I just read this from wiki, though I need to read more. According to wikipedia, this form of zero point energy was first experimented and a flow or exchange of energy demonstrated flowing inbetween two metal points or poles. I don't know if this form of energy is strong enough to cause things that were happening at our house, but it's interesting that two metal points are required. According to the Casimir efffect, the experiment is done with a metal object at one point and then another metal objest at another point, and the energy exchange occurs in the middle. I observed a man with a "metal detector" at the back of our property, behind our house, and then another man taking something out of a metal pipe that was in the ground and in front of our house.
Experimental observations
A phenomenon that is commonly presented as evidence for the existence of zero-point energy in vacuum is the Casimir effect. This effect was proposed in 1948 by Dutch physicist Hendrik B. G. Casimir (Philips Research), who considered the quantized electromagnetic field between a pair of grounded, neutral metal plates. The vacuum energy contains contributions from all wavelengths, except those excluded by the spacing between plates. As the plates draw together, more wavelengths are excluded and the vacuum energy decreases. The decrease in energy means there must be a force doing work on the plates as they move. This force has been measured and found to be in good agreement with the theory. However, there is still some debate on whether vacuum energy explains the Casimir effect as the force can be explained equally well by a different theory involving charge-current interactions (the radiation-reaction picture), as argued by Robert Jaffe of MIT. [4]
The experimentally measured Lamb shift has been argued to be, in part, a zero-point energy effect.[5]
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if that interests you , does paranormal things interest you, or other deeper truths in life?
i am interested in logical and rational explanations for things that happen. in that way, i'm not superstitious or romantic.
i do believe, if you are speaking of paranormal, in God and in the spiritual and also in psychic or spiritual connections between people.
i'm not into UFOs (though UFOs could be explained by actual things some of the time, and people just don't know what it is), and i personally don't believe in spaceships and aliens. i also don't believe in tarot really, or numerology, or prepackaged things.
i DO believe in miracles. i can't say i discount paranormal totally. like the butterfly effect or other strange things. i also have heard of "haunted houses" and i suppose it's not absolutely impossible but i don't personally really subscribe to the theory.
deeper truths in life definitely, and people have actually shared sort of paranormal experiences they've had with me. like life after death visions and experiences.
if you have something to share i'd be interested in hearing.
i think i have changes to make in my own life and that's deep enough i think. i know there are some posts i need to delete, because even if i was rightly angry or upset, i don't need to become the very thing i don't like, and i don't need to return wrong and hatred of me with unkindness.
oh believe me, i know there have been intentional attempts to provoke me and i've been provoked. but i have found i've become stronger rather than weaker and i think my next step in strength is, aside from not being so shocked, is to go back and remain calm and courteous.
i'm not mean at heart. my housemates and those who know me even better know this. i'm not mean. i can lash out verbally because i would never do anything else, so i do lash out. my grandmother and i both agree we fight like italians and make up the same way. it's a characterization. i get mad out loud but then it's out and i am not generally holding grudges. others have a different style which causes clashes sometimes. i would rather have someone in my face and then get over it, than behind my back and passive-aggressive and hold onto things.
how about you? what are you interested in?
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