Saturday, June 30, 2012

Interference with Academics & "Bethel" Department of State crap

I have been tortured all day, and I've had it.

It has interfered with every aspect of my life and is prejudicial to me and unfair when other students are not tortured at all.

Who in their RIGHT MIND tortures their U.S. students and then allows others to mock them?

The FBI does, that's who.


You're going to jail.

And I'm tired of the Department of State and CIA assholes who go along with all kinds of CRAZY experiments on other citizens and get away with it, while they live without any kind of damages, or problems, or anything done to them.

This church in Redding, California, called "Bethel" is a Department of State hook-up.  It's like the church over here in Coquille, with a pastor who literally beats up my own Dad and tortures people, and all he is, is 20+ years military.

These people, like the Bethel pastors, are nothing more than theatre show people who work for the Department of State.

My parents took their "vacation" to a bunch of DOS (Department of State) and military bases, because that's where they were told to go.

No one is returning my son, they are TORTURING me and then acting like I'm supposed to "work through it" as if nothing is happening when it affects my entire life.

First they STOLE my vehicle and LIED (the Portland FBI and other police) to tow my car away, then they brought a bunch of criminals who work for the govt. into my life deliberately, and then the forced me out of court through FBI and corrupt Judges.

This idiot preaching about God tonight, in New York, is nothing but a UK crackpot.  I have to sit there at my parents house and listen to him give his great dramatic speech, while he works it for the Department of State.  The entire "Bethel" group is CIA and State run.  They're not the first to run tell the media what's really going on, because THEY are involved.  Just like these people at the church my parents have to go to over here, with the pastor that came into town, and brought in CDs with Chris Dabney sound-alike sound bites on it.

How does he know what Chris Dabney sounds like unless he's been to D.C. himself? or knows the same government people Dabney knows. 

And you can say you're a game changer all you want, and that nothing is impossible, and at the same time you don't even have enough faith to believe your own daughter COULD be an astronaut if she wanted to be.  Over and over, he's talking about eating bread for breakfast or something.  And then he's literally talking about how he wants people to be RUINED.  completely ruined so that if they thought they had nothing now, they really have nothing later.  He wants, he said, "You to be so ruined you have nothing left but God".

And then supposedly it's all about "God" and how if our lives are "ruined", as my life and my son's life are, then we can go out and "win souls".

Like THAT'S what he's about.  He's about winning bisquits for the UK team is what he's about.  Sniff.

This is a guy who acts like nothing is "impossible" and inspires hope, and then at the same time he's talking about going after Goliath and "climbing the mountain" (nice touch, did you stop at a monastery first and talk to an Anglican priest who talks to a Benedictine priest for that one?), at the same time he's saying this, he's going over and over about how "I WANT YOU R LIFE TOTALLY RUINED" (for God). 

So let's do nothing about torture in the U.S., because that's right, you work for the State Farm team, and not the normal one.  So let's make it sound like "being ruined" is a good thing so the FBI doesn't worry so much and Kate Middleton doesn't have to bite her nails. 

If God wanted people to be tortured and robbed and beaten up and "ruined" for "Him" then um, your songs are great and you're very inspiring.  In fact, I sensed someone was praying too, and there was some good energy from somewhere.  However, you're worshipping The Devil, not God.

If you want tortured lives and more torture and more ruination, then you're a Satanist, because that's what the Devil wants and then he wants to make this look like a 'blessing'.  Lucifer disguised himself as an Angel of Light just as half of these CIA-run churches do. 

You ruin lives and then you want to make it look "appealing" or like "it's what God wants", and "this is what God needs."  It's what the CIA and FBI want, not God.  Don't mix up GOD with your State Farm.

The CIA and military and other religious hedonists think it's great to steal everything from someone and to "break them" and they definitely hope to traumatize kids and ruin lives.  Then, they think they will torture people or "ruin their lives" and give them little "snacks".  A treat here and there and then fill these people who they stole everything from, with a little encouraging pep talk.

