Sunday, July 11, 2010

FBI Officer Refuses To Frame Innocent Man

I got some mail from people saying thank you for what I posted about Tony Alamo.

What's funny, is that I mention how I seem to have a lot more shit happen to me than most, and computer issues, and then I've got this woman "Jean" from Alexandria, VA wanting (I think) for me to isolate issues with just medical professionals and not anyone else or any other group, like religious ones or FBI or something that started in Oregon before things traveled here. State to state harassment is another reason I left for Canada.

But I did read about Tony Alamo last night and that he's in jail in Tuscon, AZ and then the first ad I kept getting was for the Tuscon car (can't remember the maker). I didn't type in Tuscon anywhere, I just read on the one wiki page that this is where he's jailed and then I started getting all these "is this your style of car?" ads and they were all for the Tuscon car.

But yes, I am reticent to think he did this, and NOT because I am dismissive of sex complaints. The reason I have a lot of suspicion is because of what was done to him in the past and the fact that there HAVE been former FBI officers and others who have been willing to stand up and say this man has been targeted without a break.

He has been harassed and persecuted and went to jail for 4 years for a tax evasion they never committed, and they had no jury trial. It was just IRS court.

He made enemies because he was doing well with this denim business (I guess that's why I got 'Jean' from the National Center for Missing Children) and because he spoke up about some groups that are powerful.

People do terrible things all the time, with kids, and they do not get 175 years in jail. Of course, only a vindictive party could come up with that.

Again, if someone abuses kids, they should get full penalties but for some reason, most people get very light treatment, including Catholic priests, but Tony Alamo gets 175 years. I would not be willing to say he did NOT do this unless I looked at more facts and testimony, however, everything that has happened with him by the govt. is very odd.

The other thing I read, is that those who were willing to "testify" against him, each got something like $500,000 in compensation for victims. Since when do victims get compensated that much to bring claims against someone? Even $50,000 seems like a lot if you're just wanting to do the "right thing".

Getting this much money could be an incentive for some to lie. They didn't even have to file for civil suit and just got paid right away, right after they testified.

If Tony Alamo had just been charged and convicted of the sex abuse, I would not think twice. I would believe he did it, absolutely. But because I read the phony tax evasion thing leveled against him and how other government workers were willing to say the man was being framed and targeted, I knew not to believe everything I read.

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