Saturday, August 14, 2010

Daily Reading (for fun)

Done the same way. Random, though I knew what aisles I chose to go down. I went to a different side of the room more today, but a little bit everywhere. Just when I thought I was finished, I had to get up and choose something more and I got "The Taming Of The Shrew". haa. And a couple of different art books as it turned out. All over the place today though.

1. How To Draw Pirates by Ben Dunn
pg. ? Section on how to draw sails for sailboats.

2. Hot Rod Pin-Ups II: Gearhead Girls and Dragstrip Dolls by David Perry.
pg. 94. Nikki, 1951 Chevy Coupe/Owner: Bryan Rusk/Club: Villains/Location: Auburn, CA
(black and cream colored with leopard print and white tank and tatoos)

3. Cliff Notes for Taming Of The Shrew
pg. "Commentaries--the sections that follow provide great tools for supplementing your reading of The Taming Of The Shrew."

4. The Proper Care & Feeding of Marriage by Dr. Laurra Schlessinger
pg. 99. "Caller--okay, okay, I got it."
"DrL. You only had something to fear if he didn't tell you. That would likely mean one of two things: he's taking her up n it, or he can't talk to you because of your insecurities and hypersensivities." As I have said probably too many times before, it is the woman who rules the relationship and the home when she's married to your typical fellow (omitting, of course, narcissists, pychopaths, and addicts)."

5. The Dude Abides: The Gospel According to the Cohen Brothers by Cathleen Falsani
pg. 67, "that's okay, that's okay, that's ok--that's just fine. You probably walked in here thinking that was going to be a hndicap thinking we wanted people who knew something about he medium, maybe even thinking there was all kind of technical mubo-jumbo to learn. You were dead wrong. We're only interested in one thing: Can you tell a story, Bart? Can you make us laugh, can you make us cry, can you make us wanna break out in joyous song?"

6. America: The Last Best Hope by William J. Bennett
pg. 296, "Who lost China?" came the anguished cry."

7. The Organic Garden by Christine & Michael LaVelle
pg.170, "Calabrese (italian sprouting broccoli)"

8. Made In America: Sam Walton by Sam Walton
pg. 208, "Corny? How could you get any cornier than that? But when folks get together and do this sort of sily stuff it's really impossible to measure just how good it is for their morale."

9. The Far Side Gallery by Gary Larson
pg. ? Cartoon about a ladder store that's on fire and there is no fire escape and one man says to "Doris"--"Wait a minute! Say that again, Doris! ...You know, the part about, "If only we had some means of climbing down." The one adjacent has a couple at a table with a shield and swords in the background and roast on the table and the woman says to him, "And another thing...I want you to be more assertive! I'm tired of everyone calling you Alexander the Pretty-Good!"

10. I'm Ready For My Movie Contract by Get Fuzzy collection by darby conley
pg. 84, I landed on some section where a cartoon cat is writing a novel. Or trying, and on the page where he has torn up someone else's book and says stupid people will believe it's true.

11. Love Must Be Tough: New Hope For Marriages In Crisis by Dr. James Dobson
pg.140, Maryann: I know he did. The verse that He gave me was in Psalm 30:5. "Weeping comes in the evening but joy comes in the morning." I would never have known the extent of God's love if I had not gone through this trial."

12. One Year Mini for Women
pg. August 21: Right Motives. As I consider my plans for the upcoming months, how can I have right motives in the activities I am considering?
God's Response: "May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14.
Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and affections. Psalm 26:2
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Psalm 139:23
People often get stressed out because they have taken on activities and responsibilities for the wrong reasons. As you consider upcoming involvements, ask God to help you do things with the right motives and to reveal any area where they are leass than pure. With that understnading, you will knw better which activities you should be involved in, and which ones you should say no to.
God's Promise: People may think they are doing what is right, but the Lord examines the heart. Proverbs 21:2."

13. Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson
pg. 194, "In the Buddhist religion, the search for God is synonymous with the realization of our most compassionate self. The Buddha, like Jesus, lived a life that personified the path to divine selfhood. The Buddha was born a wealthy prince named Siddhartha, whose father wished to protect him from the cruelty and suffering of life. To this end, he built walls around his palace, only allowing in the pleasures of the material world. But the young Siddhartha instinctively knew that there was more to life than what he saw within the confines of his father's palace, and he also knew he needed to experience those things in order to become truly human."

14. The New American Heart Association Cookbook, 7th Ed.
pg. 185, Tilapia Amandine

15. Quesadillas by Donna Kelly
pg. 82, 3 Bean Torte

16. The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain
pg. 200, "Ever had unagi, the cooked, glazed freshwater eel, at sushi bars? This is better. Tender, flavorful, smoky, sweet, and hearty. We picked the delicate chunks right out of the blackened halves of bamboo, washing it down, of course, with plenty of warm Hanoi beer."

17. Born To Be Bad by Sherrilyn Kenyon
pg.280, Rhea hated too admit it, but she was fascinated by Ace's past. He'd had quite a childhood out in Hollywood."

18. Orcs: Bad Blood by Stan Nicholls
pg. 130, "What's up?" Coilla said. "Our people have paid a high price for this," Spurral replied, indicating the detritus of battle."

19. A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book the 7th, by Lemony Snicket: The Vile Village
pg. 144, "I"ve heard of carrier pigeons," Klaus said. "Those are birds that carry messages for a living. But I've never heard of carrier crows."

20. The Final Reckonig by Robin Jarvis
pg. 181, "Sorry about that, " Piccadilly apologized. "This is Barker--I had to bring him with me. Like I said, it's a long story, but first of all, Jupiter is back."

21. Star Trek 101 by Terry Erdmann & Paula Block
pg. 134, , The Circle: Kira experiences an odd orb-induced vision of a future after being reassigned to a new post by Minister Jaro.

22. Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia For Dinosaur Lovers Of All Ages by Dr. Thomas Holtz, Illustrated by Luis Rey.
pg. 92, Buckland's Big Lizard.
"Megalosaurus was discovered by the Reverend William Buckland in England in the early 1800s."

23. Hunting Season by Nevada Barr (series with Anna Pigeon)
pg. 206, "Whoever smashed up the sign," Barth said, "Just desecrating the grave." Anna didn't think so. The earlier vandalism had shown violence, rage, disorganization."

24. Peek-a-Boo Sleepy Baby
Sleepy baby, time for bed,
time to brush that sleepy head, time to put pajamas on,
time to dream the whole night long

25. Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King
pg. 134, "I saw the way the boy's eyes lit up when Joe said that, and I saw how tenderly Joe carried him to bed an hour or so later."

26. Innocent In Death by J.D. Robb
pg. 131, "Are you sure I can't bring you something hot to drink? It's a cold one out there today. Ah, here comes the missus now. And there's our princess."

27. Henry's Sisters by Cathy Lamb
pg. 274, "We brought in a refrigerator, a comfy couch, two padded chairs, a TV, rugs, pillows, a few lights, a table and four chairs, and we shoved a twin bed in the corner with a red-and-yellow bedspread."

28. Killer View by Ridley Pearson
pg. 127, "That only seemed to make matters worse. Like burning hair."
Hmmm! Lots of scary books I would never read. I think next time I'll stay out of the mystery section when I do this!

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