Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Government Worker Alvaro Pardo

I just tried to leave a message with the U.S. Attorney Generals office and as soon as I mentioned my involvement with Steve Blum with CIA, federal contractors, and Alvaro Pardo, who also works for the U.S., my message was deleted. I got the response, "We're sorry, your message has been deleted."

Alvaro Pardo works for the United States of America and he fucking was part of a group that tried to set me up to go to federal jail.

Steve Blum works with the federal communications department and contracts with the CIA, not FBI, the CIA, for communications work, and the laptop I received was given to me thanks to the CIA.

If Alvaro Pardo works for anyone else, he works both sides of the fence.

I was illegally put on birth control for the entire time that I was with him and this wore off after he left and went back to Maryland. The U.S. has knowledge of this and allowed this to happen.

No one except Alvaro and some other people, knew I was going to the courthouse on the day I said I was goig there and Alvaro wouldn't have asked that many specific questions about where I was going that morning and at what time, if he wasn't involved.

He claimed to be poor and then one day after having me think he's working at a stand up car wash, I saw him pulling out in a fucking foreign sportscar. If it wasn't him, it looked just like him.

I tried to leave a second message with the federal mailboxes and it was recording until the minute I said, "Alvaro..." and then it cut me off and I got, "If you are finished with your message, please press send."

Alvaro may be in with some other group that does other things, perhaps and I wouldn't know, but I do know that he passed info to the U.S. I also know that everytime I broke up with him it was a Jewish crew who came around.

Today, there were two Muslim women sitting in the state offices with head coverings, I guess there for the "grand finale" of my time with my son.

There were people from England and UK who were involved as well. They thought I was getting too close to something. Oh just guess.

When I was in the courthouse on the day I signed papers, I went upstairs to get legal advice and it was a Jewish guy that was nervously following me around. He wanted to know where I was going, and why? I have no idea.

I had people assault me and try to poison me and the U.S. did nothing. They allowed it to happen.

There were also Russians in the periphery but if anything was about them, the U.S. was all over my ass to just try to dig for information I didn't, and never, had.

An "international crisis" occured when I first didn't end up with time in a federal prison, and then secondly, didn't end up marrying Alvaro.

So I lose my son because of this.

I think people here think they know all about my life and what was going on and they don't know Jack. And while some of you assholes do what you've done and keep it up, you don't know that someone is reporting and watching your every fucking move. I'm supposed to let myself and my son be sacrified so I can continue to be a CIA/Pentagon/U.S.A. guinea pig.

The only reason I had the State of Washington willing to do a long I.Q. test and psychological and other things is because for awhile someone wanted me for other reasons, so it was going to be set up to have me "evaluated" and then a part of something and my son was going to be returned as part of an exchange.

As soon as someone decided they didn't want me anymore, they let the Washington people know, who then dropped down my psychological evaluation from 16 hours to 3 hours and stiffed me on everything else so they could retaliate against me, punish me, and keep me in a poor position to do anything at all.

The U.S. has allowed people to harm my son and known all along what was happening, and they have been a part of it too.

Anytime I backed out on Alvaro, I had several Jewish guys telling me they couldn't help me anymore. Basically letting me know they were happy I was in a bind.

If I can't even leave a fucking message for the Attorney General's office without being cut off or having my message "deleted" or whatever, then probably, I don't know. Maybe I should put it in writing. Because then I CAN take ALL of this to an international forum where it might not be much better actually because some internationals are pissed at me too.

What I know is that my son has suffered and been left to a bunch of LOSERS in Wenatchee, Washington.

The law enforcment here backs up only their chosen team and doesn't provide any kind of normal support and then all I ever hear from anyone is that I am supposed to do "something else" and not have my life revolve around my son, when this is MY son. I know for sure I am not doing anything for the U.S. and I will bring down every single one of their fuckers if they do not find a way to get involved and remedy this situation.

I do not need to deal with small town BULLSHIT when the FBI should have been investigating collusion and obstruction of justice, as it has affected me across state lines, for a long time.

Oh, and guess what assholes...I'm due for some migraines and where are they?

I guess you don't know what to do anymore, now that you're totally fucked as to the whereabouts of my cycle. What do you ldo now, and what should the timing of my migraines be, when you can't even fucking confirm when the hell I'm having my period?

I have other assholes bringing up "menopause" again and I am not in menopause or anywhere near. I've had people trying to medicate me on more than one occasion and then claim it "works" and that if I'm not medicated I have "issues".

Like the whole East Coast set up.

Over here, I had Chris Rozollo happy when he thought I was going to go to jail for a failure to appear when I was being poisoned all over Seattle and Bainbridge Island.

I'd like to know why I had a federal personnel in the same grocery store he knew I was going to ahead of time, unless he didn't already know that I had some shitty Anti-harassment order out on me.

I was served by police with an Anti-Harassment order when I was TOLD the whole court date was going to be changed because I filed for a new Judge. I said, "Will this be a new court date then?" and I wlready this means it is and they told me YES, and then tried to sneak it in.

The officers that came out didn't do a thing about the vandalism report I made which affects my ability to get my belongings.

I just looked at this whole Order and it's not even constitutional. It says, I am "prohibited from writing offensive material about petitioner on her blog."

That makes the whole Justice System here seem reeeaaaaallly smart. Like they cracked law books all the time they did, to lnd in this town to hand out stupid ass orders like that, which are not even constitutional on a state or federal level.

She also fucking tried to "ban" me from a public state office.

Michelle Erickson is a compulsive liar and a bitch. Sue me. No, better yet, arrest me Your Honor. Hold me in contempt of court for violating your idiotic ruling. The very ruling is a violation of the basics of free speech.

It's kinda like, oh hey! Dick Whittemore wanting to pay me off for $40,000 if I promise not to say "anything offensive" about him or his clients.

I wonder which church Alicia goes to. Let me guess. Catholic. This is basically turning into a major hate offense issue on prejudice against me for religious reasons.

Alicia wrote, "Respondent is prohibited from making any threats or derogatory commnts about the petitioner on her public blog site."

I have never made threats to Michelle and if I want to write derogatory comments, when at least I've been telling the truth when Michelle is lying in a way that affects my CHILD, there is an issue.

This doesn't look like a Nakata last name though, but the first part looks like "Alicia" so I have no clue which judge even did this. Did Nakata get remarried or is this a totally different judge? I'll have to find out I guess.

Then again, if I'm wrong about my Ex, Alvaro, then it would be because Chris Dabney was the one involved in trying to set me up, and he is intimately connected to the Jewish community. He is also connected to another group.

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