Sunday, November 9, 2008

TTSOML #188: Description of Other Electronic Disturbances

The other things which began to happen, around Christmas, included telephone problems, and electrical objects melting.

PUD came out and put a surge thing on the house, after some of these things had already happened. Nothing noticeable occured after they put the surge detector on the house.

Prior to the detector though, lights flickered off and on or dulled for long periods of time, about the same time I was on the computer, and 2 different things melted while being plugged into the wall, on normal circuits.

The electrical wiring had already been tested and checked by PUD before I moved in and by the Labor & Industry people.

But the Nomi lights I bought for our Christmas tree melted--the plastic surrounding the candles began to melt and I took them back to Wal-Mart, and a space heater I had plugged in, in another bedroom, melted. I was lucky I was home when that happened because I smelled burning. It had been plugged in fine, and was on medium setting and wasn't in front of anything. But it was just melting, the actual plastic around all the other components melted. So I threw it out into the snow.

I had problems with my telephone. I would call for one organization and get a number for a psychology clinic. This literally happened. I believe I was calling the number for East Wenatchee Fred Meyer and instead I got the answering machine for the Columbia Valley Mental Health clinic. I double-checked the number I'd called and I had made no mistake.

This happened with other numbers as well and when I tried to report it to Verizon, I found out I was connected to a group in California which basically harassed me. I thought it was bizarre.

The other thing that happened, was that I had disturbances trying to connect with the Wenatchee courthouse, and kept getting rerouted to voicemail or to an answering service that said they were closed when they were not.

I also had telephone problems when I tried calling Molina. I actually have a tape of that as I decided to record what was going on, with being routed to offices claiming they were already closed when they were not. I spoke into the phone, "This is being recorded on _______, and is to document the fact I am not getting through to any offices which should be open" and right after I said this, into the phone, I finally connected to someone. But then I found out they were the main headquarters for Molina, not the smaller office I'd called direct.

Finally, this also happened with the HMO end of state healthcare, with the people who act as the mediate party between me and Molina. The woman I was trying to reach kept putting me on hold forever and to voicemail, and she was there, and then I can't remember, but something else weird was going on, and then when I called and got another service rep, I was told their offices were still open. I think I had someone tell me they'd closed early. So I called again, and found they were open and I'd been lied to. Then the woman who was lying told me they'd had an "electrical outage" and had to close early. I asked another customer rep about this and she told me I was being told they were closed LONG before any "electrical outage". I also am quite sure I recorded this interaction too.

Finally, the only other things that were happening, during this Christmas Break-New Years period, was that my son's battery operated toys began going off by themselves. All the time and in the middle of the night. At first I thought it was the cat, bumping into things or jumping around and setting things off, but then I watched and saw nothing else was causing this. It wasn't the cat, and the batteries were not old. It happened to two different toys: my son's riding train, and his Elmo tool station, and it would go off and sing songs and the characters would talk without anyone pressing the buttons.

I asked Panda about this, and he was incredulous. He said it was possible for someoen to mess with these things, but that they'd have to be sending out a pulse to pick up on the signals of the toys and trigger a reaction. He said for this to even HAPPEN, it had to be incredibly high levels of waves which were used. He said no one but someone with sophisticated technology would be able to do this. He said it took more energy to cause a battery operated toy to go off on it's own, then even hoping onto a desktop, because at least the desktop was plugged into an electrical source.

It was after all these things were happening, that my son was getting sicker and I was sick, and my son was writhing in pain from abdominal problems. He and I were both very weak, and not well.

But no one listened to me or believed me.

I'd already been defamed as mentally ill when I wasn't, so anyone could do whatever they wanted, and no one, at least not the right people, believed what I was saying.

My own family didn't know the extent of all the politics against me, and what had been done maliciously, and some of them actually attributed it to possibly "evil spirits". The only "evil spirits" that were involved were the ones which belonged to living bodies, for which only God gave them grace enough to be alive at all.

It is ironic when the evil prosper and the wicked do not fail. Numerous proverbs have been written about this irony, and I took comfort reading them and from the Psalms, David's plea's that the wicked be stopped.

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