out song ideas or inspirations in a private place (so I had thought).

I've had my intellectual property being ripped off the minute I come up with new ideas.  First it was in 2000 (possibly earlier)-2004.  Then a few ideas were taken off of ideas I had recorded onto cassette tapes that were lost to Canada (2007-2008 is when I then heard a few of my ideas being sung by UK and other singers on the radio).  There was nothing after this, until recently, after I've been in Oregon again, for over a year, coming up with new ideas (slowly perhaps, but still generating ideas).  So now I find Fiona Apple (who I never listen to) is ripping me off.

According to what I read, after 7 years of doing nothing, her own label (Epic) said they were not aware of any new music or record by "Apple" in 2010.  She never even made a statement about any new music until June 2012, aside from Michelle Branch supposedly saying she'd heard a couple of tracks.  A few new tracks is not a record. 

I'd like to know how Fiona Apple is privy to what I do in my house, in private, and to what I sing privately in my own house, and I'd like to know why she took this and then used the material to mock me, the night before my birthday (Oct. 22).  What did she do?  mock me in PA Oct. 21st until the stroke of midnight and then toast to my demise while counting the money from the gig?

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