Thursday, November 13, 2008

Michelle Farr & Thomas Farr

I think I'll have to look into Michelle Farr and her connections. We already know the General Counsel for D.C. CPS is involved, but I'm curious about Farr, especially since I had a gentleman by the this last name come into my workplace right after I left a message for Hester when Hester was hospitalized. Michelle Farr could have picked up messages from me (where I stated my name) on behalf of Hester. Better description of the Farr who came into my workplace, is he was in his 50's I would guess, and he wore a suit and came in with a group of men in suits and button-down shirts. He was white and I believe his hair was graying. This group came in for lunch on a Friday.

So far, I've found a Larry Farr who is involved in Western Washington Catholic charities, in Washington state. Could be noteworthy, since Abbey attorney John Kaempf is on the Board for Catholic Charities, and Judge Warren's wife, the judge who did so many illegal things against me, was also a director of Catholic charities.

So I will be looking up other possibilities and connections, especially of Farrs in the D.C. area. Something could turn up.

At the National Catholic School Of Social Services (which receives funding from Catholic Charities), from The Catholic University in D.C., there is an employee (2007-2008) who is also has her M.S.W. (Masters of Social Work) and her name is Kathy Lipp-Farr.

There is a Thomas F. Farr who is involved in a number of military and religious organizations in D.C., who is Catholic.

I just looked up a photo of Thomas F. Farr and it looks like the same guy. I think I remember the glasses and just his FACE looks the same. The hair in these photos looks really white though, and I don't remember it being snowy white like Phil Donahues. I think this is the guy. In one of the photos I thought no, but then I saw another one, with a more animated expression and full face view, and thought, "Ohmigod, it's him."

I suppose someone could check his credit card transactions and see whether he paid for a lunch at my workplace.

What is really weird, is his profile. This guy is BIG news. And he KNEW who I was, I could tell, by the way he treated me. I just don't know if he's connected to Michelle Farr in any way...? Not sure yet. Might be no connection. Could be through marriage somehow, in the family...

Here's his political profile:

He had a recent lecture in D.C. about Catholicism and Foreign Policy, and was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Information services. Here's the link:

Here's a profile by Pew Forum:
Thomas F. Farr
Thomas F. Farr, an author and former U.S. diplomat, is vice chair of the board of directors for Christian Solidarity Worldwide–USA, an international NGO that promotes religious freedom for all people. This summer, Dr. Farr will assume the position of visiting professor of Religion and International Affairs at Georgetown University, and senior fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs. He is a contributing editor for The Review of Faith and International Affairs and serves on the expert committee for the Institute on Religion and Public Policy and the advisory committee of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Farr was the State Department’s first director of the Office of International Religious Freedom. After a career of 21 years in the Foreign Service he left to write on religious liberty and U.S. national interests. He has published articles on that subject in First Things and The Review of Faith and International Affairs and has testified before the House International Relations Committee on U.S. international religious freedom policy. Farr is also the author of "Dignitatis Humanae and Religious Freedom in American Foreign Policy – A Practitioner’s Perspective, " in After Forty Years: Vatican II's Diverse Legacy (Kenneth D. Whitehead, ed.). He is currently writing a book, World of Faith and Freedom: Why International Religious Liberty is Vital to American National Security (Oxford University Press).

A Ph.D. in history from the University of North Carolina, Dr. Farr served for seven years in the U.S. Army and has taught at both the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy. His early diplomatic career focused on strategic nuclear weapons policy, the Cold War and European politics, and his positions included deputy director for strategic arms control policy, State Department advisor to U.S.-Soviet arms control talks in Geneva, and senior intelligence analyst for NATO, Greece and Cyprus.

Dr. Farr is the recipient of the 2003 Jan Karski Wellspring of Freedom Award, presented by the Institute on Religion and Public Policy for contributions to international religious freedom. Farr is a Roman Catholic. He and his wife, Margaret, reside in Falls Church, Va. They have three daughters and six grandchildren.
MY NOTES: Something I found interesting was that he got his PhD from University of North Carolina and I found a contribution from a Mrs. Michelle Farr to CDS (child development services) in, I believe, North Carolina. Still do not know that there is any relation between Tom Farr and Michelle Farr.

Mention of Farr's work is made here (I'll include the link as well):

"But perhaps the most intriguing Catholic
inf luence came from the first director of the
State Department Office of International
Religious Freedom, Tom Farr, who served
from 1999 until his retirement in 2005.
A veteran State Department official and
Roman Catholic, Farr was committed
to the issue even before the legislation
passed. Drawing inspiration from Catholic
social teaching, Farr staffed the work
of Ambassadors Robert Seiple and John
Hanford. Part of his vision was to make
religious concerns “part of the wallpaper”
of Foggy Bottom,14 but along the way he
helped produce uncharacteristically eloquent
pleas from the “stodgy” State Department
to defend “God-given” religious freedom."

One more profile on Farr:

Biography - Thomas F. Farr

Thomas F. Farr

Dr. Farr has been Director of the Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF), as well as Deputy to the Ambassador at Large for IRF, since June 1999. During the vacancy in the Ambassador’s position from September 2000 through April 2002, Farr acted as the Department’s senior religious freedom official. He has traveled worldwide to promote U.S. IRF policy, and has headed the U.S. delegation to a United Nations conference on religious freedom and education in Madrid.

Dr. Farr draws on a background of diplomatic, military and academic experience. A Foreign Service Officer of 20 years, he holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of North Carolina. He has served in Bonn, where he was Deputy Chief of the Political-Military Section, and Geneva, where he was the State Department’s Advisor to the U.S. delegation in the U.S. – Soviet talks on missile defense. In Washington he has served as Deputy Director for Strategic Nuclear Policy (Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs), Senior Analyst for Greece, Cyprus and NATO (Bureau of Intelligence and Research), Desk Officer for both Cyprus and NATO, and Watch Officer in the Department’s Operations Center. His first tour of duty as a diplomat was in Athens, Greece.

Prior to entering the Foreign Service, Dr. Farr served in the United States Army for 7 years. His assignments included Adjutant General, U.S. Army Transportation Command Europe, as well as Chief of Officer Personnel. He has taught history as Assistant Professor at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, and international relations and political science as Assistant Professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs. While in the latter assignment he delivered a paper on “the Cyprus Problem” at the Denver School of Law, which was published in the journal Mediterranean Quarterly.

Farr is the recipient of four Superior Honor Awards and two Meritorious Service Awards from the Department of State, as well as a Meritorious Service Medal, two Army Commendation Medals and an Overseas Service Medal from the U.S. Army. A native of Augusta, Georgia, he is a Roman Catholic, is married and has three daughters.

Conclusion: This is the guy who came into my workplace that I wrote about earlier. I looked up his photo and it's him.

I am curious about a connection to Michelle Farr, who is the supervisor to social workers managing my CPS case in Washington D.C., because he came in right after I left a message with my name and concerns, on Hester's voicemail and others were picking up her messages for her because she was in the hospital. I believe I named my workplace in the message I left. So this is why I wondered about this guy.

It could be coincidence and the Farr's are not connected. If not, it is still noteworthy, that he appeared, to me, to know who I was when I didn't know him (which is why I even looked at his name on the credit card receipt in the first place). Interesting too, that he's been sponsored by Knights of Columbus.

Also noteworthy is the General Counsel guy for D.C. CPS, given the fact I had problems with my recording device after the meeting, which I wrote about.

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