Monday, March 25, 2013

(photo of glass breaking) Assassination Contacts? John and Susan Roos, Ambassadors for Japan

I have been looking up Tony Roos' sister, whose name is Tiffany (I think there were several kids though) and what is coming up, is that a Tiffany Roos married a Middleton and became Tiffany Middleton.

I am trying to confirm this. The Roos family is from Sherwood, Oregon, and Tony Roos was in my class. He is one of the individuals who tried to kill me on the night of an assassination attempt against me, in 1992. I was driving to my house from Robin Bechtold's house and I do remember his parents were home that night. Roos was a friend to both Robin Bechtold and Geoff Rasmussen.

So here is the case: all of this time has passed and though I briefly mentioned the kind of car and truck involved and what happened, I never told anyone, not one single person, my entire life, who it was that I saw. For keeping secrets to myself, that is a 20 year old secret.

Gradually, the worms came to the surface for air. Tony went on to receive several government awards for his attempt on my life, including everything from U.S. Army contracts, to alliances with Robin Bechtold's friends in Australia, to Catholic church members treating him like a hero for his efforts, to his sister (marrying a Middleton?), to Sherwood community naming a new school after "Middleton", to the appointment of John and Susan Roos to be high-seated ambassadors for Japan (they waited until 2009). Japan is the country Janet Bechtold sent a videotape of me to, without my consent, in 1992.

Currently, this John and Susan Roos, are Ambassadors for Japan.
Which is possibly, I just have a hunch, that some Japanese-born person somewhere, knows something. Not only that, I notice this John Roos is even wearing the other tie that Alvaro was asking me about at a store, in 2009 in D.C. He said, "This tie or that tie?" and I chose one and this "John" is wearing the other one.

Ambassadors are through, of course, The Department of State, which is the same "department" that gets involved if there is a fleeing mother and child, asking for political asylum in another country.

Someone say "Christ".

Why? Oh, it's only that I'm identifying killers who know people and who they are connected to. This has been going on, in my life, since 1992. Assassination attempts, rape, and then torture, and a WHOLE LOT of lies.

The Department of State waited 3 months from the time Alvaro Pardo left Wenatchee (April 2009), and then tortured me again when they put Roos up for this position. And look! He's wearing the other tie! Alvaro bought it and said he was getting it for his Dad. Roos was appointed in August 2009.

Both of them are from San Francisco, California, the Silicon Valley, and both went to the same college Amy Roe (reporter who defamed me for a newspaper in 2002) went to. Susan Roos even went to Southern California, where is where Huntsman (Utah politician who donated to SLC hospital in 1995 after they began practicing remote technology to torture me), and the Jordan prime minister attended while training with the U.S. Army later. After Southern, presumably, she went to Stanford and met met John Roos.

Robin Bechtold's family mafia is located in San Francisco. He told me this himself. He told me his mother's family (Janet Bechtold) was both Irish Catholic and Italian-American and they had a "lot of control" in San Fran and were "very powerful" according to him.

The group of people from San Francisco that showed up in Winston, Oregon at a remote church where they practice government psychic work, had a coat like Robin Bechtold used to wear, throughout high school, displayed in the middle of the stage. Then a man from San Fran with bulbous eyes (health problem) got on stage and told people if they wanted to be cured, they should try a "piece of bacon". This was after I made a post about how I had a dream that Kate Middleton was in, where she was eating pork and I refused to. So he comes out with a plate of cooked bacon. The whole thing made me think of FBI and Rick Bacon actually. And obviously, Robin, with "his coat" there and some guy from San Fran. I was targeted in that service, the entire time, and fried. I mean, by U.S. technology aimed against me.

It's not just Robin Bechtold, it's Mormons. Mormons are in business with the Catholics. Rasmussens, Wiltbanks, Harris, are all Mormon and they were all connected in construction business but I don't believe it stopped there. Wiltbanks and Bechtolds went into business together in 1992, same year of the assassination attempt against me. Rasmussens and the Wiltbanks were very close friends, and lived near eachother. When Roos was being cheered by students in 1993, "ROOS!" "ROOOS!" "ROOOOOOooooS!" Geoff was cheering with them. When I sang a song with him for Senior graduation, I specified what voice range to have it at and he jacked it up higher in a range I said I didn't want to sing. The song was his choice: "Friends Are Friends Forever" by Michael W. Smith. He dragged me through a muddy field, until I was covered in dirt and then wanted photos, in 1992, and only after did I get this uncomfortable feeling, an intuition something was wrong. He was trying to degrade me. Everything he did, was passive-aggressive and he pretended to be one of my best friends until Kate Middleton was married and then that was the last I heard from him. He chose to get close to me, not the other way around, and his uncle is an FBI agent.

Many people who got close to me, quit speaking to me after Middleton was married. I think it was a "mission accomplished" reaction and I also think, since most of them were connected to the U.S. federal government, someone knew I hadn't started looking into the Middletons after the wedding. I was looking up her parents and checking things out, the very next day, because I had a feeling then. I knew something was very, very, wrong.

