Saturday, November 15, 2008

TTSOML #207: Russ Radi's Solution #1

Radi said he wanted to do something special for me and my son but he had to check with his supervisor first. When he came back, his expression had changed and he said his supervisor had nixed the idea because I was too old and didn't fit certain qualifications. I don't know exactly what the special idea ever was.

He had also been gone a long time.

Radi came to the table with a piece of paper. I hadn't been charged with anything--no crime or anything, and I'd done nothing wrong.

But Radi came to the table with a paper and told me to sign it. It was a paper agreeing to voluntarily go back to the U.S. Radi suddenly claimed I was there with "insufficient funds", and since I had no one supporting us or friends looking out for us, we were in violation of Canada's immigration laws. He asked me if I'd been diagnosed with a mental illness and I said no, and then he mentioned having "talked" to people in the U.S. He also said something about an alert being out. At some point he said the "authorities" or officials in the U.S. wanted us back. I asked WHICH authorities and he wouldn't say. I said how did he know there was an alert and he said it was on the database. The federal one, which is accessed by all states, the federal government, and probably Canada too.

So all of a sudden I knew. If there was an "alert" out in a CRIMINAL database, they probably tried to throw in a protective order, and I knew as soon as I crossed the border, someone was going to take my son away from me.

Radi said he was giving me and my son a chance to "leave together" and be able to stay together, and yet he knew that on the other end, they were going to take my son out of my arms.

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