Monday, August 2, 2010

parents brainwashing kids 540 WOQ (latest and greatest)

i've had the weirdest thing lately, new form of harassment with parents bringing their kids over to say "goodbye" to me or "take off" in various forms. i just had one kid say, "goodbye apple" to ME and these parents and others have had their kids directly come up to me and say stuff.

I think it's so pathetic!

How sad to use kids for stuff like that. In my opinion, it's like child abuse. It's totally wrong,

540 WOQ black VW. That was the woman whose kid who was her "nephew" said this to me. He was blond and she sort of reminded me of Jennifer Godfrey.

If you care to know whatever "apple" might mean, I think it has something to do with my family and I know there has been a really stupid running theme, regarding ME, about "apples and oranges" which is just carryover from Oregon litigation shit and a woman who trashed me on every level and the saying was "It's oranges and apples" all the time. I guess refernce to Cameo apple possibly too.

I honestly think what in the world because the same people who use their kids to harass me, are sitting their training their own children to be idiots like they are.

These people are raising their own children, from toddler age, to be harassers and social misfits. When I think about the kind of degenerates who do this, I think they should not be allowed to procreate at all. Their children are going to be the next generation of little assholes.

Anyway, she brought him by me, and had him turn to face me and he looked directly at me, waved, and said this and then she pretended no big deal until she was driving by, smirking at me. Just a serious nutty woman. And it's at least the 3rd or 4th kid that has acted like a total zombie around me and done this with their parents or some kind of guardian standingby smirking and thinking it's great.


Anonymous said...

Strangers are not brainwashing or instructing their children to say crypitc things like "goodbye apple" to you. That is all.

Mama said...

You sound just like Mary Ann McIntosh.

I will be the Judge of what is said when I am the witness and I see how it is directed.

Thank You.