Where's the ACTION.

Where's the person with the evidence, bringing it to the attention of the public.  I don't need a song and dance.  We are tortured, and I don't appreciate how your church capitalizes off of it.  Take your pick.  Church of Department of State & DOD in Coquille or in California.

My son Oliver, isn't looking for a feel-good snack.  And I will never believe, like some total idiot, that I am on the James Middleton Train of Self-Sacrificial Pretense.  I also don't need YOU to tell ME to be stripped of everything I have.

It's easy to pick and choose how you sacrifice when you're not tortured.  I'm sure Kate has made some amazing "sacrifices".  It all looks great, until you realize, there was no real sacrifice at all.  She's not Job.  Job lost everything, was mocked, and diseased, and he was not going around telling people in a suit, "Your lives need to be ruined!"

You can "give up rights" to your own child and it can look like this great sacrifice.  Oh, how amazing.....! she gave up her child to be raised by someone else, all for the LORD. 

Let me gag.

That is not hard.  I can list about 50 out of 100 women who are more than willing to do that with their own kids, and anyone who wants kudos for it, is a banshee.  Hannah, by the way, was not tortured you fricking idiots.  It is not like she was tortured by the government, and her child was tortured, and then she voluntarily gave her child as a "gift" "to God" by claiming sneaking the kid off to be raised elsewhere was a noble or religious idea.  Any mother who is tortured does not give up her children. Not to anyone.  Why?  Because if she knows she and her child are tortured by her own government, why would she be stupid enough to think that is "God's plan and doing"?  and she is concerned about their safety.

Any mother who tosses her kid off to boarding school or some other place, with the idea that it's a sacrifice, has less faith and trust in God than a mother who takes the gift God gave her and accepts her responsibilities as a woman and mother and nurtures that life.

Kate Middleton is a monster.

I'm tired of having everything in MY life ruined while assholes who are in on it, want to throw in little encouraging sermons here and there as if that pep talk is making up for anything.  And I'm tired of the military and criminal FBI agents and officers in CIA who try to mask actual damages from torture with spirituality.  It's the "let's pacify the victims and the robbed with religion" trick.


The United States Department of Justice and White House needs to get a grip.  If you do not do something about your criminal allowances, you will not have a country to pay your salaries with any longer.

And healthcare for all is great, and it works at times, when the rest of the country is stable and balanced. 

WHERE is the balance?

I get healthcare but no civil rights or normal justice system?  What's the point.  The balance is OFF and the entire civil rights and human rights structure is already ruined.  You want ruined?  Take a look at the Judges and lawyers running the show.  They're ruined as in corrupt and ruined.  This country is ruined. 

Is that supposed to be "glorifying to God"?  You don't look at a house, and level it and then say, "That's really to the glory of God, right there."  Maybe if you build a beautiful house, then you have something.

You don't take people's LIVES and try to twist and turn TORTURE into some kind of "refiners' fire" excuse and tack on a spiritual meaning.

This ENTIRE NIGHT and DAY I have been TORTURED and I am still being tortured right now.  They are frying me. 

Fowler, God damn you and your NY  "family" to Hell.  As far as I'm concerned, you and your pastor friend over here who you already knew, are both going to Hell.

Gregory Fowler, the current Portland, Oregon FBI chief, was sent over here from New York and he's former military.  U.S. military.

And again, I do not have anything against normal military--so it's not to ruin their own personal morale, but it's undeniable that there are leaders with power in the military who are torturing people.

Gregory Fowler is U.S. military.  He was sent over here almost the exact same time the new pastor for this community church was sent over here, the one with 20+ years in the military.  Right after both Fowler and this pastor arrived, and I mentioned something about the boy who had been taken in Brooklyn or Bronx or wherever, the Jewish boy, my parents were tortured.  Then I wrote about it, to the UN and it got worse.

