Friday, February 3, 2012

Torture of Entire Family & Microchip? (last night and this morning)

Last night the U.S. used torture against me. And guess what? I might have evidence of a microchip in my neck. I'm not kidding. Something is at least showing up on my CT.

Funny how they want to torture a citizen with technology and then get me to sign up for disability to say I'm crazy. Good cover. Even better cover for religious hate crime which is the original issue.

I couldn't sleep last night and it wasn't the worst they've done, but they used technology and then every time I got up to go to my window in my kitchen they used the suctioning of my heart technology. Every single time. I even got up in the middle of the night and stood there at the sink to get something and it was directed there.

Same thing today and they added infrared heating since about 10 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.

All of it is U.S. military but all of it is sponsored by religious hate crime.

My laptop was not on when I was at the kitchen sink last night, getting a glass and some other things.
This entire time since I last wrote, I have had the U.S. applying several different forms of technology against me for hours. It is now 1:35 p.m. and they have targeted my left ear, metal in my neck on left side, and also have used strong form of infrared directed at my heart as well as the technology that creates a suction on the heart.

I moved my laptop to the side at one point and they quit, but this is continuing.

Last night all night they kept prodding the top of my head using technology.

I had to bend over so I was facing down to avoid it, so my head was not parallel with the sky above.

Which made me realize, my mother never had "vertigo" in the late 90s like she claimed to have.

She was bending over because the U.S. was torturing her when we lived at our house in Sherwood, Oregon.

It was the late 90s and early 2000s and she started getting "dizzy" out of nowhere she said, and had to walk around with her head facing the ground to do anything. She said it was "vertigo".

It was the U.S. military torturing her and I know this now that I know about all the other things they've done to coerce people to work for them and punish people they choose to punish.

She also got a "shot" that disabled her when they did a "thyroid surgery".

She never had hip problems, she said, until she was given a shot and it "hit a nerve" and caused pain for over 1 year.

I remember before this, in Moses Lake, she used to go running all the time and she came in one day and couldn't run anymore for a long time because of something to do with her pelvis that was sort of out, but the hip thing is different.

So my Mom got a nasty U.S. "shot" just like I did and just like my son did, which made him violently ill for months.

How does one "hit a nerve" when giving a routine shot for a surgery? It's not rocket science and the nurses know very well where the nerves are. And then she couldn't hardly move and had severe pain for ONE full year after this.

It was to remove a thyroid cyst she got after being exposed to radiation "draft" by the U.S. which went all the way from Hanford (30 min/1 hr away) to Canada. That radiation draft and overexposure happened when she was a kid and I am sure it affected more than one resident in the area.

Thyroid issues are directly related to exposure to radioactive materials. Yes, one could have a thyroid problem for another reason, but it is throughout all medical documentation--those who are exposed to radioactive materials typically have problems with their thyroid first.

This is why people take iodine and kelp if they are about to be exposed to radioactive materials. The iodine fills up the thyroid and then blocks radioactive materials from collecting there and sitting. For some reason, it's the thyroid that takes in and stores more radioactive stuff. So when people take iodine, it is to store up inside the thyroid and block radioactive materials.

Anyone exposed to radioactive materials is going to have the most damage to the thyroid first, if it's ingested or inhaled as an airborne particle and possibly through skin contact. I mean, that's aside from burns and the most severe exposures, but if one gets a moderate or high dose of a "draft", it accumulates in the thyroid and people end up with cysts and tumors.

These are either benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous) tumors.

Guess what just newly showed up on my CT for my neck? a cyst in my thyroid.

I wonder if I have the injection from Knoxville, TN to thank for that.

The radiology report says there is an "incidental" signal density or highlight that appears to be a "possible cyst" in my thyroid. That doesn't even tell for sure if it's a cyst or a tumor or if it's some kind of other "Signal density".

I just looked up thyroid and it's located on the sides of the neck, where I have been having all of this extreme pain targeted to.

So what is it?



Wouldn't it be interesting to find out it's signal density from a microchip. This "cyst" or whatever it is possibly, was only found on one side of my neck.

That's just for my neck and doesn't address being fumigated with chemicals or bleeding internally for weeks.

So they DID find something in my neck.

I have never exaggerated what is happening to my body or the amount of pain and torture being inflicted on me. Why would I do that? I would never do that.

Wasting my time in doctor's offices is as thrilling to me as having at least 1/3 of my time wasted on getting jump starts because someone targeted the battery in my car to be suddenly drained of all power.

This happened to me, not kidding, every single to every other day and I was almost killed a number of times because of it.

Every single time my car died or wouldn't start, I had to have it jump started or take it to the mechanic or charge it up again for hours to only have drop out again.

Imagine this.

1. You have a car that loses power almost every single day, interfering with your time and money.
2. You have a broken knee that causes severe pain and impairs walking from an assassination attempt. You don't have painkillers for the pain.
3. You have migraines triggered by the military who have friends that want you out of lawsuits you justly filed.

With all of these horrible and horrific obstacles, on a poor student's budget I still was getting a 3.6 GPA, taking Grad. classes, had a PT job as an entrepreuneur which took a lot of time, and was active socially AND did legal research and maintained 2 huge lawsuits against major corporations single-handedly.


I was accomplishing all these things despite criminal obstruction that endangered my life and acute medical problems.

I am so tired of hate-filled jealous people who use the U.S. government to push themselves ahead. This has been going on a very long time and I want my son back.

Now, I have today just been on my computer looking up phone numbers for college admissions and have been tortured with technology the entire time. That is a violation of my rights and obstruction of my education.

So if I have a microchip in my neck and Washington state was harassing me through pubic officials and then my son and I were told to move to Utah, why Utah? When I didn't move to Utah with my son, we were both tortured at high levels of technology which almost killed both of us.

University of Utah Hospital is who did my neck surgery.

If there is a microchip in my neck, they put it there in 1995.

No wonder some of them felt uncomfortable praying before my surgery. They wouldn't pray so I did with them there and prayed for myself and that God would direct their hands. And they just stayed silent while I prayed. I remember a tear running down one nurse's face.

I didn't pray for a microchip.

God, please direct their hands so these people and the CIA can track me wherever I go, no matter where this is, and then torture me at will whenever they want to.

How about a few billion in compensation for me and my son?

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