Sunday, July 26, 2009

Big Break With Hair Analysis

I just found out from some people, that hair analysis will date drug use back up to 7 years and it doesn't always depend upon the length of hair but is dated through the core.

I don't know, because I haven't researched it yet, but if that's true, I'm going to be completely exonnerated of being a substance abuser.

I have had all these people giving me misinformation, telling me it only shows whether you've ever used a drug in your life, not the timeline. But if it shows timeline, I'm going to be cleared as being honest and not being a substance abuser.

Especially if it goes back 7 years, it will really show the truth.

It would show I've only used narcotics when they were prescribed.

It would show I never used pot (unless someone put it in my food without my knowledge) prior to my son being taken and that I tried it about 2 months after he was removed. After this it will show I only used it on rare occasion, to prevent migraine and that I quit before coming back to Wenatchee for my son when I was medically stable. It will show I used pot one time in the last several months, and that it was the same time I had a migraine, which I went to ER for ergotamine for because the pot didn't help.

It will show I didn't miss UAs because I was covering something up, but only because of transportation problems.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure the test can differentiate the time delineation from using marijuana AFTER your son was taken from you. That would be a good question to ask a qualified medical expert as opposed to getting junk science from those who may not be knowledeable to really know.

Anonymous said...

With the hair test it does matter how long it is! The chemicals grow out with your hair and that is how they determin the timeline..... If your hair grows fast it may show a greater time between usage.... If it grows slow it may look like usage is grouped more closely. If your hair is cut short past usage will be cut off. If it is very long it will show a longer timeline and there will be spaces between if usage stopped for a while and started again weeks or months later. Like if I were to smoke pot for a while and quit for 2 months and then started again my hair test would show a gap in usage by how the chemicals grew out with my hair. They usually measure in weeks, at least that is what the tecnition told me when I asked about it for my sister. She was an abuser for years while I had her son and I told her she had to prove how long she had been clean and a hair test is the only way because most narcotics don't stay in blood or urine very long--- sometimes just hours is long enough to be clear depending on your metabolisim.

Mama said...

Hey, thank you so much for this info. If it goes by the week and will show approximately when started, I'm going to be fine.

More than that, probably exonnerated for a lot of false accusations.

So I'm glad to have it as specific as possible and go back as far as possible.

My fiance wanted me to cut my hair so I did, but I only took off about 4 inches. He wanted me to cut half of it off and now I'm very glad I didn't. My hair is to my waist almost, so that has to be 2 years worth at least. I am hoping it might go back as far as 3 years.

Anonymous said...

As I stated earlier, the advice of non experts is junk science that should be dismissed. It all depends on the hair (if chemically treated) and the type of test. Some tests only test 3 months/90 days such as the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay others may have a longer testing period if the sample is not chemically degraded. One CANNOT generalize on these tests as each test is different. The Anonymous responder discussed going back 2 months or so, however, your wanting to go back many years could be problematic, thus contacting a lab to ascertain the most accurate answers is probably the best way to go. Additionally, you may want to seek legal counsel to see who has to foot the bill.