Sunday, November 16, 2008

TTSOML #211: Arrested At Wal-Mart; Son Torn From Me

I was at the Wal-Mart in Penticton, walking around with my son, playing hide-and-seek, and killing time until the hotel owner was home. We had "friends" still, and this guy was a REAL "friend" and not an imposter.

I and my son would have had full provisions and been able to make our way, and eventually move on to Toronto.

We were not in violation of any Canadian laws. But as my son and I were enjoying ourselves at the store, I noticed we were being watched. It wasn't just one person either, it was several, and when the police officer picked us up and told me to get my things out of my car, I noticed a group of people walking by and smirking and laughing. There were people in Canada, who knew what was going to happen to us, and they were there to watch. Someone tipped them off as to where we would be.

So I'm in the store and an officer comes up and calls me by name and says I'm being arrested for violating "Immigration Law". I said I wasn't breaking any immigration laws. He said I was ordered to leave the country, and I told the officer that the situation had CHANGED and so I was therefore not violating the same law. I had found "friends" and I was still in possession of "other" friends. He said I could explain that to immigration.

There was a social worker with him. She told me my son had to go with her, but that she would be following behind my car and we were see eachother at the holding center. I told my son, "Don't worry honey, it's okay. Mama will see you in just 15 minutes (he knew how long that was, approximately, because I practiced giving him time approximations)."

I never saw my son again.

She lied to me, and I had made a promise to my son that I couldn't keep.

When I got to the holding center, she told me I couldn't see him and I said I knew he wasn't okay. She said he was fine and didn't cry and I told her I knew that wasn't the truth because I knew my own son. She then admitted he had cried but was "okay".

My son was not okay. He knew his mother never lied to him, and we were always together, and he was looking for me and waiting for me, and he never saw his mother again. Not for almost one month.

Do you know what this did to my son?

I will tell you.

My son refused to eat and couldn't sleep and screamed for me throughout the night for over two months. He lost seven pounds upon his removal from me and he's never been in the same growth and height percentage bracket since his removal from me, to DATE. Prior to his removal, he was in the 90th to 100th percentile. He dropped down drastically. My son was sick with fear, worry, and felt abandoned.

This is the fault of Washington state, and others involved, and Canada can also take a part in sharing responsibility.

Wenatchee CPS had zero grounds for removing my son and they traumatized my son in the worst possible way, for NOTHING except to "be right".

My son suffered needlessly, for MONTHS. My son still wants to be with his mother. CPS railroaded over everything, knowing they were liable for a civil rights lawsuit, and they knew if I had a private attorney, they would lose the contested sheltercare and fact finding as well. So they lied to my parents and family, hoping to convince them they were trying to "help" and that it was necessary.

None of it was necessary, and they can burn in Hell.

I pray to God that every single person involved, is punished by God himself, on this earth, in my lifetime. I pray that it is true what is said:

"Vengeance is mine," saith the Lord, "I will repay."

I pray that for once, I will see those responsible brought to their knees. And I pray for once, that I will not be alone when I get to see it happen, and that others will come forward to help make this happen.


Anonymous said...

This family is in Washington with alot of the same problems.

Mama said...

Wow. I just went to this site and it's amazing. I didn't know there was anyone out there, in Washington state, a SENATOR even, willing to stick up for families and expose corruption within DHSH and CPS.

I am really, really, proud of an elected official for once (glad about Obama too).

What's sad is that if Pam Roach still had her children and wasn't a Senator, and was writing such a blog, she would be in danger of being targeted.

When government or state workers are allowed to go after families because of "blogs" and free speech, and to provide their friends with, typically, more flexible memories and the inability to speak up for THEMSELVES and declare what they want, it's sad.

I really like the post about how CPS has no natural "predator". It's true. That organization has ZERO oversight.

My heart goes out to Lisa's family and to Lisa. One day Lisa will speak out herself about all of this. I completely identify and know about the lies CPS perpetuates. It's totally true and not an exaggeration. They say one thing and yet all of their actions point to the opposite--they lie to cover their intentions and work on separating families and covering their asses instead of admitting to error or really investigating to know what is in the best interests of a child.

A lot of the families who want to adopt are in better financial positions, and that's what CPS thinks is a "fit" family. Nevermind CPS NEVER goes after middle-class or upper income parents. I want CPS to give me ONE example. And statistically, true abuse and neglect knows no class barrier. It crosses into every strata and race.

The families who are victimized without cause are the ones who are either poor or who have angered the friends of CPS, so they retaliate by going after the kids. And note how often they go after young parents too.

CPS attacks the vulnerable, and those they believe are the least likely to be able to fight back with a good defense.