Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jugglers Need Jobs

Right after I got a job, learning how to bartend, I ran into some local jugglers...yeah, I know. Totally random. But anyway, I just so happened to meet some jugglers on the side of the street where I just so happened to park for a moment.

I took their information down,because I've got this contact to the former sideshow star who did fire-eating, walking on glass, sword-swallowing, and a lot of other things too.

It's funny because I was getting ready to write about this and the song "walking on broken glass" came on. But anyway, yeah, I'm going to try to help connect the jugglers.

I tried to hook someone else I met, with a job for Jacque Coustou's son. I got a nice feedback from his agent and she was wonderful, but I haven't heard anything yet about whether there is an interest. I've kept it a secret until now but the guy I was looking for probably still won't know. He said doing something like this is called a "mitzvah", doing something good for another without expectation of return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although bartending sounds like a lot of fun, do you think this is a good idea as CPS thinks you have a substance abuse problem? Granted, I have NEVER met you, and have no idea if you have one or not, but was just thought about this - not meant to be rude, at all :)