Monday, July 27, 2009

Delected/Hid More Posts Today

I am just going through and deleting almost everything. Or non-publishing it publicly. I've gone through a few pages and have more to do, but I have to get a couple of other things done today.

In the next couple of days I'm going to try to finish up some things for court and just keep deleting.

I'm not blogging anymore. I got the message(s) and I'm done.

I don't want problems for me nor do I want problems for anyone else. I just want a collective peace and to move on and put the whole blog behind me.

I'm willing to give it up at this point.

If I knew how to hide the whole thing all at once, I'd do it, but it's piece by piece and then it might take a month before it's cleared from google searches.

I'm tired of sharing about my life to the entire public as well.

I will just keep on deleting things day by day until it's done, and I would appreciate having some things stop in my life as well, that continue to occur from others.


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