Monday, November 10, 2008

Copy of Email To Judge Hotchkiss for Discovery, Visitation, and Quit Delay

Copy of my Request to Wenatchee Judge Hotchkiss, for Copies of Audio, Reinstatement of Phone Visitation With My Son, and Order to Quit Delay of ICPC Transfer:

Request For Audio‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 11/10/08 4:37 AM
To:; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;

Dear Ms. Koch,

Please forward this to Judge Hotchkiss.

I called long ago and asked for a copy of the audio from the preliminary fact-finding hearing which I tried to attend, where I was refused reasonable counsel and then told, on the spot I had to be pro se. I protested, and I was hung up on, and when I called back to try to get back in, Judge Hotchkiss refused to allow me to defend myself or hear the proceedings held against me.

I asked for a copy of the audio from that hearing, and I was told it would be something near $100, which I could not afford. It was a known fact I was unable to pay such fees, and yet I was forced to be pro se and not given copies of the discovery. The audio from that hearing, was applicable discovery, and I was refused discovery that could have helped my case and helped me to file an appeal, based on the foreknowledge I wouldn't be able to afford it.

I am now asking for a copy, and I am prepared to pay what you require.

I ask also, for all the other discovery I requested, which I've not received, and which CPS claimed they did not get a return receipt for (which confirms I did not receive it) to be mailed to the D.C. address last provided.

I ask for any and all letters to be mailed to this address, which were returned by post to CPS, or which I never signed for, which indicates I DID NOT GET THEM.

My second request is for a hearing regarding reinstatement of my phone visitation with my son. I have not seen any order from Judge Hotchkiss which forbids me contact by telephone, and yet CPS and my aunt and her family are refusing me telephone visitation. My uncle told me CPS told them this was done to coerce me to return to Wenatchee, where it has already been established there is zero objectivity with regard to my case, and prejudice. CPS wants me within their control and wants any psychological evaluation to be done by a friend THEY know.

I was already told I could get services in Washington D.C. and I have been making application for this since I received notice I lost fact-finding, which is wrong from the outset, as all of my legal rights, to counsel and to discovery, were ignored. Not to mention the flagrant disregard and cover-up of actual medical disabilities I have which both the state and the medical professionals of Wenathcee were well aware of.

I have gone to D.C. offices, of my own accord, at least 3 times in the last almost 2 months, to try to get started on services. I have also made several phone calls and no one has ever called me back. Because of the delay and stalling, I took a recorder with me last time, and I recorded evidence that the General Counsel for CPS was directly involved and trying to tell me I couldn't have services done there. I was also initially told they could not fax a release form from me to Washington, to get the ball rolling, and this was not true. When I was last there, they finally said, after someone else from ICPC was brought in, that I could get services there but I told them what I needed and they just wrote me down for "home evaluation". I told them I needed psychological eval, and everything else. They said they had to now wait on Washington, but I know Washington will stall, and I've not heard anything from anyone.

I cannot get either a fair hearing, or any kind of fair evaluation in Wenatchee. I am doubtful it is possible in D.C., but the odds are better.

In the meantime, my "bond" with my son and my parental rights, have been deliberately tampered with, and contact with my son has been used as a barter and political attempt to force me back into Wenatchee's control.

I have gone above and beyond what is required to show "cooperation" and participation and what I have evidence of, is a deliberate attempt to not only destroy the bond between me and my son, but to delay and stall these evaluations to the point where it will be difficult for me to get my son back at all. It does not take several months to get this done, and I already have proof that over a month and a half were wasted, putting me off, and telling me I had to jump through other hoops which were unnecessary.

My relationship with my family and this aunt wasn't good to begin with, but it is clear that my aunt has her own agenda and intends on trying to adopt my son. She had made several attempts to force me out of my son's life and even her own husband has protested against some of the things she's done. She is best friends with my mother, whom I do not get along with AT ALL, and they never felt I should be a "single mother" to begin with, because they do not believe ANYONE should be a single mother. They also are fanatical in their beliefs that if my son is raised with me, he will go to hell and not have a religious education. My family has not given me any support, not because they agree with the state, or think I have ever been a bad mother, but because their values are archaic.

I have not seen any order prohibiting me from talking to my son, but if there is one, I'd like to have it reversed. If I have to request a teleconference hearing for that, I am making that request now. I also wish to have both my aunt's husband, Pablo Avila, and one of their daughters, Ivory Avila, present for questioning regarding the motives of their mother and her mood swings, and I would also be introducing an email from Ivory, to me, about her mother, into evidence.

If my aunt's family and CPS can be convinced to drop their attempts to force me out of my son's life, or to coerce me into Wenatchee to satisfy the political agenda there, I will drop my request for a hearing. Otherwise, I will expect to take testimony from the husband and daughter, regarding Holly Avila's attitude towards me and her general disposition.

I have a right to telephone visitation with my son, and my son has a right to hear from his mother. He knows it's me, and prior to being cut off, I think Holly didn't like the fact he was saying "Mama!!!" over and over when he knew I was calling, and that he was calling me "Mommy" as well and happily talking to me. Once, my aunt HUNG up on my SON when he was happily chatting away to me, and her own husband, I could hear in the background protesting: "What are you DOING?! He's talking to his MOTHER."

I am the mother. Holly Avila is a poor substitute for one.

My requests are, therefore:

1. Statement of the cost for the audio for the preliminary hearing you forced me out of,
2. Reinstatement or order for my son and I to continue telephone visitation, or hearing to have it reinstated,
3. An order that the stalling and delay to a psychological evaluation and other services be immediately quit, and that if the ICPC is not transferred in an expedient manner, my son is returned to me without delay.

Of course, I would also like an apology from your court regarding discrimination and prejudice on a number of levels, for what was done against me in this case, and the deprivation of my rights, but I assume I'll have to sue in order to find anyone in Wenatchee willing to take personal responsibility for outright corruption.

Cameo Garrett

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