Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Exhausted All Options In U.S.

I was a little nervous yesterday that Obama might not win because it was so close in the beginning counts, but am happy for the U.S. that he won.

I thought McCain's concession speech was gracious too. Much more dignified than some and hopefully he knows the country just needs to be energized by a new spirit of civil rights and action.

I felt bad I couldn't vote, but at the same time, I really feel my emotional ties to the U.S. are worn out.

I have police refusing to investigate death threats, after everything I've already been through; I have people interferring with my and my son's medical care and no one is doing a god-damn thing about it; I have people constantly breaking into my apartments and cars and causing vandalism or doing mischeif, ever since I reported the Abbey monks; I have people from high government agencies covering things up and obstructing justice; I have no one from CPS contacting me after I've made countless efforts to get going on services--

What else am I supposed to do?

No one can say I haven't exhausted all possible options.

I moved from Oregon state to Washington, and the malicious activities against me continued. Then I moved all the way across the country, and the malicious activities continued.

There is no place I or my son can go, to be safe, and no one has ever, ONCE, offered me and my son protection.

People keep getting away with this, because there are some who are in high positions of power, within the government agencies, who allow this to continue, and who feed it, if they do not directly take part.

I have this much animosity against me, that things are done by others, and continue to happen, and yet no one takes me seriously when I speak of the worst of what has been done.


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