Sunday, August 1, 2010

images at hospital and the tubes tied question

I had a few images but it was more just aimless thoughts passing through, like everyone has. I went in for migraine and was there for 5 hours or more. I went in at around 10 p.m. and I was there until 3:30 p.m.

When I was discharged, it was with instructions for migraine and for heart disease and heart attack. They explained it was just new information they were providing for everyone who came in now. The only strange thing on my chart was that they had the time marked for PST but then specifically for Los Angeles. I don't know why Los Angeles.

While there, when I got my shot I was trying to think of other things and allowing whatever come to mind as I exhaled and as I did so I first saw yellow daffodils. Secondly, oak leaves from an oak tree. I saw yellow flowers and assumed they were daffodils.

Then, I was lying there and I saw a dark blond man I used to know, crying or sort of whimpering and saying "I don't want to do this anymore." But I don't have any idea what it was in regard to and all I saw was the face and expression and got the saying. He was someone from D.C. Do what? I have no idea what the context was or who he was saying this to, if anyone.

Then I was thinking about soenoe who I once chatted with about being the "prince of darkness" and how that person said it could fit something and how they asked about nic cage a lot and so then Nic Cage came to mind for a split second and next I saw someone I thought was Brad Pitt with a moustache and then wondered if it was not Pitt but looked more like the guy from Titanic but with a moustache. Leonardo diCaprio. that was about it. All of it was normal thought progression except for the:

yellow flowers and oak leaves (where that came from I don't know, at 1 or 1:30 at night)


the man saying he didn't want to do something anymore (and i have no idea what)--I am pretty sure it was this one guy but I might be slightly off. pretty sure though.
When I was given the DHE, I was given the shot in my arm, which I haven't had done before and it caused all the muscles to jerk and spasm uncontrollably for some time. It was severe onset of benign fasciculations.

I am sort of wondering why I had to wait so long to get a shot and then I thought I saw Dr. Freed there, at the other hospital (Central) but it may have been someone else. It looked like him from a distance.

I noticed that when I said I had allergies, instead of giving me a wristband with the allergies listed, the nurse told me they were leaving it "blank" so the doctors knew to look it up in the computer.

Why leave it blank? unless I am allergic to other things that they don't want me to know about which are somewhere in my chart? I am just wondering.

I also question why such a long wait when it's just DHE. Or so I think. The Vicodin was real this time, at least. I'm sure the DHE was too but I wonder still, about some other things.

The doctor on call asked me if I was pregnant, which is typical of a question that's asked and I said no and then he asked, "Are your tubes tied or do you have malfunctioning ovaries?" I have never been asked this question in my whole life. Tubes tied? inferior or malfunctioning ovaries? He may have phrased it, "So your tubes aren't tied? malfunctioning ovaries?" It was Dr. Hughes.

I wasn't even asked about my periods or when I had the last one.

I asked for a test on my electrolytes because of the fasciculations (which I made a nurse feel, named Albert, at least that's what it said). He felt them and I said "That is what I call benign fasciculations" so that one of these medical persons knows I know what I'm talking about and I'm not delusional. The nurse nodded and could see I was telling the truth and giving an accurate description. So they ordered bloodwork but this time, it was 4 vials. I only had one of them used for an electrolytes check I was told.

I asked to look at my blood and saw it was extremely fluid and sort of thin but it appeared to be a dark color. It was frothy but I thought this was from the way maybe the blood was drawn.

I said I wanted to know if my blood was used for any kind of experimentation or analysis other than what they told me and that I wanted to sign a consent form if they wanted to do more. She said they wouldn't and that it would be thrown out after 6 days.

Supposedly, everything was normal range this time. Which is unusual for me bc usually when I'm in the ER, I have low potassium and some abnormalities.

This time, I was told, I was only low range but not abnormal range, for salt (sodium--Na). I don't know why but I have some ideas.

My temp was normal at 98.6 and I don't remember heart rate and then my blood pressure was 105/60 which is low.
I asked my parents if they were ever involved in any kind of medications used on me and they said no, they were not. But they didn't deny I was on medications or that this had been tried or used--they just said they were not involved in this.

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