Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Healthcare Problems Again?

I feel like I'm going to have problems with healthcare all over again. If this is the case, I will move to the Bible Belt to get care at a strictly Baptist hospital.

I called a hospital almost a week ago, after a referral, and the woman I left a message with, explaining everything to, was a "Sarah". No one called me back.

So I went there on my own, today, and the woman I got connected to was an "Angie" and she claimed she'd been the one to get my message. She said she tried calling me that morning, but she called after I had already traveled a half hour out of my area, and was in her town. It actually took me almost an hour and I was on a bus to the place when she, "Angie", called.

Then she tells me all her referrals have "already gone out" as if I cannot be seen there. She had just told me she received my message on her phone before she sent in her referrals for the kind of care I need.

So then I made another argument, I say argument, in the technical sense of stating facts to try to be politely persuasive, and she came up with another excuse.

Then she says, while knowing I need immediate care, that she'll "get back to me" with whether or not I've been accepted and the reasons why or why not. She made it somewhat clear to me she didn't think I would be accepted.

I told her, when she gave the excuse that I was out of the area, I would move TO that area if needed.

So I don't see what the excuse could be.

First I get someone I did NOT leave my message with, then I get told the referrals went out AFTER I called to get in and I'm too late basically...Then when I say a particular doctor had said he would LIKE to consult with me, she comes up with another excuse that I'm not in the area and he must not have realized that and so therefore won't take me. So THEN I told her: "I don't have a problem moving and I will relocate if needed."

It just seems sketchy already, and why should something like this even be difficult at ALL?

I got the distinct impression that while this other doctor might like to see me, and others at the hospital were fine, THIS nurse didn't want me to have care there.

If I have many more problems, I'm going to have to go strictly Baptist and skip all the other hospitals, just so I'm not always wondering if this or that medical professional already "knows" about me and has an agenda.

I did tell some people, ahead of going, where I was planning to go. I just don't think I'm going to do that anymore. I don't know who is who, and I trust these people, total strangers, and I don't know what their motive for asking is.

I just looked up the doctor who agreed he'd like to consult and see me and he's listed as "Arabic". Maybe someone doesn't like the idea of my being seen by an Arabic doctor who may be impartial and objective. Not only that, he has an excellent reputation--one which would be difficult to damage with any disagreement as to my problems.

The other thing this nurse asked me was if I'd been to see a bone specialist yet.

If I have any problems at all, we'll see what happens, because it should go smoothly if there isn't some strange hold up...If I do have problems though, I'm not going to any hospital but Baptist and I'm speaking with the head director about all the problems I've had first.

I just think it's a little odd no one called me until I was in their town, which I never go to for anything else. It was my first time there.

It might not catch my attention normally, but considering all the obstacles I've had to objective healthcare, and the huge efforts that have been made to screw up any progress in my favor, my eyes and ears are open.

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