These people are all connected to government.  From my former friends who were connected to government, to then people who got close to ruin my life, to then torture, these people all have ties to FBI, CIA, Department of State, Pentagon, and Department of Energy.  They use people in their own religion for this. 

There is nothing more I can do with God, that would make a difference.  Nothing.  I have already done everything and know where I am with God and not one thing would make a difference or change my relationship with God.  It's not about God.  It's about the U.S. Government.

For the last 10 years or even longer my country has tried to "humble" me by ruining my life and torturing me, trying to kill me and hoping I'd kill myself, or leaving me in the open and festering hate in the hope that someone else or some other group could be persuaded to kill me.

I just put up photos of myself, joking with a stick to my teeth, not because I'm nuts, but out of humility. What  else was it?  Did you imagine it was your "lucky day", sent from God, that "Cameo just humiliated herself" or put myself in a light that wasn't typical?  Lucky you then, to point at something and then try to say it's bipolar or mental illness.  No, it's not.  For your, since you started torturing me and my son when I first blogged and pissed you off because I sounded too normal, I threw in a joking freebie for your sad sorry asses that get jealous over a dog going to one side of the room instead of the other.

You who hate me have panicked any time I ever come across as normal, or pretty, or sing nicely, or show gifts of intellect or otherwise.

The FBI in fact, is in on the hate and jealousy and has women in their own departments that are responsible for hideous crimes against me.

I was being defamed internally by the Portland FBI and by medical professionals, church leaders (Jewish and Catholic), and insurance people.  They all wanted to smear me.  When I started writing my blog they hated it because I came across too normal, and as interesting, and a threat to them and their internal memos about how crazy I was when I wasn't.

My blog was threatening to them because it showed I was not some kind of drug-addict, system abuser as they were trying to get across to people in Wenatchee who didn't know me.  They tried to ruin my reputation in Wenatchee just so I couldn't get ahead of the smut and defamation they smeared me with in the Portland FBI offices, and police records and Willamette Week.

It had nothing to do with military intelligence.  It had to do with hate.

The minute I started sounding normal on my blog and was getting my point across and trying to explain what was going on, then my son and I were tortured FT, day and night and especially all night.

Since then, it's been one convenient excuse after another for covering up the original crimes.

Then I put up a few photos again and was joking around and I'm still being told, by my mother, maybe it has to do with something about "humbling" myself. 

There are 2 times people speak up and do not sound humble:

1.  they feel inferior or want to toot their horn, or
2.  they are being minimized to 1% of who they are and finally have to speak up for themselves and then risk sounding "immodest".

I never talked about myself before.  Why?  because I do NOT feel a need to build myself up or draw attention to myself.  When you start TORTURING someone, that goes out the door because then you are FORCED to speak up, in an attempt to have it stop.

My mother said something about Nebeccuznessar (totally msp).  I already know the story and it has nothing to do with me and my mother knows it.  She says these things because all of us already know our houses are bugged.  It has no relation to my life and situation at all, except that this guy was truly nuts and then one day he wasn't.  A king.  My entire family knows I am not mentally ill and I know the same.  I am tortured.  So there is no comparison.  My being tortured because some group wants to "humble" me for years and then imagine some idea of my "climbing a mountain" to fulfil their own wishful thinking is nothing but hate crime.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or that I think God thinks this.  I have to go back and clear up swearing for other's sake, not God's.  I don't have a problem in my relationships--I have a problem with being perpetually tortured and the FBI getting away with it.

I said tonight, "If someone spoke up and published evidence, everything would change."  It would all change.  It would have to change.  My reputation would be restored and everyone would know yes, we were tortured.  I would have 100% validity and any claims of mental illness would be gone.  Aside from probably some PSTD from being tortured and having my son kidnapped to be tortured more.  My son would have to be given back to me.  If someone brought out evidence, our torture would come to an end.  It would be impossible to keep torturing us if these groups were exposed.

change change change.

How about some evidence, and then everything will change.  How about exposing these groups for violating the law and torturing citizens while claiming other countries are "bad" for doing the same thing.

