Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Harry News, Top Ten Percent

I go back and forth between an aversion to looking up the royal news (bc I don't want to be too interested and it seems whatever I look up, say, or do gets out to a lot of people, and just reading anyway. Sometimes I just type for lines but don't open the articles.

But I have to say, I was impressed to see the latest. How did he do THAT? He went from sounding like he wasn't very interested to top 10%. In what? a month? I guess when he applies himself he can do anything.

I was thinking too, when I've seen just very short footage of him, I've only seen a few clips, but he does seem so overworked sometimes. Not now maybe but when he was filmed at the charity while still in military it just seemed like he was putting his all into the kids but his mind was elsewhere. Harry seems very sharp, almost more perfectionist in SOME ways, than William. NOt that I'd know, but somehow that strikes me. William looks really relaxed with kids and Harry too, but more focused, his mind, on something else, or like he'd rather be doing grueling consuming work. I don't know how to describe it exactly. I don't think I have it right really, haven't studied, just first impressions.

I think Harry's charities are very sincere but after reading this latest, I thought, hmm, maybe there was something to that dream about their planes. Today on the way to my visit with my son, there was a paper plane in my path. I think now, that would probably be my plane. One made of paper or out of laptop parts.

But anyway, I guess I'm glad for him he's back out there if this is what he really wants to do, but feel a little nervous for him too, bc it's dangerous. But, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it, and that's what's important.

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