Saturday, November 15, 2008

Energy via Red Bull

Well, I am certaintly writing a lot, just no TTSOMLs yet. I guess I've been saving it up. I hate it when I can't write everyday. I mean, really write. I've been working more, so I get too tired.

But, although I've sworn off more than one cup of coffee, and haven't been drinking any energy drinks, I gave it and decided to have a half of a Red Bull, which is actually working and keeping me awake and motivated.

I love Red Bull!

I am having some mood swings too, but I just get SO mad and then I admit, I'll write things which are overly emotive and probably semi-irrational, simply because I'm pissed. I probably shouldn't write on behalf of the "state of the Union" and America, and all about "revolution" when I'm so pissed about what I really DO know has been happening in my own life, and the abuse of the system.

Just because I have been targeted, doesn't mean it's this bad for everyone, although I still question how anyone is able to get away with what's been done to me and my son in the first place.

I vacillate between being a total target, and thinking it's happening to others too, and it's really probably a mixture. I know I HAVE been targeted by some, but not everyone within the system, and I also know a lot of people put up with prejudice. And if you make the "wrong" person or group mad, in the U.S., they will use the system to their advantage, because they know it's already set up to allow the rich win, most of the time.

Which is why we supposedly have juries, to prevent this kind of abuse. But not every kind of legal dispute gets a jury and it's hard to come by a jury even if you do have the right to one, and even then, even the JURY doesn't have the powers it used to have. So many laws and policies have been passed to protect special interests.

At any rate, I'm not impulsive. If I decide to move, it will be for good cause after careful consideration. Wenatchee CPS claimed I impulsively moved to Canada and they didn't know shit. Not only had I had a book checked out from the library, for over 6 months, about moving to Canada, I had been talking about leaving the country well before that, at least a year before, before my son and I had the bizarre health problems even. Not only that, I had people TELLING me I should leave.

So, in no way was leaving for Canada impulsive or some kind of erratic behavior.

Anyway, I'm almost to the point in my TTSOMLs where I left, so I must begin.

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