I think this is Patty too.  She was the one who flipped out over the Bronx Jewish boy and my blogging something about it.  She then took my mother out to Roseburg and brought her back fried and with black eyes. 

They are doing the same thing Chris Rozollo did when I was with him, by frying me through accessing my laptop lithium battery and other signals to find me and target me.  Rozollo is local police for Washington state and he is also Army. 

It is a police officer that is one person who terrorizes the Avilas and my son, and an FBI agent.  The others include the housemates from Steve Mays house, the woman and her husband, and Steve May's teen sons.  There is also a white Army teen girl that is involved.

This is how CPS and these Department of State included people have abused the Avilas...and made fun of my family by mocking and degrading us...

One example:

My cousin Ivory.

First of all, in 2005, there was no problem. I was friends with Ivory more than other cousins probably and she and I had some things in common--we both liked to go out to music concerts (outdoors) and wanted to do a triathalon.  Then, I was tortured and things got worse.  I noticed a few times too, zero support from them and they all quit talking to me in the middle of horrible things.  It wasn't because I was nuts, they said "You ask too many questions".  Then, a few times I saw my Aunt and cousins driving away with Oliver and mocking me while they drove off.  Other times, mocking me while passing.

However, here is one of several things these dirty cops and Dept. of State and state and CPS workers and religious criminals colluded on.  They wanted to punish me for having sued anyone before.  They also, by the way, wanted to take and steal any documents they knew I had between me and the monks after I broke up with Alvaro.  They stole all of my evidence, as far as I know.  On top of this, all of a sudden, my Aunt and Uncle were being told to do weird things, and I was being tortured after meeting Chris Rozollo.

Then my cousin Ivory shows up with a beard.

She doesn't normally and naturally have a beard.  Hirsutism (her-suit-ism) does not run in the family.  When I first met my cousin, nothing like that was going on with her face.  After I broke up with Alvaro, she later showed up with a beard and mustache.

No one in my family knew this hair growth is called, in "medical terminology", "hirsuitism".  I didn't know there was another word for it until last term when I took medical terminology and that was one of the words:  "Hirsuitism", (Her-SUIT-ism).

While I was trying to appeal and find a way to file a lawsuit for torture and kidnapping after I broke up with Alvaro, I was mocked about "lawsuits" all the time.  "Sue".  Here comes "Sue".  No one would know the pun of hirsuitism except the Wenatchee (or other) medical professionals or someone with medical background.  Most likely, nurses and doctors.

It wasn't just a few whiskers.  She has always had darker hair and plucked maybe her eyebrows, but her entire face had more hair on it.  It was thicker hair down all over her face.  And then she had this beard and mustache that was fully visible and she was early 20s and young.  She didn't do anything about it.  I saw her at random times, and for months, she had a beard and mustache.

If Ivory had a choice, she would shave her face or wax it off.  She is not vain but she would NEVER just walk around in public like that. 

I saw this and knew it was to humiliate her and the family and that some group was responsible for ordering this to be done.  I knew then, it was about trying to "humble" my family.

I feel, based on seeing her face, and seeing that it was all over, it was medications or something someone gave her.  And then someone must have told her not to do anything about it.

I found out, 2 years later, this "condition" is called "hirsuitism".  When I found out what the word was for, I knew this was someone connected to the medical community.  They are the ones who would "get off" on doing such a thing or enforcing it or wanting it done.  They would be the ones to laugh at the symbolic meaning. 

I could tell my cousin Ivory didn't like having it on her face and yet she didn't remove it.  I knew then that something was wrong and someone forced her to do this and caused the condition, and then after doing terminology, I figured out, "This is something that was enforced and driven by a person with connections to the medical field."

