Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Good Education!

I think I MAY have good taste! Or, a discerning palate.

I'm sort of excited because I was totally guessing, off the cuff, with very little wine knowledge, and trying to describe the Eroica that I've tried this morning and then I looked it up and I'm on target! with the other experienced people at least. I mean, I don't know enough vocabularly and haven't tried enough, but I'm sort of excited I'm hitting the mark on some of my descriptions.

I love doing this. I always had a good nose for perfumes and could pick them out and I think I'm alright with different seasonings and flavors. I used to have a spice rack with about 100 different spices, including some exotic indian ones that are not on the normal market.

But I really don't know anything about wine. I didn't know what a riesling was. I tried it today for the first time and then after I wrote what I thought about it, I looked it up. And I'm sort of right.

I like the idea that it's made in Luxembourg and Germany because my great-grandfather was Luxembourgish and I think he must have had an interesting heritage. He loved Luxembourg. Anyway, I guess Riesling is not as popular as Chardonnay but I don't know why. This one that I've tried is good. I am sure whether I'm a fan of the "oak" or not. One difference is that Chardonnay is oaky, and Riesling is never, or very rarely, oaked. Can I say that? "oaked"?

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