Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TTSOML 193: Doctor Lies About Medical Test In Oregon

I am going to back up and write about a couple of things that happened while I was still in Oregon, which involved medical professionals, when I was talking to Christa on a regular basis, and after involvement with the Abbey and their lawyers.

One involves a pyschologist and the approximate time I told Christa about it and how excited she was to hear.

The other thing involves a female exam series of events that was a little bit bizarre.

I told Christa where I was going, when I was going, and why. And this is what happened.

In general, the care in Oregon, from normal doctors, as long as they were not affiliated with the Catholic church (is what I personally discovered for ME, and after I write these posts I'll also write something positive about a Catholic group I met recently, to balance out how all of this sounds), was good.

I never had problems with the Adventist healthcare systems, which is what I discovered Tualatin-Meridian Park Hospital was connected to. I didn't know at the time, I just knew I never had issues with them. I also never had problems with ANY doctor, whatsoever, prior to involvement with the Abbey and angering many within the Catholic church.

For a short time, before I realized I could go on college healthcare, I tried out state healthcare. HMOs in Oregon, and specifically because of the need for migraine management. But then what happened, is I accessed them for a female check-up, a PAP, after I'd been raped. I was 24 or 25 when I finally went in, and confessed this rape to a medical worker. I put off going in, because of shame. But I finally went, because I was worried I might have STDs or something. This was when I had only been raped by one person, and had not slept with anyone else in my life. This one was the one where I told him I wouldn't have sex with him because I was waiting for marriage, and I was, then, a 24 year old virgin, and had not even kissed anyone else except one person until then, and that person was Robin Bechtold.

So, I went in, and I believe it was after I knew Christa, because I remember being shocked later, and talking to her about some things. Actually, I think I met her awhile after this.

First I went in, and had a PAP and everything was NORMAL and I was relieved I didn't have any STDs. I got checked for everything, and it was done at least 6 months after the fact, when anything would have shown up.

Later, for a regular exam, which I told Christa about (and I'd told her I'd only been with one or two people at that time: the rapist and a boyfriend I liked which was consensual), I suddenly showed up with a lab that was "abnormal". It was ASCUS or something. I had told Christa which clinic I was going to and it was then called McClaren and I think it had some Catholic affiliation with funding or insurance. At that time, even if I'd known, I wouldn't have cared.

So I get this abnormal result, which was after involvement with the monks, and, I believe, after reporting Br. Ansgar. This was highly stressful. I assumed I had contracted something from the rapist. My boyfriend didn't have anything.

I didn't test positive for STDs, but when I did the research, abnormal PAPs are usually the result of an STD called HPV. So I thought maybe I had contracted this but I was still stunned, because the rapist had worn a condom. Still, it was possible, I figured.

So then my PCP referred me to a specialist GYN, who, I found out later, was Catholic. I did research before she did a colposcopy, and found that having an HPV test at the same time as the colposcopy, could verify abnormal results.

From what I read, and I only read very well-regarded medical journals, cervical cancer, or it's precursors, was ONLY caused by HPV. And, 99.9% of the time, by a particularly high risk strain of HPV. One could have HPV, but it wouldn't lead to cancer. If one showed positive for certain strains, it was something to be more cautious about.

So I asked the doctor ahead of time if she would do this test and she said yes. I found out later she lied to me. She told me she got the results and when I asked for the medical record, she admitted she didn't have it because she didn't do the test. What she had done, was a colposcopy, where a doctor examines the cervix with a tiny microscope. She told me she didn't need to do it, after lying to me, because she could "see it" with her own eyes. She said I needed to have surgery.

I did research and surgery was usually okay, but it could cause infertility and other problems.

I couldn't believe she had LIED to me, a DOCTOR (first time a doctor lied to me, by the way), and I got upset. I refused to go back to her, and I scheduled an appointment with another clinic and was going to pay out of pocket. So it didn't show up on my HMO, who I was going to next. No one would have known, except Christa.

I was traumatized by the whole idea of having cervical cancer. It brought back images of the rape and I felt I had been unfairly punished. But, for some reason, and I can only say it was intuitive insight, I started having very odd feelings, or instincts about what was going on.

I didn't really have a reason to question the findings, but something wasn't "right". I could feel it. I felt almost that God, or higher power, or my own instincts, were warning me to be careful and look into things more.

All of this happened after I reported Br. Ansgar and Fr. Joachim knew and was already threatening me not to tell. They knew my background was pristine. I had nothing in my background against me. Absolutely nothing.

This woman doctor had taken a swab, and it wasn't that much more expensive to do the swab which also tested for HPV. It was something like $30 more. It was nothing. But she didn't do it, when I specifically requested, and then she lied about it.

I started to feel that perhaps I did NOT have any kind of precursor cervical cancer, and that everything had been a lie. I didn't believe her, that she had "seen" it with her own eyes. Something wasn't right.

So I went to another clinic and the guy didn't want to give me the test. But I pretty much demanded it. He was somewhat abusive towards me, and ridiculed me, but I made sure another nurse was present and I stated my request with her present. If we'd been alone, he would have gotten away with refusing.

From my research, what all the scientists and doctors said, was that if someone has even a low-grade abnormal PAP, the only way to confirm it, was through the HPV test. If someone did NOT test positive on the HPV test, it was 99.9% sure there was ZERO "pre-cancerous" abnormalities.

I got the results back. I was tested within weeks of the supposed "finding". The result was that I was 100% NEGATIVE for HPV, including any of the strains which directly CAUSE and are the agent for cause of cervical cancer.

I did not have it.

I double-checked my research, because it was my life, and I didn't want to end up with something down the road, and I would have definitely had a surgery if needed. But I did not have it and I'd been lied to and the whole thing was more than a little fishy. Ew. Bad pun.

After that, I never had an abnormal PAP whenever I was tested at a non-Catholic clinic. My results were always NEGATIVE for any abnormalities, and I have never been positive for any kind of STD.

For the level of abnormality they supposedly "found" the protocol was surgery. It wasn't curable at that point. It would need to be removed. And yet, all results confirmed I never had it to begin with.

If I had had it, I would have concurrently tested POSITIVE on the HPV test, which was not a general test, and picked up dozens of strains, covering the gamut.

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