Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Random Reading Today

I went to the bookstore without praying before making a selection. I should always be fair. But I grabbed a book and it was Madam Bovary. I said to myself, "No. This isn't good." So the next one ended up being "The Great Gatsby". I decided to quit and get other work done, which I did. Then I came back to it with a small prayer and opened up a Bible and it turned out to be King James version and I opened right up to Psalms 101. Which was labled as something about "A Perfect Heart" so I thought this was a good way to start out. And I just read that one and nothing else from the Bible. Then I grabbed some books and mainly selected from religion, kids, a little cooking and the jr. and novel section.
I don't know what I got first but the last one I looked at was a Vegetarian cookbook. But there books are all mixed up so, here I go.

1. The Sign of the Beeaver by Elizabeth George Speare
pg.61, Pattean gave a grunt of satisfaction. "Shoot pretty good," he said. "One day make better. Indian take long time, leave wood many days till ready."

2. We're Off to Look For Aliens by Colin McNaughton (two books in one!)
pg...haaaha...I'll use the saying on the back cover. It says, "Colin McNaughton and his trusty sidekick, Wilberforce, are off to look for ALIENS."

3. Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now! by Dr. Seuss
pg. ? "You can go in a hat. But please go. Please!"

4. The Power Of Intention: Co-create your way, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
pg. 77, "Monitor your activities and where they take place. Avoid low-energy field where there's excessive alcohol, drug consumption, or violent behavior, and gatherings where religious or ethnic exclusion and vitriolic prejudice or judgment are the focus."

5. Woodworking 101 For Women by Marilyn MacEwen
pg. 109, Mantle: Create a warm space.

6. Kids Go! by John Linnel and John Flansburgh and Pascal Campion
pg. ? "Then get up now and go, go, GO, go!"

7. Eye Of The Storm by John Ringo
pg. 406, "But he'd seen the media reports, read the articles."

8. Fly Away Home by Jennifer Weiner
pg. 116, "We need to decide--"
"Sylvie cut him off. "There is no 'we' here, " she said. "Not anymore."
"I, then, " said Richard. "I need to figure it out." He pulled in a breath, and his voice took on its familiar speechifying timbre. "The way I see it, it's a personal failing. A terrible transgression. I don't intend to minimize that, not for a minute, but this was not a public matter. It was a betrayal that has nothing to do with my service to the people of--"
"You got her a job," Sylvie said, each word bitten off, hard and distinct.

9. Death with Interruptions by Jose Saramago
pg. 182, "When death, on her own account and at her own risk, decided to suspend her activities from the first day of January this year, the idea didn't even enter her empty head that some superior in the hierarchy might ask her to justify her bizarre behavior, just as she didn't even consider the high probability that her picturesque invention of the violet-colored letters woud be frowned on by that same superior or by another even higher up."

10. Ellora's Cave Presents: All She Wants
pg. 58, (from Holly, the 'real' Holly) by Dominique Adair, "He lifted his arm and flung the glass against the wall, where it shattered. She winced when glass shards struck the back of her bare legs."

11. Taunton's Front Yard Idea Book by Jeni Webber
pg. 86, "A tall hedge provides ample privacy on a small lot. Here, a formal sheared hedge is most appropriate, as it takes up less space than an informal hedge would."

12. Not MY Daughter (a novel) by Barabara Delinsky
pg. 261, "How do you get the balloon out of his windpipe?" Lily asked, calmer again.

13. Weight Watcher's Great Cooking Every Day from The Culinary Institute of America (with a symbol of 3 wheat strands). pg. 165, "Gremolata-stuffed chicken breasts with tomato relish, and orzo." Mmm. feel like looking up another one. pg. 124, "Bass and scallops en papillote"

14. Reader's Digest "The Vegetarian Cookbook"
pg. 134, "Minted lettuce, peas, and scallions" and one 216, "Pizza Tart with Cherry Tomatoes."

15. A Kiss For Cade by Lori Copeland
pg. 232, "Gracie sighed. "If Zoe were to find out--"
"She won't." He smiled. "You can trust me on that."
"I do trust you, Cade. You're the best thing that ever happened to her. I hope you stay around a while."

