Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Recent Phone, Computer Glitches

I didn't post right away because I was trying and all computers went down, saying they were not connecting to the server. Now, an hour or so later, it's back up, so I'm just checking. I need to get some coffee and then I'll write posts.

Also, yesterday I tried calling CPS in D.C. from my cell phone and at first I got the machine prompts, but I chose the wrong option so I called back and it just rang and rang forever, with no machine picking up. I retried 2 more times and same thing. Then I started writing it down and after I did, as I was sitting by my window, the next time I called it went to the machine as usual.

I am making note of this because I noticed problems with my cell phone connections only once before in D.C., a few weeks ago. I could find the exact date. I kept trying to call numbers and CPS as well as a few medical clinics, and I got the same thing, ringing, when sometimes it was machine, and I had a very bad echo feedback the whole time. This also happened in Washington state, the echo feedback. It happened quite a lot over there, where I would talk and hear my own echo on the phone. Sometimes the other end could hear it, sometimes not.

Probably just normal phone glitches, but making note.

Oh, also, a few weeks ago I kept getting dropped calls too. Where it would say I was out of range or something, but I wasn't and some of the time it worked. Or it would say wrong number or out of area when it wasn't. All of this happened on one particular day, in a particular timeframe.

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