Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Drama Queens (both of them)

I basically confirmed what the relationship is between the swingers who involved ME in their sick game, without telling me.

I asked him and he tried to lie, but couldn't keep eye contact, and looked away as it was showing in his eyes. I said, "Yeah, you're a good liar most of the time, but some of the time, you're not." He agreed with me.

I am definitely writing about this more, when I have a chance. There is something seriously wrong with people when they pull this kind of thing on non-consenting individuals. And they're still playing the same game and don't tell the unsuspecting women. I think she actually gets a kick out of it. She even goes with him to "find" new women. And I know for a fact she has regular lovers from all over the country and she's shown me their photos. She gets to decide who he is with and stays with. When she feels threatened, she axes her former "consent". They have just wanted to keep THEIR relationship secret, which is, I think, almost worse than cheating on someone in a marriage.

Because it's not just one partner cheating on one spouse--it's TWO "partners in crime" (gag--one of his nicknames for her) deceiving others.

She reads Vampire erotica. Hahahahaaaaa! Which cracks me up. It's like the really gauche and low, low, version of Charles and Camilla, without the panache. Instead of CC's on the cuff, they have corresponding spider webs (him) and spider (probably black widow--her) tatoos. I'm still looking for the vials of blood around the neck.

You would think, from outside appearances, they are fairly normal. But they are not, and I have a good mind to "out" them to every single one of their unsuspecting female victims. What would they do then, for fun?

Not to mention, it all makes sense why she turned into such a bitch towards me that even customers caught on and were complaining about it, wondering how I could take it, and what was wrong with her. She has a massive anger management problem, and last night, crumpled up my receipts into a ball and threw them on the floor. In response, I turned to the table I was serving next to me, smiled and said, "If you want a closer seat to the Drama, you're welcome to sit at the bar."

Which didn't make either "Spidey" or "Spiderwoman" very happy.

Man oh man does it get even better.

I have people telling me to quit but I'm not quitting. I have other people saying they don't know how I'm able to handle HIM, after everything, but it's fine. I'm not in love with him, and I am able to distance myself.

They're both enablers. They both need fucking rehab. For more than one addiction. And read a book with a title like "Codependent No More."

Their solution to getting mad and yelling, was for him to sidle up to her (which is usual) and then to down shots. They did shots and I said, in a very dry sarcastic tone, "That'll solve everything."

Basically, now that I know, the bitch had better back off. At least she doesn't badmouth me as loudly in front of customers--now she just pretends she can't hear my drink orders and then gets pissed off when I have to speak up or remind her. It's like her hearing went down 20 decibels since I met her. I think someone talked to her about publicly badmouthing me.

Anyway, I was with one person, and no one else, and it had to be HIM.

AND, I do think something else is up, and if I FUCKING find out he's with the FBI, I am suing the entire bureau (something I should be doing already).

I had sympathy for Charles and Camilla and felt their past was water under the bridge, and how can one help true love, until I had to get involved in THIS shit. Then I think, no, it's not okay. It's okay to have liasons or secret love, but it's not okay to involve other people who are unsuspecting, in the game.

I knew he was somewhat of a player from the start, but I also thought he was somewhat normal. He even had his sister in law calling me and talking to me on the phone. WHAT THE HELL.

Supposedly, his father went to rehab and his mother is a professional dominatrix. He told me this later too. I could understand having a different outlook on life because of a different upbringing like that. But what's her excuse? an inferiority complex? Actually, I think both of them sort of are. Supposedly he's not gay but I think "bi" would fit.

I think I have a right to write about this. THEY involved me in THEIR mess and I didn't ask to be involved. If they don't want to be public about their swinging style, they haven't (ugg, I hate to use this phrase which will follow...) "earned the right" to be swingers. You can keep it secret from the general public, if you're willing to give informed consent options to the other people you involve. You lose your privacy privilege when you tramp around on other people's rights.

If she can't take it, and it seems (and customers have noted) she's been the one with the demonstrative issues against me, she can quit. I work well and hard and I have a right to be there, and she is not going to fucking chase me out of a job.

She used to work with children.


No wonder neither one of them want kids. I don't think the kids want them either.

The ironic thing, is that she is the one who has been so demonstrative in her dislike of me and feeling threatened. She chooses her lifestyle. I did not choose to get involved, myself, in THEIR lifestyle. Swinging just may not be her forte afterall: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, so-to-speak. Maybe instead of trying to manage both a "partner" and various lovers, both of them should just stick to plain old promiscuity; swinging...seems too dignified a term.

And yes Diana, here too, one problem, between me and this guy was sometimes, um...geographical. (I say, "Diana" as a substitution for "Yes Virginia").

And this is the same guy who said all these bizarre things to me, which would indicate he knows about me from someone else, which is part of the reason why I think FBI.

People think I intentionally involve myself in weird situations, but I do not. I end up finding out about all these things later, and if I've ever knocked on a door or opened it, it's because someone has brought me there and lied about what is on the other side.

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