Friday, June 11, 2010

Margaret Was Smart

I decided to look up some news, mainly headlines, but full articles about Diana...and read that Princess Margaret warned her about being listened in on all the time. I instantly liked her after reading that and thought "What a smart woman." She is so right.

I guess I'm going back to me but I am like a celebrity without any of the benefits. I get listened in on all the time, and so does my son, for every small thing. I honestly do not know how real spies are even able to be spies anymore. How is it possible unless you revert to totally old school methods?

I am getting a fucking manual typewriter, an old iron one, because I cannot trust that anything electronic will not be intercepted by some asshole or group of assholes.

What is happening and has been happening, with me, is unbelievable. My son too.

Who has even heard of being illegally kicked out of housing AND a public defense? It's illegal and those doing this know it. They do it anyway, claiming immunity until sued and don't care what happens in the meantime.

I will say this...I have a LOT more to say.

I have some things to say that some groups do not want me to say.

I am not the world's best psychic. I am very amateur and not the best, but I am honest about it. And, I may not be a very good psychic, and yet I still know that if psychic ability were given to the pure in heart, in all matters regarding this case with my son, I should have the top rank. Not everything in life is fair. I would like to be "world's best psychic" and able to give signs to prove God's grace, but that's not how it works. Some people will sell their souls for a little more power that is not from a good source.

Lately, I've been pissed. And why is something I will get into maybe tonight or tomorrow.

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