16. God's Little Devotional Book for Graduates
pg. 102, "We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends to behave to us."

17. Small Acts Of Grace: you can make a difference in everyday, ordinary ways, by Gray
pg. 95, "Mothersl-don't ever forget the permanence of your imprint. The kids may seem ungrateful, they may act irresponsible, they may even ignore your reminders and forget your advice. but believe this--they cannot erase your influence.--Charles Swindoll"

18. The One-Minute Bible Guide by Terry Glaspey
pg. 70, Nahum. "A contemporary of Jeremiah and Zephaniah, Nahum predicts the judgment of Nineveh (some 125 years after Joneah's missionary trip via the big fish)."

19. Prophet (a novel) by Peretti
pg. 184, "Tina would be coming after Leslie's video any moment if Leslie didn't get it to her. Leslie reached into her carrying case and withdrew the cassette Mel had shot that morning, the story that could have been."

20. Secrets of The Baby Whisperer For Toddlers by Tracy Hogg
pg. 207, Remember, "it's not your business if another child refuses to share with yours. It is your business if another child hits, bites, pushes, or in any other way is aggressive."

21. Raising Them Right: Focus on the Family
pg. 78, "On a similar note, Jim Trelease tells his predominantly female audiences that if Dad always picks up a ball instead of a book, his children may be getting the message that athletics are more important than reading."

22. It's Earth Day! by Mercer Mayer
pg. ? "We made signs that said: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! Then we put the signs up everywhere to remind everyone how they can help, too."

23. Teamwork In Tonka Town (a story about Chuck the dump truck)
pg. ? "And they did! After the fire was out, Chuck looked at the damage. Larry's roof and windows were stained with smoke. The paint on his walls was peeling."

24. Stuff That Matters For Single Parents by Patricia Lorenz
pg. 74, "At any rate, I figured a few sprinkles of grass seed and I'd be back in the lawn business, right?"

25. What Your Fourth Grader Needs To Know by Hirsch, Jr.
pg. 59, "Bury the Hachet. This phrase comes from Native American culture. When two nations declared war on each other, they were said to take up the hatchet. When they agreed to end their war, they were said to bury the hatchet. To bury the hatchet is to stop holding a grudge and make peace with someone else, to let bygones be bygones and forgive and forget."

26. Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner by Julie Fast. pg. 109, "As to their social life, Carlos agreed to be patient with pam and allow her to become more stable so that they could do more things socially together."

27. Daily Sex: 365 Positions and Activities for a Year of Great Sex! by Jane Seddon
pg. 87, OH NOOOOOOOooooo! hahaha
...okay, that is my oh no comment.

Pg. 87, ahem, is entitled, "Manna from Heaven"

28. Everyday Enlightenment: Gateways to Personal Growth by Dan Millman
pg. 184, "Ask yourself, "What if I knew?" When you feel uncertain, doubtful, or wavering, ask yourself the magic words, "What if I knew?" andsee what appears." (from the "Trust Your Intuition" section)

29. Professional Blackjack by Stanford Wong
pg. 214, "Analyze what kind of image you project (or fix yourself up to project the image of your choosing) and then select an act that is consistent with the image you project. You can have multiple acts, each with its own look (clothing, hair, personality, et cetera)."

30. Mother, by Judy Olausen
pg. ? I landed on the photo for "Laundry Promise" with a Barbara Cartland type in a big hot pink and black dress holding a cocktail in one hand and standing next to a Lady Kenmore.

this is a book of humor so I'll go for a couple more: "Mother As Enabler" with a tray of martinis, Camel cigarettes on the table next to ashtray and a saxophone wire art in the background.

"Mother's Epiphany" as she is with a scrub brush next to the toilet, and finally, the one which made me laugh out loud for a long time: "Mother Going Nowhere", then I had to keep reading. Got "Mother As Roadkill" and then, the one that cracked me up again, "The Kitty Valet" (left side, with a dustpan filled with kitty doo) and then "The Joy Of Cooking" on the right with a mother who is covered in soot and smoke. I also like "100% Cotton"

Well that's all.
Fun, in it's own way.
always fun.

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