Monday, March 25, 2013

Middleton Drug-Distribution for Russian Mafia & Feds

They're drug distributors.

Middletons are working with Chris Rozollo and the U.S. federal government to distribute drugs and it involves the Russian mafia.

The Maiers are doing deals with the U.S. federal government, it involves the Russian mafia, and Kate Middleton has been involved. I used to consider Stephanie Maiers as my friend, and that was way back when. I even thought of her as a friend in reserve but I think her family is involved in business deals with the U.S. federal government and Russian mafia. Katie Middleton...they're all involved.

I know.

And I asked my Dad about a Russian man today. I remember him when I was picking up the contaminated water from H2O, "Opal Springs". Kate's Cocker Spaniel is name Lupo, backwards for Opul, my birthstone for October (pink zircon and opal). I think it's Opul backwards to celebrate my being raped through the coordination by Larry Galizio, who lived in Spain and always told me to move to Spain and I should go to Spain. He knew Josh Gatov. It's starting to look like Josh Rose, different Josh, but also Jewish, knows the Maiers family, and Josh Gatov, American-Russian, also knows the Maiers family, who are doing drug deals and business for the U.S. feds and Russian mafia. Mormons are involved, you name it. Josh Gatov knows Robin Bechtold and Robin does business with the Maiers. Simple to trace.

I asked my Dad about the Russian guy because he drives a truck similiar to the one that ran me off the road--exact same type, condition, paint, and model. And he looks Russian to me. I saw him watching me as I bought the H2O water the first time, the kind from Opal Springs, "Culver", Oregon. What a great idea for a place to base your product name. Same as Tresemme's Albert-Culver name. Which is a brand Maiers always used, and is also based in Toronto, Ontario (Canada). This is the water I bought that I got "ill" from, while I was fasting on nothing but water, and other water wasn't that way. Katie decided to go ahead and get pregnant then. Her Russian mobster was watching me when I bought the water. He was waiting in the parking lot and my Dad didn't look very happy about it and the Russian man smirked in a mocking way at my Dad. Like, haha.

I later saw that same man, leaving my parent's house, after my Mom went for a run and when I saw her, she had been newly tortured. Her eyes were horrible. And that same man had driven past me with a few other mocking people in their cars.

My Dad said, "Why?" when I said, "Who is that man that drives a truck..." and he said, "...drives a truck." I said, "Well, yeah, and he is sort of stocky with a large face and looks Russian." Basically, he is part of the reason, combined with when the onset of the most severe torture against me and my son was, is is one clue to Kate Middleton. I said, "Are the Maiers working for the federal government and they're all working for the Russian mafia or something?"

My Dad is totally beat up. His hands aren't working and the entire left side of his face is seriously damaged. His eyelid is suddenly drooping over on that side, there is a red mark against his nose and face, and his eyes are deeply recessed and damaged. His mouth, the inside, is also extremely, unnaturally, bright red, all the way down his throat.

He's being tortured.

It's like even the Russian involved with Maiers got in with the Russian-Jews, and then it's one big Middleton-Catholic-Mormon money making RICO charge waiting to happen.

Steve Emery is the CEO of H2O water in Opal Springs, and all of the advertising is William and Kate promos, for their NW distribution. I think they're dealing a lot more than weed through the NW and I think it's California, Washington, Idaho, and possibly parts of Oregon, and Canada. They're into drug dealing and the DEA supports them. Emery is also featuring Zupan's grocery store, which is, refreshing my memory, the grocery store I believe Josh wanted to buy his knife and Dixie cups at.

Karin (Canadian) was their (Maiers) wire to Middletons. And the McGuires. 3 feet of fishing line, or wire, that almost choked our cat in Sherwood. Sharon and Bill McGuire. He's a big fisherman, and from what I gather, he's also FBI. Funny how Katie attempted to make a joke out of it with her "my dog ate a pearl necklace" act. She's a mobster and so is William.

So there's your international drug ring.

"I don't need a ring Wills, I have you and that's enough Biggie!"

What do international drug rings do? They conspire to put hits on people, like me and my son; they use the federal government to their advantage; and they blackmail and torture others.

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