Tony Roos was Catholic. He came from a strict Catholic family with about 5 kids. I remember he acted like he hated me, and watched me from a distance, after I told Robin I couldn't be his girlfriend because I wanted to marry a Protestant and I was saving my virginity for then, so why even date a Catholic if I wasn't going to be serious and marry? To me, it was with the intention of serious commitment, not "fooling around". They tried to take me out with a hit, and Mike Middleton is a hitman for the U.S.

Here's Susie:

These people all had motive to want to defame me, put me in prison by an entrapment scheme, kill me, or torture me and justify themselves by saying I was just crazy.

This is weird. It appears John Roos' wife, Susie, is connected with a Jewish background. Her maiden name was Herbst and she's from Fargo, North Dakota. Her family owned a main department store there for many years and some of the names sound Jewish (?) to me:

Here is Susan's name, connected to both Herbst and Roos, in an employment ad directory: The Herbst store is connected to Luger Furniture, a cabinet-making business (furniture) that had a branch in Fargo, N. Dakota, and one in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was bought later by "Boulger" and E.J. Hughes. They are also connected to a large mall that went through renovation with Brad Schlossman in 2000, in N.Dakota, "West Acres Shopping Center".

I am pretty sure Susan and John Roos had met and married by the time Princess Diana was throwing herself against glass cabinets to break them. I am pretty sure.

The glass to this candle I just poured last night, broke (I had the wick too close to the glass) just before I was about to write "Christ".

This is one of the candles I made last night. I cut up small pieces of fresh thyme and added it to this one. It's a plain glass jar, the handle is from my coffee cup I had out which I was drinking from. I just took the photo as I was, without changing my lighting or moving objects around (except to lift up the candle), so it's 100% natural.

(And, the clocks breaks. (so-to-speak) Back to the future. This is how we show them who is boss. Anyway, it's ME! I'm Oliver's mother, and as I was saying, this broke right after I typed the part about how we were fleeing the country because of assassination attempts and torture. I got the word "Christ" right before the glass spontaneously broke and shot across the room. I never swear and use that name for that. It was more the way someone else would say it. Those trying to kill me. Those responsible for illegally adopting out my son by criminal pursuits will be cursed. Amen.)

So back to what I was saying about the assasination attempt by "Roos" and Bechtold, there has been motive to harm me for a long time and my son and I should not suffer for it. Sometimes scum rises to the top, just like cream. So, I have been tortured again since I wrote down this curse against those who have tortured me and my son and obstructed justice to deprive me of my right to raise him, and included "Christ" with what happened. I think the U.S. has some huge, huge problems and what is shocking is just how many people DID know all along. All of these people knew, and hoped I'd die one way or the other, and used government money, taxpayer money, to get close to me and try to read me, out of their paranoia of getting caught.

John V. Roos, from San Francisco, had access to Janet Bechtold's "mafia". They went to Stanford, which is the same college reporter Amy Roe went to. It is looking like, once again, as I've indicated, Jews and Catholics and Mormons all worked together on arranging hits against me by Middleton, for Middleton.

I had wondered why Japan put out a few movies that seemed to mock me and now I find out Roos relatives became Ambassadors through the Department of State, in Japan, where Janet Bechtold was sending things in 1992.

Here is something I just read, as I thought I might sing a little first before continuing with this post. My Bible fell on Proverbs 22:6. Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Then, Proverbs 23:18 There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Finally, strangely, I was thinking about lotuses because the only candle I didn't melt down was a dark green one in a rose shape that looked like a lotus when burning. I was looking for a psalm and landed instead, on this: Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh. The lotuses conceal him in their shadow, the poplars by the stream surround him. When the river rages, he is not alarmed, he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth." Job 40: 21-23

I do not have to say I know God hears my prayers and that I know the only way to escape what will occur to those who obstruct me and my son is to heed. My son must be returned to me. Press charges against the criminals and return my son. Undo the evil you have done or God put your faces into the dirt.

I like the Bonnie song, second one here from Loreena McKennit:
I prayed about what music to listen to and it was her for tonight. So I'm listening to the entire thing.
(updated: somehow someone deleted this and it is the entire record of "The Visit".  At least on my computer, this is what they've removed from youtube:  Loreena McKennitt - The Visit (1991) Plus kritikospa Extra Track Loreena McKenn...3 months ago

By the way, her "Mask and Mirror" cover, from 1994, is a combination of a dress I bought in New Jersey in 1994, and the Alexander McQueen dress I had cut out and pasted into my diary that I wrote in 1993-1994 as a nanny, with a dark green marble hardback cover. The CD I had was, I believe, "parallel dreams" and I had another one as well. No, it wasn't parallel dreams. I never had that one. I'm listening to it and it's not one I bought or listened to. I take it back. I sang Anache Bonnie all the time. I thought some of the rest of it was depressing. The Middletons have plotted to kill me along with Americans. No one saw that diary, by the time Mask and Mirror came out, in 1994, except for a few people. I always had it in my house, where I resided. I was at Thebaults, Kargmans, and then living with Monica Allen, where no one got into my house aside from a break-in which police responded to.

Funny how some change alliances when they think someone is dead.

I wonder why William of Wales thought it was clever to split a cut down tree into two parts of wood, with an ax.

I have to finish writing about this tomorrow. I'm tired.

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