You know, the same medical groups that I was trying to sue for my medical injuries from childbirth.  The same medical group that got someone to go out and cut out a piece of my son's skin to remove evidence that proved I was not nuts as they claimed then.  It was proof that my son had what I had, "tinea versicolor" which they claimed couldn't be given to a baby.  It was, because our thrush was not treated and then it mutated to tinea when we lived in a moldy house. The doctors lied about me and said I was mentally ill and a hypochondriac to say this about my son.  They said I was paranoid about his health and that I believed he had yeast when he didn't, and other things.  There was proof right there on his face and I mentioned this.  At the very next visit, it was cut out of his face.  They CUT my son's face, just to remove evidence that proved I wasn't nuts--my son had evidence of the same skin disorder that was there only because of malpractice and malicious malpractice at that.

So my cousin comes down with "hirsuitism", and evidence of my son's medical condition is cut out of his face.  Then CPS began cutting out visits with my son to mimimize what I witnessed.  The group responsible for scheduling visitation monitors was directly tied to the medical community.  All the women are wives of doctors. 

FBI.  Rick Baken's wife Claudia is a nurse.

Why so little protection when the FBI is so close?  These people are all working together.  The police covered up evidence of bruising on my son. 

The next time the Judge decided to enforce an order that I not be allowed to take photos, my son came to the visit with a solid black eye like he was punched hard.  He was.  He told me so, and then he was punished for telling me.

My cousin was seriously dating someone when she was walking around with "hirsuitism".  When she first told me about him, there was nothing wrong with her face.  And when  I saw her before, nothing wrong.  He lived out of town. There is no way my cousin would walk around with a mustache and a beard unless it was out of being told to do it or endanger a family member.

These are professional FBI, CPS, and medical community people: nurses and doctors.  Some bad church people too.

While my cousin Ivory walks around with "hirsuitism" for a couple of months, my son is brought to me with cyanosis and blue-purple genitals from electrocution and microwave torture by the DOE and DOD.  It was his fingers too.  It was the same discoloration that happened to me when I was fried by less-than-lethal military weapons.  They did this to Oliver.  They tortured him this way, and tortured him how we were tortured in E. Wenatchee, they bruised his legs and possibly he bruised his own legs sometimes from acute distress, they kept him confined in a carseat and in small spaces at the daycare, and someone cut out his face to remove evidence that was only incriminating or threatening to medical professionals.  They also knocked out and chipped off his tooth, punched him in the eye, and pulled on his ear so much, it permanently stuck out.  Then they hypnotised him, and had all of his personal notes read and heard by the entire community but my own public defender wouldn't get the records for me.

They tortured me while they did this to my son to make it impossible for me to investigate better.  The police stole my camcorders and deleted evidence, knowing it proved my own innocence.

As for my cousin, I don't know what is going on except for the "hirsuitism" that was done to make a point to others. 

Is this how my family is supposed to "humble" themselves?

I want to know whose egos we're feeding besides medical professionals.

Then, I didn't go to the wedding, but I saw a photo of my son from the wedding.  He looked sick, extremely thin, and unhappy.  This is what Washington State did to Oliver Garrett.  Thanks U.S. Marshalls--you're really doing your job.  In fact, I remember you laughed at me when the police told me to call you in Seattle.

I then saw the engagement photo and first I just noticed my cousin's eye was droppy but then I noticed it was his eye too.  Both of them had one droopy eye in their engagement photos.  We don't have a "droopy" eye genetic thing in my family.  It's happened to me after being targeted in the head by military-energy weapons.  Not only that, it wasn't just my cousin, who is a relative.  It was her fiance too.  He also has a droopy eye in the photos.

This country is torturing my family.

And even if some of my family have different things happen than others (I don't know), or deal with it differently, I want my son returned to me.

He needs to be with me, he will thrive with me, and it is the only possibility.

That said, I am trying to take classes and instead of being able to finish something, and submit it on time, I was tortured all day and night and had to write this instead.

I am not filing for disability because this is not a disability.  This is torture.

I am tortured, and that has NOTHING to do with physical disability or mental illness. 

And if someone wants to get up there and make a lot of noise about "ruining" someone, why don't you "Ruin" the people who are criminals.

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