Monday, August 9, 2010

impressions and lucky guesses!

I just had a really cool guess thing happen.

I was hungry and wanted something to eat but didn't want to walk all the way to this one place, or spend money, and knew sometimes there are things at this one place. I had a sandwich in mind. But a lot of times they don't have sandwiches! But I wanted a sandwich and instead of going to food bank, or 2 other places, I went to the one place.

First I just asked for something small and wondered if maybe they had a something pop top. A couple things I said. She asked if I wanted a sandwich and I said yes. Then I asked if maybe there was a small thing, pop top, of peaches. There was. They didn't even have that much stuff there but exactly what I wanted. THEN I had tun, a small little pop top of tuna come to mind and asked if maybe there was a little pop top of tuna. There WAS! and I got carrots and I'm not always a fan but I do like carrots. I saw water there but didn't ask for it bc I figured she'd offer it. She offered cookies but that's when I said if there was a small thing of tuna I might have that instead. I love cookies and might have some later, but I'd had some this morning already.

I looked in the bag I was handed and said, "This is EXACTLY what I wanted!!!" and I said, "I'm not kidding! this is exactly what I had in mind!"

I had to use the restroom first and there were things in there. Just a couple things. I almost wanted to take this little tea light but didn't of course, just smelled it. Orange spice. And there was a Hawaaian air freshener and I left it. The only thing I didn't want to see, while I was on the toilet, was the Keri hand lotion. It made me think of Carrie. No offense. No offense to Kari or Keri or whatever. I thought, "I wish I had a bar of Cameo soap bc I'd put it there on the counter." I just turned the Keri lotion upside down behind the orange flowers so I didn't have to look at it.

Then, i just couldn't let it go bc it was so cool how I was given exactly what I had in mind, for lunch. Really cool. So I had to go back to this place to blog it.

And then I sat down and had the Queen come to mind for some reason and I think it's because last night or the night before, for some reason, she flashed to mind with a lot of ladybugs. I remember thinking, "I would think bees bc of 'Queen Bee'" but I kpet seeing all these ladybugs, and I didn't know if it was real ladybugs or jewelry with a ladybug in it. Lots and lots of impressions of ladybugs.
Anyway. it was for a fleeting moment. But I remembered it now for some reason.

I don't mean any offense with Keri lotion actually. I figure, if she is connected to someone I care about, then I am supportive of her too. But I didn't want to look at that name.
I also thought about my parents today and wrote to them. I remembered my other's birthday ahead of time for once. I kept forgetting but not this year.

I hope that God will bless my family. Me, my son, and my family.

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